Reviews for Legacy
bookworm0492 chapter 6 . 6/17/2007
This is deffinetly one of the more interesting crossovers. I have a specific taste when it comes to crossovers, I only read the most interesting and out there fics. Exotics, if you will. Kind've like good wine...but anyway, lets just say ive developed a taste for this story, and I rather look forward to seeing more of it develope. in other words I LIKE it. LOL. But yeah, update when ya can mmkay?
Honor chapter 6 . 6/1/2007
I like this. Am I right in guessing that Lucrecia might be shortened to Lucy?
Le Pecore Nere chapter 6 . 5/27/2007
Pretty spiffy, I don't think I've ever seen a fic/crossover of this caliber/kind. I'm intrested to see where it will take us readers, update soon :D
Aimme chapter 6 . 5/27/2007
*sighs* This is great! I so hope for more soon! I love this story!
Peanuckle chapter 5 . 4/3/2007
So whats the state of Narnia? Is the witch still messing around? Is Avalanche gonna get to fight minotaurs? Enough filler, lets get some action! Good story too.
WolvenTerror chapter 1 . 4/2/2007
I love you story! Very unique! I'm wondering... is Zack going to appear in this story? Please update soon!
Aimme chapter 5 . 3/30/2007

That's all thanks for listening.

0-0-K-K-I-T-T-Y-0-0 chapter 5 . 3/29/2007
YAY!aslan is in crossover!
Aimme chapter 4 . 3/28/2007
*grin* Quick updates! High five this was great despite it's shortness. Soo...where could Vincent be, I wonder? Glad they are going! He probably will need support!

London Winchester chapter 3 . 3/25/2007
GREAT STORY! Such an unexpected crossover but it works for me! Can't wait to see what happens next, update soon :D
someone chapter 3 . 3/25/2007
poor cloud how much pain can he stand?
Aimme chapter 3 . 3/25/2007
Well, it wasn't as funny as the first two chapters, but it was good still. And I would like to see where this is going, and why they want him to bring Zack's sword.

More soon?

Kazaam chapter 3 . 3/25/2007
Very interesting! And well written, too.

Now I'm really looking forward to what happens next. Keep up the great work!

Zoe chapter 2 . 2/17/2007
Very much looking forward to more of this.
Aimme chapter 2 . 2/16/2007
OMG! ROTFLMAO! I can't wait for you to post more! I will ENJOY this fic! And be looking forward to more soon!

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