Reviews for Some Twilight Interim
duskwhisps chapter 6 . 9/14/2016
I just reread this after many years, and...your writing just breathes. And you write this ship so thoughtfully. I don't know what's become of you in all the years since, but I hope you are well, and I hope you know you've made some spectacular pieces in your time. When I think of fics that rival the writing of their source material, you're one of the first people that comes to mind. I look forward to rereading your stuff again, sometime in the future. Thank you for sharing.
Baitdcat chapter 6 . 7/14/2010
simple and eloquent ;)
YFate chapter 6 . 7/14/2010
:falls down and worships you forever:

Oh, Lady Guyute! Hot holy damn! You are...beyond words. You are...perfect. Fabulous. Wonderful. Intense. Igniting. Engrossing. Perfection. Evocative. Completely, goose-bump raising, savoint (if that is the word, haha!) To put so much emotion and description in each sentence, so elegantly mastering words to describe...everything! So on point! I can't use enough exclamation points to tell you how absofrigging wonderful this chapter is. I can't tell you how sour my morning was until I opened my email and saw your update notice. Ergawd, Lady, you pack quite a punch. My eyes are still all wide and I've re-read this four times, and each time I shudder at "Hurt" - so raw - my breath hitches and I feel itchy-eyed at "Soft" - and I just smile as my heart wells up at "Gift."

You. Are. Awesome.

Baitdcat chapter 5 . 9/28/2009
Loving your work!
YFate chapter 5 . 8/12/2009
Holy hot pants! You again manage to convey so much with so little. Lady G, you are a wonder. I actually shivered during that last line. "Indeed." I could even imagine Hiei saying it, with that particular bite in his voice and those red eyes lit with freezing scorn. Oy!

But that first one - whew! I need a cold shower. That was farking HOT. There's nothing like a dark, jealous Hiei to turn a fangirl into a pile of gooey OMGishiness.

As always, darling, you have managed to make my day all the brighter for seeing your update. (Now, for Absolution...I could use some...having the DT's from withdrawal...HINT HINT HINT)

But god, was this Hot!

Baitdcat chapter 2 . 6/28/2009
These are lovely drabbles. I like 'Peach' and 'Snowman' and 'River' are among my favorites. I've heard so much about Pride and Absolution. I should go read it, if it's anything as good as these drabbles. Thanks for the read!
YFate chapter 4 . 5/3/2009
This so made my day. I've been struggling to edit my latest chapter for THW and gave up in pure exasperation to go check my email and saw an update on this story. WOOT! Oh, you know just how to make a poor girl perk right back up! )

And, of course, it was as awesome as is anything you grace us with. (Contented sigh.) Absolutely beautiful, m'dear. From the poignancy of Sango's reaction to the holocaust memorial..."They are still my people." (Powerful sentence and sentiment there. Wow, you always manage to blow me away with your insightful writing.) the eroticism of the game played between them (leer) to the soul-touching exchange between them...glorious "forgiveness he'd never give himself," that especially hit me. Right square in the heart. Totally, totally...I can't even think of the right word. Just on point. Completely apt. Totally total in its totallity. Absolutely perfect.

muaaa chapter 4 . 5/3/2009
soo lovely I truly enjoy this little pieces of heaven that you make 3
YFate chapter 3 . 6/1/2008
These were really beautiful. I loved the interactions between them. I just started watching YYH this weekend and immediately fell in love with the idea of a Hiei/Sango pairing. I am so stoked to see you writing the pair. Although you stated that these aren't your best prose, I found no fault with it, and enjoyed it very much. I hope you do more drabbles with them.

Look forward to more,

Fate chapter 3 . 4/22/2008
omg, awesome Muh second time reading the pairing D

Lovely work!
Faere chapter 3 . 4/8/2008
Personally, I liked it. "Slice" was humorously insightful. "Hope" and "River" were nicely emotional.
cookiiex chapter 3 . 4/7/2008
THe last one brought a smile to my face. :D Yay Fluff! :3

Loved it!

teejplease chapter 2 . 1/6/2008
UM, so, this is amazing and you need to continue. Kthanksbye.
animegrl15 chapter 2 . 6/17/2007
YAY! finally a good hiei/sango story! i'll definately be checking back with this one.
Unicron Risen chapter 2 . 5/9/2007
nice one! Who cares if you went three words over? I don't good job! lol. I said job!
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