Reviews for Breaking Point
MoonLitReader chapter 24 . 4/23/2015
Omg I loved this so much! Is this it or is there more?
Well chapter 1 . 4/9/2015
There's a reason this has only gotten 33 reviews in 8 years ... That's all I'm sayin on the subject
amyh52 chapter 24 . 11/23/2014
Great, just great.
Bannerific chapter 23 . 6/20/2013
Every now and then I get a craving for a good BJ/Hawkeye story, and I always find myself coming back to this one. I first reviewed it back in 2009; I'd like to think I've changed since then, but this story certainly hasn't. And I just can't resist the urge to write again and tell you how much I love this story.

At any given moment, your brilliant way with words can have me choking back sobs, shaking with laughter, or squirming uncomfortably. Sometimes all three at once. Every scene is vividly painted in my mind's eye, and I can hear every line of dialogue in the character's voice. Never once do I doubt for a second that these situations could happen with these characters as they exist in the canon. Though BJ never experienced anything quite this traumatic in the show, the reactions you've written for him fit perfectly with my image of him. Your portrayal of Charles is completely appropriate and just awesome. About 86% the time I want to hit him with a brick, and the rest of the time I just want to squeeze him.

Another thing I like about your dialogue: in a lot of fics I've read, certain characters start to sound sort of... cheesy; Colonel Potter will get too many "mule fritters" and "horse hockeys", and Radar gets to sounding rather "gee gosh golly" wide-eyed-schoolboy. That sort of thing. But you've struck a balance that reminds me fondly of the idiosyncrasies of each character's speech, without sounding... scripted.

Authors like you make this world a better place. You give me hope that humanity as a whole isn't as stupid, shallow, and careless as it all too often seems. Your understanding and compassion is evident in your writing, and your insight is eye-opening.

Thank you again.
Until next time. :)
Shika.Tot chapter 24 . 12/13/2012
Well, I love this story! So good. It was a rollercoster of emotions and it worked out so well. I'm not sure if it feels complete or not, but regardless well done!
Wolf of the dawn chapter 24 . 5/5/2012
Omg! This is the most amazing story! I was hooked from the first chapter, you are a truly amazing author.

I can't wait to read more of up your writing!
foolsdance chapter 24 . 2/8/2012
This was amazing! Great job! I especially loved Hawkeye being all protective of BJ.
Joie Cullen chapter 18 . 2/2/2012
Radar is such a sweetie.

Charles is a good man, an egomaniac, but a good man. I'm glad he didn't push too hard earlier. BJ needs all the support he can get.
Joie Cullen chapter 13 . 2/2/2012
I had that EXACT thought at the end of the convo between Hawk and Cratty. Dear GOD I hope not! He doesn't deserve that!
Joie Cullen chapter 12 . 2/2/2012
Hi. *Waves* Been lurking. I'm not too much a reader of slash, this being my second dive in, and it is SUCH a heart wrenching tale. I'm glad Hawk is standing by him and keeping his secret. Not only that, but he's helping him the best way he knows how.

Great story!
HidingLight chapter 24 . 12/26/2011
This is the second time I've read this story. I found it by accident the first time when someone else was seeking it to re-read and tonight I found myself doing the same thing. I know you haven't worked on it in years but it leaves me wanting to know how the happily ever after turns out after such pain and personal revelation. I love how BJ's humanity is challenged in the description of his glares and how you bring it back with the simplest touch of Hawkeye or the sound of his voice. I can imagine Hawkeye being BJ's "happy place" during the torture. Yet, the talk about both having nightmares balances it all out. I've always been rubbed the wrong way by Flagg in the series but after reading this the first time, I have a vehement hatred for him every time I catch an episode he's in! Thanks and kudos for a great piece!
Phantasmal Abduction chapter 24 . 8/22/2011
Oh my freaking god.

Seriously one of the best fics I have read in a very very long time. My first M*A*S*H one too and I will definitely be looking for more of this awesomeness.

You write so well I could see this whole fic playing out in my head like an extra long extra awesome episode.

You my friend, rock.
black.k.kat chapter 24 . 6/19/2011
This was an incredibly moving story. I really loved how you didn't use the usual "collapsible victim" model, and acknowledge that everyone deals with trauma - of any type - differently. This is a favorite pairing of mine, and you make it incredibly heart-wrenching and meaningful, as well as incorporating the mindset of the period very well. Very few authors do that at all, let alone as fully as you did. Not many stories get added to my favorites list, but this /definitely/ has a new place of honor.

Again, thank you for a wonderful piece. I loved reading it, and absolutely adore the ending lines you chose.

Chickadilly chapter 24 . 7/23/2009
Beautiful writing - I didn't want this fic to end. So hauntingly bittersweet. The love - both romantic and friendship - between Hawkeye and BJ and the scars they both face.

I'll never look at Flagg the same way again!

I also really appreciate your capture of Charles - he can be a pompous git sometimes but deep down he does care about those around him. A bit begrudgingly, yes, but still.

Nice work. I'd love to know what happens next if you ever decide to write it! If not thank you for this!
Kimbo chapter 24 . 6/26/2009
I LOVED this story so much. I was almost to the last chapter last night and my net went down so i was mad. So as soon as i got up i got online and finished reading. I love every bit of it. You did an awesome job making the characters seem like they were right out of the show. Just wondering when you mentioned Dr. Newcomb if you meant Steven J. Newsome? If so that would make since . Anyways keep up the awesome work.
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