Reviews for Cutting Strings
Monster King chapter 30 . 11/15/2018
Great job I hope you continue it
Khiuzaku chapter 18 . 9/28/2018
Okay, I haven't read the chapters before this one, but this one was a really mix of funny, story and conversations. I enjoyed reading this one :)
ll Lucian ll chapter 30 . 6/7/2018
The story plot is one of the original ones out there.
Good theories for gaara that make sense and believable story progression.
However i think it hust misses a little more descriptive approach about naruto, his relationships,and of course his puppets..
Last thing, can we expect a little narukyuubi fluff or some form of suggestive bonding.?
I personally felt master slave relation between naruto and fem kyuubi considering weakened seal.

Keep up the good work in your updates.
StoneTheLoner chapter 1 . 4/3/2018
Excuse me? The god of shinobi actually collapsed to vomit in the presence of an enemy? An enemy that somehow had enough time to pull out a weapon and further hurt Naruto before he could do anything? He was f*cking dialoguing, how the actual f*ck did Sarutobi not bisect him?
Hmason chapter 6 . 12/22/2017
personally i cannot see naruto ACTUALLY agreeing to tell something so personal to someone who JUST TRIED TO KILL HIM i also think kakashi was being a cunt for MAKING him tell
Hmason chapter 3 . 12/22/2017
really fucking dark but i love how Naruto went through something NO ONE could come out of sane yet still isn't as big a cunt as sasuke
chefzebley0987 chapter 8 . 10/22/2017
naruto started the ninja academy early when he failed the second time the next group of kids was his age group
Guest chapter 27 . 9/11/2017
"just till things cool down with the akutski"?.. ROFL don't you mean "just till we have walked right into their clutches and given them plenty of time to marshal all their strength so that they CAN whoop both our butts"? That is the STUPIDEST excuse I have ever READ to get naruto out of the village. (and I've read some REALLY lame ones) Lets just face it, the timeskip was another AUTHOR FAIL! (and number 2, he didn't have as many ties to the village as he does in this one, so it's even DUMBER to take him away from those, that is NOT how konoha believes)"You can only get stronger by protecting others", "Your bonds are your strength", "Now lets take you away from everyone you have a bond to and not let you see them for three years so you can get stronger"...WTF.. Doesn't that last statement kinda contradict the previous two? It's idiotic. It's just a way kishi could basically press the fast forward button and hurry up the next few years and not have to worry about stupid missions! But here is the thing, that can ALL be done IN THE VILLAGE, just take naruto OFF duty for the same stretch, and keep LOADING him up with for the perv? Well he hasn't given any GOOD intel from his supposed "spy ring" in over a decade so just can his old butt and FORCE him to stay in the village. Problem solved and NOBODY goes NOWHERE! (and as an added bonus, Tsunade herself MAKES SURE naruto is getting the proper training, so NO NEED for worthless tests when he "comes back") It's a win all-around!
Guest chapter 27 . 9/11/2017
Again, just like I said about the dipshit uchiha... Kyuubi doesn't OWE naruto anything, it's BECAUSE of kyuubi that naruto HEALS! He'd be dead a hundred times over by now! There seems to be a serious cog in your head that is broken on who OWES what to whom! The kyuubi didn't DO anything to naruto, that was the villagers! ONLY them and their STUPIDITY! It's idiotic to blame the fox! And the uchiha and him ARE NOT FRIENDS! Never were, again like the canon screw-up your trying to FORCE a friendship that NEVER happened and the fans AREN'T BUYING IT! (Aiko is a friendship, haku is a friendship, the pervy-sage is a friendship, tsuande is a friendship, shizuna is a friendship, hinata is a friendship, anko is a friendship, garaa and the sand siblings are friendships, zabuza is a friendship.. The others are ACQUAINTANCES.. they know next to nothing about him, he knows next to nothing about them.. and in a lot of cases there is open hostility*which doesn't exist in friendships, if you have that with yours, then you have serious mental issues NOT the characters*) I have NO IDEA why they can't just ACCEPT the fact that the guy they KNEW as sasuke IS DEAD! GONE, FINISHED, HISTORY, PUSHING UP DAISYS! MOVE ON!
Guest chapter 27 . 9/10/2017
No, it's not so much "my pace-maker" it's more the term "RAGE-QUIT".. by now you've heard of it, it was why I stopped buying naruto when they didn't kill sasuke, it's a term used when YOUR FED UP with a story/game/movie and aren't willing to sit and watch it anymore. It happens, but as an author you KINDA wanna AVOID IT at all costs.
