Reviews for Bloodline
PyruxDeltax chapter 9 . 3/8/2016
star2000shadow chapter 3 . 9/22/2013
Cole is so gonna get his butt handed to him.
Netchka chapter 9 . 3/14/2013
More please! More please! Cool story, can't wait for the next chapters to arrive. :-)
Guest chapter 9 . 12/27/2012
please have willow and tara together even if she pissed you off willow deserves some happines and Tara is what eventualy brings out dark willow so by eliminating that romance you are geting rid of a major obsticle to the team
Yusuke Urameshi - Mazoku chapter 9 . 6/10/2012
I think Leo was OOC but I like it so far so WHY NO UPDATES?
Vicki219 chapter 9 . 12/10/2011
Cool story!
bananacupcakes chapter 9 . 8/3/2011
Please continue :)
Rye Lee chapter 1 . 10/5/2010
This story is great, can't wait for more. Keep it up.
Stina Whatever chapter 9 . 9/18/2010
like it, please update
Vi-Violence chapter 9 . 7/29/2010
This looks interesting, and I would just like to say, I'm totally pro- DoyelxCordelia
Mishelle20 chapter 9 . 4/18/2010
I reallu like this so far and would definately love to read more if you plan on continuing.
sky is the limet chapter 9 . 2/10/2010
love it please update
MusicMagicMurder chapter 9 . 8/7/2009
C'mon no updates since April of last year? This is a good story! Finish it! Please :)?
Akasha Drake chapter 9 . 6/30/2009
On the upside, this is a well-written story.

On the downside, it's not finished.

By the way, I have a few things to say

Xander/Willow is always a good ship

Incest is less...uncomfortable than slash for me, but I do not ask for it either.

And last, don't forget that the Source has only 48 hours to corrupt Xander and Cordy since they are now awakened witches, and actually only 1/4 demon and 3/4 witch(since Cole's parents are more than likely a witch and a demon)
LadyFreda chapter 9 . 6/2/2009
This I Like Please Try Continue with the story.
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