Reviews for Quality Time
XsleeplessX chapter 1 . 11/29/2007
WOW!That was HOT!Love the idea of Gojyo making 'it' last as much as posibale._
wolf00rakuen chapter 1 . 4/30/2007
Befanini chapter 1 . 4/5/2007
*faves this gem again for the third time* _
Shin-no-Nekochan chapter 1 . 4/4/2007
he took on last lingering look at Goku who was now snoring loudly.

-*one* last lingering looking?

small gold card on the next to it.

-on the *nightstand* next to it?

Sanzo murmured something into the crook of Gojyo's and

-Gojyo's *neck*?

Those things aside, I really would recommend putting some sort of break-lines in between the 'scene' of Hakkai watching over Goku and the other one with Sanzo & Gojyo; it makes things rather awkward to think that Hakkai is actually in the room / there's no wall - despite the fact that poor Hakkai can actually hear most everything anyway.

Other than that, my goodness, Gojyo. , I love that first part with "sweetheart" & "baby" and his remark "I love it when you talk dirty"! XD Man he's such a cool rascal. I really appreciated some of the more subtle descriptions like the ones regarding muscle movements and hand placement. Nice job, overall!

~Shin-no-Nekochan o
Redspirit chapter 1 . 4/3/2007
Wow. I think I need to calm my heartbeat too. That was totally hot. I love it when Gojyo cuddles Sanzo after he's "distracted" him. Wew, I need a cold shower.
missingkitsune chapter 1 . 4/2/2007
ok damn i wish i hadn't given up smoking. i could really use one after that. *fans self*
A September Rose chapter 1 . 4/2/2007
*blinks, begins to wipe up drool*

Sorry, but that was very well done. Sometimes, slower is better. And that gives more room for fluff to settle in. Keep distracting Sanzo, Gojyo, you're very good at it!

Also, sleepy Goku is absolutely adorable.