Reviews for Wanderings
Ralina chapter 14 . 7/12
I like the chapter and the little mystery about his wife, that you now solved. Well done!
Ralina chapter 7 . 7/12
I love it that he is sending her books!
Ralina chapter 6 . 7/12
I enjoy this story very much! It is written so well!
Ralina chapter 4 . 7/12
She does not remember. Oh my...
Kuwpp chapter 21 . 6/13
After my last review on chapter 7, I was curious to see how Jane's character will play out. The author did not disappoint. I truly enjoyed her work. Thank you for sharing:)
Kuwpp chapter 7 . 6/13
RUDE! So far I have been enjoying this story very much, but how ungrateful is Jane!? I can understand if she doesn't want anything to do with Mr. Rochester, but considering he's your only source for food, clothing, shelter, aid, books, peace etc., I would think Jane would have sent Mr. Rochester one single note within those 4 months to at least say two words, thank you. I guess I'm so thrown off by this side of Jane, my compassion is starting to slip. I'm curious to see how things go from here:)
sari18 chapter 1 . 9/17/2018
I enjoy your love story. It is so romantic and more amusing tenderly between Jane and Edward. Keep writing. Thank you.
ArtemisBare chapter 21 . 12/3/2016
Glad to hear had no need of that Pancreas. Nice little read and bravo sticking with the admittedly difficult language
rach13975 chapter 21 . 5/15/2015
Awwww loved this story brilliant stuff although I did scream noooooooooo when Edward was attacked lol lol
todokichan chapter 1 . 9/28/2014
seriously amazing stuff. Your writing is so sophisticated, so like the way the book is written. To be honest, When i get to the point in the book when she runs away, i put it down and come read this first haha because this is A WAY BETTER ENDING. Im very impressed by your writing. :)
SarRansom chapter 21 . 3/8/2014
This was a wonderful alternative telling of Jane and Rochester's story. Thank you for sharing it with us all.
FIRE ELF MAIDEN chapter 21 . 2/22/2014
very well done I enjoyed this very much.
K. Harris chapter 21 . 12/31/2013
VERY good voice! I was constantly surprised by the convincing word choice and style you used. Well, done! I struggled a bit in keeping full interest, it got a bit side-tracked in there... but then again, the book is similar. The plot was entertaining, and I very much enjoyed the passionate arguments between Jane and Rochester :)
nina chapter 21 . 9/19/2013
Wow amazing was so absorbed! Please write more!
niftynoshing chapter 21 . 1/15/2013
Wonderful story! Simply wonderful!
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