Reviews for Never Let Go
Yuffie's Ninja Insanity chapter 1 . 10/25/2016
Ah my god! Your stories are bomb!
xytera chapter 1 . 12/14/2012
Aw, it's so fluffy! Gaara was a little OOC. I wasn't expecting him to cry, but I suppose he has been through a lot, so he does deserve a chance to let out his emotions and insecurities. His innocent kiss was very cute, and his confusion towards Naruto's reaction was absolutely adorable! Nice ending as well.
AkizukiSakura chapter 1 . 3/19/2012
Why is everything you write so effing cuuuute? T.T

I 3 this story. I really, really do.
kspadawan chapter 1 . 12/31/2011
Ahh! The cuteness nearly killed me. Loved it!
Battenburg507 chapter 1 . 8/1/2011
I know what you mean about the typos, I had that problem with mine, too -

Oh. My. Days. I couldn't love this more if I tried! I have read literally hundreds of stories for this pairing, and this is easily one of THE MOST touching :) Plus, needy Gaara is just SO cute! -

Massive thumbs up, and five phat gold stars from me :D Thank You!
Venus914 chapter 1 . 4/5/2011
Aw...sweet. ) Thank you for this story. )
wakawaka22 chapter 1 . 12/31/2010
TigrezzTail chapter 1 . 6/6/2010
Very beautiful...
anon chapter 1 . 1/11/2010
beautiful! The development of trust was masterful. I love how precisely you show them each fearing they were overstepping the bounds, when in fact the other wanted them closer. The moment when gaara almost wanted naruto to leave, because the fear of being weak was so great: that is a crucial moment for many relationships, and you captured it so perfectly. One wonderful thing about fiction is that it can exaggerate so dramatically. I mean, to fear falling asleep because it previously always meant you'd kill someone (which caused your utter isolation in the first place)...that ups the ante quite a bit over regular life. But you write so well that I can relate to gaara and naruto both. I've never been alone and unloved, yet the vulnerability I feel in new closeness FEELS like I have. Your genius here (among other writing skills) is to use these extreme characters to more clearly portray the pains and urgencies of everyday life.

Sorry, no critique :)

Or actually, I should find something I guess... you have a few repetitions (used "obvious" and "obviously in the same sentence), but that's just editing. And I was at times slightly worried you'd slip into sappiness or romantic over-indulgence. YOu never did! But the fact that my radar was on might mean you should watch for it.

Thanks for sharing yourself with us! I sure hope you keep writing naruto.
LivingToLove chapter 1 . 11/16/2009
*Squees I loved the part when Naruto was touching his face and when Gaara kissed him. Too cute for words!
xoxInnerHollowxox chapter 1 . 8/19/2009
This was so good..!

I loved it, it was so well written [

Im adding this to my favorites..!

Well done, keep up the good work.
XXbeautifullyXXbrokenXXheart chapter 1 . 7/30/2009

Psycho Lullaby chapter 1 . 6/27/2008
That was very sweet. I love Naruto comforting and caring for Gaara. It makes me so happy to see him loved.
darling luna chapter 1 . 4/21/2008
wow. i actually cried. that was really touching
Tainted-reflection-126 chapter 1 . 4/18/2008

This was so pretty... it was just precious.

Great job! I loved how you captured Gaara's helplessness at realizing his powers have diminished after Shukaku's extraction.

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