Wolfone10 chapter 27 . 9/10/2017
Also I'd LOVE to know where authors are getting the whole "the elder council loves the sharringan".. I mean danzo himself ordered sai to KILL sasuke.. This was NEVER a thing, a complete fabrication of fanfics... Ninja ALSO don't like the uchiha because of the copying ability.. So I dunno WHO exactly started this thought, but it doesn't hold water.
Guest chapter 27 . 9/10/2017
So wait your ALSO expecting me to buy that sakura (SAKURA of ALL PEOPLE) can cast a genjutsu that can fool DEMONS?... LOL.. then why didn't she use it too keep the traitor in the village? Make him think the hokage's door was the village gate?... Are you and kishi drinking the same kool-aid or something?
Guest chapter 27 . 9/10/2017
Oh no, please don't make naruto all emo and angsty because of the abortion that SHOULD have taken! There are SOO many better reasons to go emo than that waste of dna, sasuke. HE DIDN'T EVEN LIKE HIM! *NOBODY DOES*. Naruto always screams in canon "he is my friend".. OBVIOUSLY he is not, never has been, if naruto OF ANYONE can yell at someone for putting up a "false face" for years it's HYPOCRITICAL. Naruto "played" the idiot, sasuke "played" the traumatized child prodigy. Naruto was ACTUALLY the powerhouse chakra GENIUS when it came to making new techs.. Sasuke WAS A SLIMEBALL. Always was, ALWAYS will be... It was a simple mask. The guy they knew back in the academy (and really, someone that speaks in snorts and grunts?.. How do you know?) didn't EXIST!
Guest chapter 27 . 9/10/2017
Bah, anyone that wants that little ugly ass psycho-emo-traitor is OFFICIALLY insane! So I guess sakura IS insane. He deserves to hang from a tree till his feet stop "dancing". (look up hanging and you will know what I am talking about). That is EXACTLY what the village "owes" him. (and what fans of the series OWE him.. a slow, painful, humiliating death).
Guest chapter 27 . 9/10/2017
IF NARUTO used his FULL power, even orochi at full strength wouldn't even have been able to make a wise-crack before getting ASHED! Pein can take Itachi easily, Itachi didn't break a sweat when he beat Orochi and Pein LOST to naruto(as in got his bodies DESTROYED and got his twig snapped)..AND THAT WAS BEFORE naruto came into his FULL power... SOOOO... Orochimaru doesn't stand a PRAYER against naruto, nor does sasuke if naruto isn't throwing the fight. It's just an already written FACT!

AHH the TRAINING trip, what an exercise in STUPIDITY! This was a complete WASTE of readers' attention, moreso authors..Unless they actually USE it to you know, MAKE HIM STRONGER. It seems so redundant to me, that with an organization of s-ranked nins against them, an entire village that is controlled by an enemy that JUST wants the leaf DEAD, and now a traitor that escaped that KNOWS everything about this generation of fighters, that naruto would be taken away for three years TO GOOF OFF! SO very, VERY counter-productive. Considering ALL the older ones have GOT to be sensing they are looking down the barrel of another WAR! It IS coming, regardless of what they want or do, all they can REALLY do is BE PREPARED, and sending naruto away for three years IS NOT how you do it! It's MORONIC! and quite SELF-DESTRUCTIVE! What would NORMAL, INTELLIGENT, POWERFUL warriors be doing?...#1. sending out missives with everything they KNOW about the akutski to the other hidden villages, warning not to take any "strange" missions and not to send out their jinchuriki unless absolutely necessary, #2. Giving naruto ALL THE TEACHERS HE CAN HANDLE. No missions and NOTHING but mastering EVERYTHING for three years. (with shadow clones it's possible) #3. Keep around ALL his ties (precious people) they give him strength and draw strength from him, you wanna keep that going as much as possible (kinda like making sure all your electronics are FULLY charged before a storm) #4, training the rest of the kids INTO THE DIRT (to heck with the second chunnin exams, this one pointed out THEY ARE A SECURITY RISK and a WASTE OF TIME) just rank them according to how many people they can beat to a bloody pulp and move on. Three years of these simple 4 rules, and YOUR READY FOR WAR! (either to be IN one, or I guess START one! ROFL.. If nothing else it would make orochi, sound and the akatuski VERY nervous)
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