Reviews for When the Stars Smile
Ruiniel chapter 1 . 1/16
Brilliant! I was smiling throughout. It's not often I read such a light and endearing take on the sons of Feanor. And I must say your first person Caranthir is great. I think you envisioned his character perfectly, even for a humor piece such as this. This line has always fascinated me in their grim fate but it's somehow healing to think these dark destinies have been... just a family, once. I liked how you subtly ended with the two friends finding each other again after their disappointing experiences. Thank you for these stories.
CrackinAndProudOfIt chapter 1 . 12/7/2011
This story is simply brilliant! I've read it countless times, yet it never fails to crack me up! That hilarious line: "The stars would smile upon that meeting, I am sure." gets me every time! :D I love this fic!

Anomino chapter 1 . 4/6/2010
Brilliant, witty, and hilarious! Love the dripping sarcasm contained within. I wish there was another chapter (or more)!
Phoenix and Lace chapter 1 . 10/19/2009
Only the fifth review? Something is seriously wrong...

This is by far one of the most entertaining and delightful stories I've read so far! (I think I sent this to Phoenix, not sure if she's read it yet, just to be on the safe side I (Lace) am reviewing this on behalf of the two of us)

You never really get a chance to see Caranthir as anything but snappish and a considerably dark person. I feel he is a much deeper individual with reasons and opinions that are based on his knowledge of the world around him. He was never too fond of dwarves despite the fact he traded with them, he looked kindly upon men by offering Haleth and her people the elves' protection and even took the trecherous sons of Ulfang into his service. There's something that makes this character tick that is both confusing and indeed hard to understand. What I love about the Caranthir in your story is that you've essentially cleared the smoke (if that's a good description) and made him a much more "connectable" character. (I'm not even sure if that's a word, but I think you get my meaning) You're able to see that yes, beneath that haughty and conceeded demeanor he is a bit insecure and can be quite humorous!

Another thing that I love is that you're able to see the brotherly affection (and hatred) that plays between each of the sons of Fëanor. It's not hard at all for me to picture them going, "You shut up!" "No, YOU shut up!" "You shut up!" "You shut up!" "ADAR!" similar, childish things that my sisters and I would do to each other when we were younger. There are just far too many good things about this story that is indeed admirable!
Araloth the Random chapter 1 . 7/29/2009
LOL! That was incredibly funny! Caranthir's so sarcastic - /The stars would smile upon that meeting, I am sure./ I love it! (So does my younger sister, for that matter - she cackled all the way through it!)

~Araloth the Random
Lady MSM chapter 1 . 4/2/2008
I can't get over how much I love this story. It rocks. Caranthir's so FUNNY!
Elfique chapter 1 . 6/13/2007
very nicely done. a humorous silm romance that doesnt reduce the characters to teenmovie idiots and is also realistic in feeling and emotion as well as appropriately funny in the right places. I'll be keeping an eye on this
Ellynn chapter 1 . 2/3/2007
LOL! This is great! This is so crazy and perfect! I love so much the humor in this story. :)

There were so many details made me laugh, but I simply must mention this one:

I keep “bumping” the rose whenever I pass, successfully knocking it to the floor on a few occasions, but it appears that Findaráto has a talent for both the sturdy and the delicate, and the forsaken thing refuses to break.

I couldn't stop laughing at this! :) "the forsaken thing refuses to break"... LOL!

Aww, Carnistir and Taryinde are such a perfect couple. :)

Great story! :)