Reviews for Voltage
tmntlover2013 chapter 16 . 5/11/2014
Great job on the story please update soon thanks.
tmntlover2013 chapter 15 . 12/13/2013
Great job on the story update soon thanks
tmntlover2013 chapter 14 . 11/15/2011
Great job on the story so far, I liked it alot, please keep going and update real, real, real, soon thanks.
Mikeygal chapter 14 . 10/8/2011
Hey this is such an amazing story pleeease update I've just gotta see how it ends! :D
Puldoh chapter 14 . 1/31/2011

That was intense. Poor Mikey, Leo, Donnie Raph and everyone else. Man i hope Mikey doesn loose his arm, something wrong with him *huggles Mikey* and Leo, don't die!


LOL, in all seriousness (thats me) *mighty mouse pose* UPDATE ASAP
buck180 chapter 14 . 1/31/2011
This is really great keep up the good work.I can't wait to see what happens next.
buck180 chapter 13 . 9/30/2010
wow you have got to hurry and tell me what happens next I can't wait!
Avitala chapter 13 . 9/30/2010
... ANGST!


Shredder does NOT know what he's dealing with.

Hm. Those decisions are the worst.

Poor Vergil...
Memoirs.From.A.Late.Author chapter 12 . 9/18/2010
UPDATE! Your soooooo close to the end!
tmntlover2013 chapter 12 . 8/23/2010
Please update soon
The Dragon's Scribe chapter 1 . 6/20/2010
Static Shock! I haven't heard or seen anything about this show in years! I had forgotten about it until now. Thanks for the reminder, and nice start.
Alluring Alliteration chapter 11 . 5/19/2010
NO! You killed Richie! How could you!
SPAZZ911 chapter 11 . 12/27/2009
Maybe casey should try and help? or april, or one of the many people the turles have allied with in the past? OR SUPERMAN!(DUN-DUN-DUN!) jk,jk just glad to see this updated! keep up the good work!
mightyclamp chapter 1 . 11/20/2009
I have a question: is the Static in your fic the cartoon one or the comic one? I think it's the cartoon one, but the comic Static can yield electricity while the cartoon one need to charge himself. Then if it's the cartoon one, isn't it meaningless for the villians to get him? He cannot really provide powers. If it's the comic one it makes sense, but comic Static is very different and more powerful.
Nerdwithalife chapter 10 . 9/9/2009
Okay,first off i LOVE TMNT and SS,and the fact that u put them together is epic!Everything works well together,and the characters interact and Richie especially.u get an extra cookie for the plot(usually it's Richie who's the damsel in distress XD)

Did u kill Richie in that chap!OMG i hope he comes back to life and please tell me i misread that! i hope he's just knocked out or something. Virgil would be pissed if he knew! He would go into "rage angry don't mess w/ me or ur gonna get it mode!" He is gonna break out right? i mean he's getting some of his power back(i'm sure he's getting more energy by now!) and the turtles r on their way!And w/ Bats on his side, how can he lose!So he's gonna make it right?i'm dying to know!

Oh, and i was reading some of the comments to the story and i would like to correct something Mourning Star said.(i'm not trash talking or anything like that so don't get the wrong idea) MS is right in saying that Static is straight but Richie is actually gay. In the SS comics the character Richard Stone(the one Richie is based on) is openly gay. And as you can imagine Richie's sexuality was never discussed in the show b/c it was meant for kids. the subject would be too controversial. And yeah it's true that the fact that they are in love w/ each other is "shocking" and would be inaccurate, but it is FANFICTION, so it can be forgiven if written well. And you my friend did in fact write it well.

OKay, so sorry for the long winded comment but ur story was so good i didn't want it abridged. THANKS FOR READING IT ANYWAYS



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