Reviews for Fireworks
icy-piyo21 chapter 1 . 12/25/2009
That's sweet... Nice story, write more like these XD
Jedexa chapter 1 . 6/15/2007
3 yay! I like Larxene's human name and the old life you came up for her. Who knew she was so different? :) Love the story, awesome!
Oathkeepera chapter 1 . 5/12/2007
(Sniff, Sniff) That was beautiful! I couldn't have done better! You are truly one great author! The parts that were funny (I am still giggling about the chopsticks) were played out excellently and the fluff at the end couldn't have been better!

I loved how you got creative at the part with the fire works. That was so romantic!

Well, See ya on my next review of Hold Me Tight, Don't Let Go!

P.S. You got the idea of the Atlantica with Demyx and the Xemnas hair gel from my fic of Her Prince, His Princess right? (gives a small laugh) Another reason not to mess with Xemnas's hair gel! LMAO!