Reviews for Malice
Lost in the Shadow chapter 1 . 9/16/2007
I like this one. New side of Kite for me... Never seen anyone who wrote him angsty.

Danse Macabre... hilarious.
Saskie chapter 1 . 6/6/2007
_ . It was kind of confusing. But I understood your intentions and that was good. Poor Kite...
Dawn Gazer chapter 1 . 4/10/2007
I think you did rather beautifuly on descibing what Kite may or may not have felt.

Excelent job, I look forward to whatever else you may write!
Midnight Shard chapter 1 . 3/3/2007
loved it, loved it, love it!
Alex Warlorn chapter 1 . 3/3/2007
If her Hero felt this way about her, I almost can't blame Aura for erasing herself. Being depended by everyone, yet not being cared -about- by anyone, thus is the fate of a deity I guess, no one thinks about you when you do your job right.

Shugo actually met Aura BEFORE Kite did, she just gave him his character.

Heh. I agree that CC Corp's patch job seriously bastardized the original style of The World.

Still... "Are you going to delete me again?" Lyoris' data was reincarnated into Zeifie, I wonder if the AIDA is Aura trying to return to the world.
dark drow chapter 1 . 2/22/2007
wow...i have to say thats really cool gives the reader a sort of insight to the transformation of kite to tri-edge, very creative please continue to write when you get the chance its really good a
L chapter 1 . 2/22/2007
A fascinating look into Kite's character. I look forward to more stories
Tiger5913 chapter 1 . 2/18/2007
Wow, this is definitely a different Kite, but it works pretty well. I liked the way you portrayed him, although of course, I imagine he's quite a few years older than he was in the series (he was too damn nice in the series). And I loved the little hint there with Kite and BlackRose. And I agre, that IS rather creepy, isn't it, for Shugo and Rena to have those avatars? *shudder* Anyway, please write more fics. :)
YinYangWhiteTiger chapter 1 . 2/18/2007
U want Kite's story to continue and I wamnt the GU teamm TOO! Pleadse continue!
Twilight Memories chapter 1 . 2/18/2007
Ooh~Very emotional read. I could see how all of these things would get onto Kite. Poor guy. :/ The style you used is really interesting, though some bits kind of confused me. But it was very well done. I wish Aura didn't have to leave. D: Her daughter was really cute, too. w
Miko102 chapter 1 . 2/18/2007
It is indeed an interesting one-shot with a darker and somewhat seeming like a twisted version of the once helpful and care-free Kite. I really like it.

Keep on writing! I'll be looking forward to them.
Kyosuke-kun chapter 1 . 2/17/2007
It's not half bad! Your depiction of this older Kite is quite interesting.

Just one correction: as stated by .hack/ZERO novel the one closest to Aura is Tsukasa. It says that Tsukasa is Aura's "core", that he is the one who put "feelings" into her.

I think that's the reason she appears before Tsukasa and Subaru in Unison, and it's clear only those two can see her up there.
Megaolix chapter 1 . 2/17/2007
...Well, you got guts for writing and posting this. Be careful of Aura's fans now. I am one, but I won't slaughter you for writing this.

Well... this fic is a little freaky. I don'T know how did that idea got in your head, but it was an interesting idea.

I hope to never see a fic like this again, but it was still an interesting idea that kept me intrigued.

So, it isn't bad at all... But I think I'm too shocked to say it was great either.

...Great. I'm confused now.