Reviews for Moment of Bliss
Shadowy chapter 1 . 12/4/2008
Nice fic!

I couldn't believe it when I saw the lyrics... Jillian is an awesome song that fits FMA well, but I assumed that I was the only one who thought that.

You should probably give credit to Within Temptation, the band.

The full name to the song is actually Jillian(I'd Give My Heart) too.

The end was saddish..

Amaris Sirtsema chapter 1 . 1/19/2008


That was awsome -sniffle- DX
StormxKira chapter 1 . 10/17/2007
Skyler25 chapter 1 . 10/15/2007
*gasps* You gave Trisha a middle name! Holy shnap! People who do that get...cookies! *cookies fall from the sky because I'm strange like that XD*

That was deep and sad, and scary! Death is scary! I'm going to be having nightmares about this fic for...a long time! The only problem that I have whenever I read a fic is that I never have anything to say at the end when it's really good! It makes me speechless, so instead I say something hyper and annoying like the cookies thing...It's not that I didn't understand the deep...ness...of the story, it's just that I can't say anything, and then my annoying sense of humor kicks in, and I...ZOMG ROFLCOPPERSKATES. See? And I don't even know what roflcopperskates are...O.O

Enough of my rambling, your fics are awesome, and even though I have no idea what a muse is...I thank your muses too, because I think they're like little Greek gods that fly around and give you ideas for your fics...or yeah. So thanks to them and you! -

*finds something to say about fic* - Ed is rather accepting about dieing and going into da Gate. I thought he would have an issue with that or something, like...Nu, Alphonse, I must go back! Y.Y T.T...yeah. But I guess when he sees his mom and Izumi's words of wisdom (life only flows in one direction, all is one, one is all, and Easy Cooking is a good book to read while practicing martial arts with your students) kept him back. But...gah, now you have me contradicting myself!

And if you took the time to read all that, thank you, you're awesome.
Ohka Breynekai chapter 1 . 9/15/2007
There's not much I can say about it really... except, I'm nearly crying too.

Very well done. fav!

InuyashaLuver1224 chapter 1 . 3/28/2007
cute..very sad
Adam chapter 1 . 3/28/2007
Okay, so I didn't know what to expect when I was directed towards this fanfic, but when I read it, i was incredibly impressed! In it's own way, it answered a few questions about the mysterious gate, as well as offering a touching goodbye between Ed and his mother. Awesome!

THe inclusion of the song works brilliantly too. It should have been the soundtrack to the film.
bornfreeeee chapter 1 . 3/14/2007
Very good! I'm almost in tears myself.
time can take its toll chapter 1 . 3/13/2007
Aww ;_; That's so sad, though sweet.

Awesome song choice, by the way. :3 I love Within Temptation. Sharon has such a haunting voice - I always related it to Kingdom Hearts, though. *laughs* I guess I'm biased.

Anyways - you did a gorgeous job with this. I played the song while reading, and the effect is just... wow. Incredibly creepy. Gorgeous writing.
Crimson Hands chapter 1 . 3/12/2007
Death? *groans*
Mayuna chapter 1 . 3/12/2007
So I see you decided to pick the second title ne? Very well written niecey, so sad. I knew you would do an amazingly awesome job

auntie keaka
I-Sort-of-Mean-It chapter 1 . 3/12/2007
That was very good! Nice going Chibichi!

-PhoenixFire, RisemboolRanger
WritingOtaku chapter 1 . 3/12/2007
'taku is reviewing twice in two days. Or so. I hardly keep track anymore, but I'm pretty sure that's close to a record. o_O

Anyhow, I was just thinking that you missed a small part inbetween. When Ed sees the gate for the final time in the TV show, another "person" appears with him - namely, Envy. I just thought that was a small detail you might have left out on purpose for dramatic effect, but I honestly don't know. I'm not really that smart quite yet.

However, assuming you DID leave it out for dramatic effect, then you did a very good job of it. I actually like the song in this context even though I've never heard of it before - and since I usually condemn songfics to an early death by calling them emo, therefore making me a hypocrite in more ways than one. But hey, I buy your song, and the story, and that's what's important here.

Okay, I'm done with my rant. I'll leave you to brew over the other comments and reviews now, Chibi. Later!
Guardian Radiance chapter 1 . 3/12/2007
wow ayumi-chan! it was awsome! i'm glad i could help even if it was only a little! *blinks back tears* that was so sad and vivid. You are getting better at describing things! yay you! Well, this fic was awsome and yet so sad and infused with sadness and dispair and a sence of needing completion. way 2 go you!
Tats K chapter 1 . 3/12/2007
Whoa..that was sweet! And touching...T_T im not that good at writing comments...
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