Reviews for What Dogs Know
Guest chapter 5 . 4/28/2018
This is so cute, I absolutely loved the kiss at the end. Good job :-)
flootzavut chapter 5 . 4/12/2013
Super fluffy and I loved it. Heheh.

The water fight was cute and that soft and sweet kiss was lovely.

Also, no tense confusion that I noticed in this chapter, I'm very happy to say ;-)
flootzavut chapter 4 . 4/12/2013
You randomly change tenses partway through this which was a bit jarring. Especially as it happened in the middle of a sentence, and then it's a little inconsistent for the rest of the chapter, slipping back and forth between present and past between sentences and paragraphs and sometimes in the middle of sentences again. You need to be very careful switching tenses, and only do it 1 on purpose 2 when you know how to handle it and how to create the effect you want. It's not a never do, but it's not something you should do on a whim.

Besides that, still enjoying this. And also jealous because I'd like a Gibbs to fall asleep on!
flootzavut chapter 3 . 4/12/2013
"Like he's a suspect that you know is lying, but can't quite figure out what he's lying about."

Heeeee I can just imagine Gibbs looking at this puppy that way!

Love him being concerned the dog got so attached to him! That really was adorable. I imagine his reaction to being called that would be hilarious ;-)

The double stars thing was even more frigging adorable, btw!
flootzavut chapter 2 . 4/12/2013
"Looking up at him, she wasn't sure if the slight red tinge to his cheeks was actually a blush or just her imagination working overtime. She had always suspected that under his gruff façade he was really just a big softy, but this blew even her most sentimental expectations out of the water."

Gibbs is totally a teddybear, I'm certain.

This is cute, I'm enjoying it. And the idea of Gibbs having to ask Kate to go to the pet store with him LMAO I can totally imagine how thrilled (not) he'd be with having to ask a favour and admitting he was clueless!
JVofNYC chapter 5 . 10/18/2011
TYVM for writing such beautiful stories; this one is my favorite of all.
linelm chapter 5 . 2/13/2011
Sweet story!
Rosajean chapter 5 . 11/27/2010
awww! So cute! I loved this story! Total fluffy goodness! :)
Jacquelyn Hartmann chapter 5 . 3/8/2010
Oh my goodness, that was so adorable! I LOVE it!
Madam Mare chapter 5 . 7/9/2009
Omg this gets a helluva big AW from me! A puppy AND Kibbs equals perfection!
dolphinsiren is me chapter 5 . 2/19/2008
OH ! I really dunno HOW this story managed ITSELF to escape from me all this time !..Fortunately I found it!

You can believe me or not... BUT IS ONE OF THE BEST KIBBS I EVER READ !...

DID YOU SAY IT WAS OOC ? ... I THINK IS PRETTY IN CHARACTER! for both of them! and for " Marine" as well !...BTW... I loved how you named the puppy ! So Gibbs !

You were rigth, if he is good with children is good with pups !...and we knew it from that episode when Gibbs and Fornell chat under the falling rain ( Oh, I loved his face dropping under the rain !) and we were informed that he preferred to stay there getting soaked but kept the dog he had found a while before , out of the rain...

And if you are thinking that I love dogs you are rigth ! I have two dogs and three cats ... I love them... I know what kind of feelings they get from you ! Loving them is one of the best experiences life offers to a human ! And YES, pets make humans to get close !

I really enjoyed this fic... you made my day ! Thanks !
Jennifer Hart chapter 5 . 6/7/2007
Just wanted to say I loved how you finished this and the inspiration behind it was too sweet.

Thanks again.
pobrediabla chapter 5 . 5/30/2007
I really loved it, it was sweet. I'm also graduating, so I know what you feel now..Good luck!
Leasel P chapter 5 . 5/29/2007
AW! lol

omg thats way to good to be the end! i was like no i hate those 2 little words! lol

have u considered a sequel*wink wink* lol

i loved that story!

thanx so much.

think i might go cry no its ova


pryrmtns chapter 5 . 5/29/2007
warm and fuzzy... just like a puppy!
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