Reviews for Circuition
Kitsune1818 chapter 1 . 10/12/2012
Some are better than others, but all were well writen. I like most of them.
Lazy Gaga chapter 1 . 3/3/2012
Whooo... Those were all disturbingly brilliant! Fantastic job!
mewmewstardom chapter 1 . 1/21/2011
This was amazing, but so sad T_T I loved it though! I'm so glad they ended up together in the end! The ending was so cute! All of the drabblets were really good though! Even with all the dying and stuff which made me sad and cry :(

I really loved this!

This pairing is love

sadypsycho chapter 1 . 11/11/2008
One word. Beautiful.
AUehara chapter 1 . 4/15/2008

I loved!

at the begining it was a little confused for me, but after reading some, I understood it. dude, it was so perfect!

" So where do we go from here?

Wherever we want"

perfect final!
trishika chapter 1 . 1/10/2008
these are too beautiful. really, tragic, brutal and beautiful.
Taita chapter 1 . 6/8/2007
Loved them all, especially the short ones, it makes so much more of an impact when the ficklet is really short. Liked how you did it all in one go though, no waiting ages for chapters. Some of these were real works of art.
Rosegoldmoon chapter 1 . 3/19/2007
I liked it. All of them, this is of my favorite couples and you made such good drabbles about them, nice work.
Apsol chapter 1 . 3/1/2007
So beautiful and dark. I luv these angsty lil' drabbles. They're well written, and i can actually picture them takeing place. Really interesting. I'm adding this to my favs.
fallenxfate chapter 1 . 2/27/2007
Incredibly freaking sexy.

I'm zapped for words...and that is a rare occurance for a big-mouth like me. No, I lied.

16: I can see it happening, you know, if Sasuke and Neji ever got together. (Big 'if' there, though.)

4: Very true. Eerily true. o0;

14: I have a secret dream that Neji should be an Akatsuki. Will it ever happen? No. But I love you for making him one. D

13/5: Strangely, I can see that happening too.

12: A tragedy ending worth of Romeo and Juliet. Forever in death, hm?

Now I think I'll go schedule an appointment with a doctor...
Winter Weatherman chapter 1 . 2/27/2007
Strange and beautiful. I like it best when people peel back the anime iconography to get at the real heart of characterization. Discarding time and nationality and just about every shred of context you can, as you have here- other then the part that really matters, the character- I think you do get at something intrinsic about them.

This is very layered and interesting, I'll have to look it over carefully later. Faved for that, and for general audacity and uniqueness.
hen-na-neko chapter 1 . 2/27/2007
Wonderful drabble, even if they are death fics. which areen't a favorite of mine.

Robias chapter 1 . 2/27/2007
All of them are so beautiful, both in setting and writing style. The angst is making me shiver all over, that is how deliscious it is.

My favourite one was the Singer and the Hitman drabbles, and somehw I beleive that you get to hear that a lot... It was the longest ones of them, and the two alternative endings were both very interesting. I like the second one best, because it was also very surprising, but in the same time not impossible.

Beautiful writing, thank you so much for sharing. This one is going into my favourites.