Reviews for The Trouble with Crash Landings
Iuvsbruce chapter 3 . 2/3/2019
I just finished watching this episode on Amazon prime. This story fit it perfectly. With how hard he hit the planet it really didn't make sense that he wasn't more banged up. I'm SO grateful for your imagination! Thank you for this awesome story!
head.chantal chapter 1 . 11/19/2018
Love John and Rodney's comment about John trying to break a record - probably the one set by Daniel. Trust him to wind up in the path of a flying marine.
parmakai66 chapter 3 . 1/10/2017
I I dug back into your story history and found this tonight. it was really good. A different side of Sheppard that most stories aren't telling. I'd like to see all the different aspects of Sheppard.
Skye Graham chapter 3 . 3/7/2011
Again another good story. And no torture! Yay! Thanks for a good unusual whump and the happy ending!
bria67 chapter 3 . 7/24/2010
Excellent story! It was a great tag to that episode. My favorite part was the last chapter; the team and Elizabeth worrying about John was written nicely and it was very touching that Rodney didn't want to leave the waiting area in the infirmary, not even for coffee.
Potterworm chapter 3 . 6/27/2009
Good story. I liked this one. Rodney was particularly entertaining and in character. You really captured his nuances and mannerisms.
donttouch chapter 3 . 4/7/2008
ahha, poor Sheppy, and yayy Sheppy, because he's going to get his ass kicked by Teyla, and he's all right again :D
donttouch chapter 2 . 4/7/2008
:( Sheppy's injured :( And the team are worrying :(
donttouch chapter 1 . 4/7/2008
Haha, figures Ronon was having fun P Poor Sheppy's in pain. I'll heal him. I'm serious, send him to me and I will heal him :D
sb4ever chapter 3 . 3/22/2008
Great job! Loved this one, too!
JovianJeff chapter 3 . 10/26/2007
This was fantastic! A great story of real consequences with a team coming together twist. Thank you for writing this!
janib chapter 3 . 10/13/2007
Just found you as an author. This is the second story from your repetoire. Love your writing, the description means that you can see it all happening as it flows off of the screen. Now off to find some more.
Kristen999 chapter 3 . 4/2/2007
I just wanted you to know this if my favorite story that you have written. There is just something about it...the overall feel is very realistic. There is no stenching of medical facts (which can be fine of course)or outlandish actions. It's logical and reasonable story about how a simple injury could develop unchecked. No melodrama and and everything felt like an episode to me. Each character's was voice spot on and it was cool to see everyone's daily routine not involved in a mission..of course its a result of said accident.

I really dug seeing Ronon and John hang out and the big guy's near guilt over what happened. Rodney worry was awesome as well was his internal struggle over being close friends with someone who will often scare him with these types of life and death events.

The scene where everyone on the Team agreed that John is who he is...and that accepting that they might loose him is worth the cost. The hallway scene with him collapsing was very realistic and intense and one of my favorite parts. Just an overall well written story that I have long been over due in giving you feedback on.
Kodiak Bear Country chapter 3 . 2/18/2007
LOL, some times dwelling isn't a good thing, and this was perfect! I loved getting a taste of the whump we should've gotten. I have whump-withdrawal-bitterness issues, and this helps me not be so honery toward TPTB.
Delka chapter 3 . 2/6/2007
(geez not getting caught up with my reading and I miss this for a few days-darn too!)

Have yet to see the episode yet but not really spoiled from reading this. Another excellent story. Detailed medical info well put. Makes me think I might actually be learning something from reading it.

And the angst-very nice. A few top notch phrases but I forget them now.

And other stories to write? Please? Any characters in particular? (just HAD to ask)

Thank you!
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