Reviews for Primial Instinct
NekoKitty389 chapter 1 . 5/18/2019
HNNNGGGGG! I hate that I am so damn late but this story is freaking incredible AND! my first mewcario story TT lucario cqnt be dead HE CAAAANT! technically his body wasn't found right? waaahhhh I want the alternate ending even though i probably wont ever get iiiiittt! X0
Jian Ng chapter 14 . 9/14/2016
My goodness, why am I here. I know I'm almost a DECADE late to review this, but...damn, it's so hard to let it go, an explanation of the ending is definitely needed. I mean...there are still reviewers after a decade...right? (I'm probably the only one in a couple years.) I know, that you might have lost interest in this story already, I mean...but I still can't help myself, we are just DYING to know who is talking in the ending. Please, this might be the last review you will ever get from this story, but please, we are ALL begging you.
Silver chapter 7 . 10/20/2015
What the hell is up with mew
XD1411 chapter 14 . 7/17/2014
*Takes deep breath in* PLEASE DO A FOLLOW UP! I REALLY need it! As well as your other fans/fellow Mewcario (Mewtwo X Lucario) supporters. TT \\\
Nyala Kurta chapter 11 . 2/26/2014
Mew's such a BITCH in this story.
Nyala Kurta chapter 9 . 2/26/2014
My friend would not be happy with this part. She is a fan of Pokémon, and so she hates to see any of them die. She is not alone in that. I, too, hate seeing Pokémon -or any other creature or that matter- die or be killed so brutally.
Nyala Kurta chapter 8 . 2/26/2014
*bares her fang-like teeth at Mew and makes what sounds like a cross between a hiss, a snarl, a screech, and a growl* YOU BITCH! YOU ARE SOOOO LUCKY I AM NOT THERE, OTHERWISE YOU WOULD BE IN FOR A WORLD OF TROUBLE, AND A WORLD OF HURT! AT THE SME TIME!
Nyala Kurta chapter 7 . 2/26/2014
Mew's lost her mind... Mewtwo did not do what she claims he did! He was with Lucario the entire time! I may not be a trainer, or even a breeder, but I still feel the need to protect many of the Pokémon...including Meowth at times...
Guest chapter 14 . 7/14/2013
Pls make a follow up I'm dieing to know what happens next
Simon Kudlak chapter 14 . 2/10/2013
The whole story was amazing. Superb job! But I really wanna see Mewtwo and Lucario together with baby Riolu happy. It litterally breaks my heart when Mewtwo is sad and without his mate. But Riolu is with him. I'm semi-happy about that but it needs to be a little (actually a lot) better if Lucario survived... But all in all, I absolutely loved it! You did so awesome on this story. :) Hugs, kisses and a lot of love! :)
ThePoisonReaper chapter 14 . 7/16/2011
Mama Mewtwo. XD

This was great. I wish there was more L/MT in the world. 3
Akuma the Dark One chapter 1 . 6/29/2011
If you're talking about the rock formation from Lucario and the Mystery of Mew the formation is called the Tree of Beginning or Tree of World's Beginning in the Japanese dub of the movie not the Tree of Origin.

Also I'm tired of people calling Mew a girl just because he's pink doesn't mean he's a girl, just look at me, that is if you could, I love the color pink and wear it in the form of clothing and I'm a boy. Besides just look at him in Mewtwo Strikes Backs during the fight scene between him and Mewtwo, just the way he fought back would suggest he's a boy, as far as I know no girl would fight like that they would be to worried about breaking a nail or messing up their hair, at least that how most girls I've met act towards fighting. Sorry this might be the only review you'll get from me.
shrimpeater chapter 14 . 12/8/2010
I just spent two hours reading this story...with out stop...I have to say, I am VERY pleased with it. It was wonderful, yeah, Lucario is 'dead' (I think...I can't tell if that was him at the end or not) but I still loved the story regardless. It's a softer side to Mewtwo that I was not expecting at all.

I loved it.

Fenrir Necros Jericho chapter 14 . 7/4/2010
I would like to see an alternate ending to this... or at least an explanation as to what happened...
SephiruRibbon chapter 14 . 6/29/2010
...That was beautiful. It's past 3 AM, and haven't been able to read a real romance, or even listen to a love song, for weeks. It was written exquisitely. Not perfectly, only exquisitely, and with some of the truest writing talent I've come across in a long time. You made my night...well, my morning. Thanks for a great read. You're a writing hero.
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