Reviews for 10 Days of Valentines
yamiXyugi-setoXjou-4ever chapter 11 . 4/7/2012
woooo _ the only chapter i didnt read was the NejiShika one coz i just cant see neji being with anyone other than gaara and i just love shika with kiba too much _
Hyperchild chapter 4 . 4/19/2007
They are so cute together _
saari chapter 11 . 2/15/2007
haha that card is so my favorite
Pandora Markku chapter 11 . 2/14/2007
how sweet!

now i really wana see naruto crouched on top of a store shelf...

this last card was definitely the best.
Pandora Markku chapter 10 . 2/14/2007
aww... that was cute!

it made me feel so much

it almost takes away the sting of having to suddenly get a picture taken...

i think the woman who took my picture thought she was gonna die...
saari chapter 9 . 2/12/2007
yay! depression

i might just cry now...
Pandora Markku chapter 9 . 2/12/2007
you coulda made somethin funny with this...

but no

you had to go be all emo and make tsunade all

angst-ridden and stuff...

at least the next ones will be happy...
saari chapter 8 . 2/11/2007
omg! im gonna cry

that card was so sappily cute
Kagerou-chan chapter 4 . 2/11/2007
YES! I LOVE this pairing! (holds up sign saying 'KakaIru forever') So that's where kakashi is when he's supposed to be training his students... xD
Kagerou-chan chapter 2 . 2/11/2007
That was so amusing! Ha! Neji is a little OOC, i think, but it makes the story more interesting... and i can totally see gaara doing that!
Pandora Markku chapter 8 . 2/11/2007

that was so sweet and fluffy and adorable!

i feel so Happy and Youthful and full of Vigor!

or at least happy...

nice job ari
saari chapter 7 . 2/11/2007
ah! im sorry im doing this a day late

ive been away from computers! *tear*

this one isnt bad!

i like how you pointed out their differences through their kisses and showed that it didnt matter how differnt they are

it worked out very nicely
Pandora Markku chapter 7 . 2/11/2007
fuck fuck fuck

i totally forgot that this was being updated...

im so late...

i think you forgot about shino's giant ass collar which

i think

would inhibit making out...

but it was cute!
saari chapter 6 . 2/9/2007
aw..yay fluffiness!

that one made me happy should do one for what happened before they went to sleep *grins* *dont hit me!*
Pandora Markku chapter 6 . 2/9/2007
this is such a cute pairing!

you spelled sync wrong though!

and there could have been a few more commas...

but this is my fave so far!
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