Reviews for Why We Don't
Nala162024 chapter 1 . 7/30/2009
Poor, Poor Donny.
fellowchucker chapter 1 . 1/19/2008
so thats why don took that crappy job? its not like don to just give up like that. poor guy funny story though.
Tera Hunter chapter 1 . 12/17/2007 that's what happened. Makes sense. :D (LOL)
OSYH chapter 1 . 6/7/2007
I could just imagine Donnie saying "No" and everything's in slow-mo. XD
anypenname chapter 1 . 4/4/2007
Ha, ha, ha... I guess Don will listen to Mythbusters next time he's thinking of a project to begin (_)
DQHQ chapter 1 . 4/3/2007
The "tech support guy" line made me laugh (poor Don), but it was kind of a non sequitor.

Nice story. :)
dis is unsown chapter 1 . 4/3/2007

"No sir, this isn't that type of help line. -No- I'm not playing hard to get!" XD

Good stuff. Can't wait to see more.
Okami1 chapter 1 . 4/3/2007
I love it! Especially the ending, that part had me rolling on the floor. So that's why he decided to become a tech support guy. :P I look forward to the next chapters. _
Smiley chapter 1 . 4/3/2007
Hehe; I remember the Mythbusters episode where they made the hovercraft and the one where they tried to make a 'jet pack' out of soda bottles. Was there one where they tried to make actual jet pack?

Anyway to the story; I really enjoyed it. I could see him trying some insane experiments if he stared to get stir-crazy. And you got to feel bad for him when he becomes a tech support guy with nothing interesting to work on. In the movie you can see how depressed this starts making him feel when he's telling Mikey to forget about the 'glory days' and to just get on with this life. So sad.
thepennameboo chapter 1 . 4/3/2007
lol. aww poor donnie