Reviews for Divine Madness
Guest chapter 61 . 3/9
This was really nice. Cozy. I like seeing them happy together. Thank you for writing it.
princes.rcorn chapter 61 . 1/8
. MORE. lol I love this story, I come back to it a couple of times of year to re-read it when I am in need of happy mojo. Gosh, I hope you come back to it some day. I know that I'm not alone in hoping for more. Hope this new year finds you well and happy.
Guest chapter 61 . 12/10/2019
It's sad you never finished this it's good
BarbW2525 chapter 61 . 11/22/2019
Great story. Too bad you didn't finish it. You left it at a very abrupt spot. I realize there were 7 years from the start to the update on 2014. Hopefully you will finish it before 2021. You are leaving too many loose ends. Great story so far.
Guest chapter 61 . 9/7/2019
Loved your writing! ️️
Guest chapter 61 . 9/3/2019
This is a fantastic story; you’re so talented and I love they way you have portrayed Stephanie and Ranger’s relationship. It’s too bad it isn’t finished. It’s always sad to see an author put so much time and effort into a story only to leave it abandoned. I hope you come back one day and compete it.
Magic of Twilight chapter 61 . 8/17/2019
I know that it has been several years since you updated but I really hope that you plan on continuing with this story!
Jose S chapter 61 . 6/23/2019
Wow, I just found this story and wouldn't have started it if it wasn't completr. I really like the story but it is such a shame that you haven't finished it. We need Christmas with his family, the library dinner and dance and if course the retirement donner. There was 7 years between the start and 2014, so I hope we don't have to wait another 7 years for you to complete it. Please come back and finish this wonderful story. This is such an abrupt place to stop it.
Babefan chapter 61 . 6/23/2019
Please post more chapters x
katharos.alyssa chapter 61 . 4/19/2019
It has been five years, but you could still wrap this up for us! Plssssss
frisco21 chapter 59 . 4/11/2019
I do hope you come back to this wonderful story. I love getting lost in the world you created for my very favorite characters. So much fun and I adore their love story. Please, please, please come back to it.
Guest chapter 61 . 1/30/2019
Hope you will update and finish this story some day. I'd love to see what the retirement ceremony would look like, Xmas with the families and whether this would end with something more permanent. Nice story. No great drama yet it was entertaining. I loved Steph's developing friendships with all the guys, the way she went out of her way to learn Spanish (I was impressed with the speed she was able to become conversational) and just how healthy all her relationships were with all the characters. It's not easy to write something with heart driving the story rather than events. Great job.
ReaderKas chapter 61 . 1/5/2019
Hello! This wonderful story needs more. What happens at the hotel? Where do they end up eating? The plan was to go out since they ate in the previous night. What do they do the next day? How does the retirement ceremony and party go? What is Christmas Eve like with the Manosos and Christmas Day with the Plums? What happens on New Year's Eve? Steph and Ranger are growing so close, does this lead to more commitment? Wha happens at the library fund raiser? Does Lester hit it off with Steph's friend? How did Tank and Lula's weekend at his house go? What is going on with the rest of the Merry Men? Does Steph and Hector continue with the language lessons or does Ranger pick up where they left off? So many questions yet to be explored and answered. You have an amazing gift. Your writing draws people into the stories you create. Please try to return to this story and continue it to the end. It deserves it! Thank you for all the hard work and time you devoted to this story and your others stories. I look forward to more of your work in the future.
samiam24 chapter 61 . 1/2/2019
I just found this story, and it's amazing. I know it's been years since you've updated, but I'm going to hold out hope that you'll be able to finish it one day.
snazzieshazzie chapter 61 . 12/11/2018
Oh please please please finish this.
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