Reviews for Now It's My Turn
Ayla chapter 1 . 3/21
I love the writing in this, and how it's simple yet gets the message across really effectively. Well done! It's amazing!
Lils chapter 1 . 2/15/2007
That was sweet. Very well written. Good job. The only part I thought was a little awkward was when Peter said Jason couldn't go to school that day. But since they go to a boarding school, they're kind of always at school. Maybe it could say class or something. I'm just trying to be helpful. Keep up the good work!
hedwigmail chapter 1 . 2/15/2007
Aw! It was so cute... Just adorable... Sick Jason is just as adorable and Peter is all the time. And the soup feeding thing... Too cute.

It's Meg, btw... ;)