Reviews for Johto Summer Vacation
Guest chapter 22 . 6/14/2015
JUZ AWESOME ...update soon...!
WinterJelsaStorm chapter 16 . 11/23/2013
Love this story. Rally makes you think. But I have a question is it alright to use songs in our fanfics?
Guest chapter 15 . 2/26/2013
U typed the song wring near the end ! Laugh out loud
I know 'cause we r doing the song in my chorus class...!
egoshipper246 chapter 22 . 8/10/2012
Please continue this! It hasn't been updated in a looongg time! :( I like it a lot though! :)
MashiroLOVE chapter 22 . 8/6/2011
Ummmm... I'm left mortified. Knowing this is updated yet.!

; A ;

I love it still... XD
Raquenzel chapter 15 . 3/16/2011
Lol... Meg's song? REALLY? I'd expect more of them than to be listening to those kinds of Disney songs

Just Another Blank Account chapter 22 . 5/12/2009
I love it sorry for not reviewing for all the other chappies.

Please update soon
J.Cahill chapter 21 . 12/26/2008
Ok. First of all. I wasn't done with my review yet just now.

(Clicked the Submit button on accident). *Frustrated*


That was a FRIGGIN AWESOME STORY! Definitely a 10/10. Or more. :)

Yea. So I usually read advanceshippy stuff but after reading your story, I might actually add Egoshipping to my favs list of pairings. :)

Love your writing skills. Pls Pls Pls Pls Pls update soon!
J.Cahill chapter 22 . 12/26/2008
LOVE IT! LOVE IT! LOVE IT! That was a friggin AWESOME story!

I normally don't read anything but advanceshipping material. But I gotta say, though it's the first egoshipping story i
Hannah'Collen68 chapter 22 . 12/18/2008
OMG!OMG!OMG! please update..!ive been tuning in this story for bout 16 months now! im GONNA EXPLODE from the crazines..update please
KaterinaBeloved chapter 22 . 7/31/2008

"Happy Birthday!"


"Don't tell me you forgot!"

LuciferIX chapter 22 . 7/28/2008
A slow update time and then a cliffhanger. Oh well.

A nice little surprise for Ash, even if everyone else forgot about his birthday.

Hopefully you get the next update out soon. Keep 'em coming!
zeaeevee chapter 22 . 7/27/2008
you take forever to update a short chapter and you leave us with a cliffy. that was... NICE of you. :(

anyway... it was very mysterious.

BluEbErRy-ChAn chapter 15 . 6/26/2008
nice cindy ganyan pala ang songfic!:)
LuciferIX chapter 21 . 6/25/2008
So I reach the end and get a cliffhanger. Not enough Advanceshipping for my tastes but its not that hard to tell that that the emphasis is on the Egoshipping, so I really can't say anything against that.

So far so good, although it would be nice to add in more detail to the chapters. Other than that keep 'em coming!
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