Reviews for Who cares what you are?
ZaraTsubasa chapter 45 . 6/18
Okay, so I don't know if you remember me (I used to be Zara the turtle-in-spirit but I lost the info to that account), but I just wanted to let you know that I came back to reread this fic about a decade after I first read it. I read through the whole thing again and I'm just getting really emotional about it? Ella's character arc in particular just hit me really hard and so I had to leave this review just to say: thank you for writing this story. Thank you so much for Tawni, Cam, Ella and Beccy, and their adventures with their ninja turtle boyfriends amd adoptive rat dad.
Blue chapter 29 . 4/3/2015
Oh my gosh I love Singing the Dogstar Blues! It was one of my favorites for a long time! I've never heard any mention of it in popular context, so I was really taken aback! You have a good story here, and its interesting. Some constructive criticism though, the truth or dare scene where everyone was forced to confess their affections one at a time was cute, but was also a misses opportunity to show bonding between all of them as a cohesive group. Not to say that you haven't achieved that bonding through other ways, I really liked the memory flashbacks. But the truth or dare scene was convenient and brief, so it didn't seem to serve much purpose past confessing. For example there could have been questions about your worst illogical fear, like Cam and spiders. And questions could have been asked outside of respective pairings, Tawni asking Cam something or Ella asking Raph. The cross dynamics between all the characters are important for a smooth and balanced development between all of them, especially between OCs because readers dont automatically know these things about the characters, and it could help establish different bonds between them. Had Ella asked Raph how he's so bold all the time, how he and Cam are so forthright, I would have been an opportunity for Raph and Cam to open up to the group and say that part of it is a mask for a very sensitive person, some of it is raw emotion, and some of it is the duty to protect. In explaining that, Raph and Cam could have also grown closer at hearing something so close to home from one another.
Overall I enjoy your story, and I'm excited to read it until the end! I love the concept and your OCs are great.
Having Master Splinter bond with the girls was such an amazing moment and really contributed to the story's over-all feeling of acceptance and love. Many fanfictions that use OC pairings leave this out and neglect any interaction between them, and that's very sad to me. Master Splinter is such an important part of their lives, and it must mean a lot to have his approval. When he touched Cams head and Raph smiled, that was a great moment.
I enjoy your writing! I hope you continue to write throughout your life and continue to make readers laugh and rage at your plot twists. Thank you for a great read!
Guest chapter 46 . 12/27/2014
Great story! I had a fun time reading it and could hardly put it down. Though, I must say, my sisters didn't enjoy me laughing (or cackling as they say) at one o'clock in the morning, or when ever I come a cross a funny part. I do have one question though, what does '(name) sweat drop' mean. I assume it has something to do with anime since that is the only cartoon you referenced that I don't watch. As for you doing another story about them, I would definitely read it! You could do it about them getting married or about their kids. Though if you did it about the kids it should be mixed. Like 3 girls and a guy, 2 and 2, or something. Best of wishes on your current and future stories. X )
hiddenwarrior29 chapter 46 . 11/3/2014
Great story. I loved it. I'll definitely have a look at the sequel.
BlackSheep the Sage chapter 6 . 9/12/2014
it depends on what series your doing. if your doing the 2014 version its the Shellrazor. if your talking about the 08-10 version then yeah its the battleshell
ouikawa chapter 43 . 9/10/2014
Friggen cried.

The first story to make me cry... .
Guest chapter 1 . 8/18/2014
You should write another when everyone is in like their twenties
Katana-girl chapter 6 . 4/19/2014
If it's the 2003 version than yes if it's the 2012 version than it's the shellraiser
Protagonist Of Life chapter 7 . 4/16/2014
Chancy, like the Pokemon. Ahhhh, childhood.,
bambam5wolf chapter 46 . 3/6/2014
dudette this story rocks! I give it an awesome jawsome rating! if u ever make a story for street sharks, tell everyone on this site! cause I know it will be as great as this one is and will always be!snowstarxblizzardclaw
Guest chapter 1 . 12/6/2013
Shurikan is a throwing star used for distraction not as a weapon
Darknight chapter 4 . 10/30/2013
Hey. I just want to let you know that this story is amazing!
anime fan chapter 18 . 9/30/2013
oh my fucking god! u r a genius! i worship your imaginative creativity!
LunaLovegood'sBestFriend chapter 27 . 4/29/2013
YAY! ANOTHER MOB HUNT! *brings out weird looking dogs* AFTER THEM, WEIRDIES! Yeah decided not to use torches this time. I almost got arrested for arson! I go a little over board when it comes to mob hunts! I tried to light my enemy's house on fire! She so deserved it though!
LunaLovegood'sBestFriend chapter 26 . 4/28/2013
MOB HUNT, MOB HUNT!* takes out flaming torch* Lets kill Cam's mom! Better yet let's throw a riot! I don't know why but I've always liked riots.
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