Reviews for Felony
Radioactivesnail chapter 1 . 9/6/2009
This is amazing... It's a little fluffy but not fluffy at the same time... and the acutal kissing is pretty short and sweet (take note of the sweet) and I love that. I don't know why this didn't get more reviews. O.o
Remedi chapter 1 . 5/14/2008
Aww, this was really good. ) I'm amazed by how you managed to take an iffy (considering the characters) scenario and write it in such a believable and in character way. I was really impressed by how you portrayed Jade. Most of the time, people lose his characterization while trying to write him as a bit softer, and you didn't.
fate repeated chapter 1 . 6/7/2007
Hi hi! This is ashi, a fellow Jade/Dist fan, reviewing your fic. I just have to say it's very well in character and wonderfully written (which are both hard to pull off in my opinion especially with these two characters). It's so rare to encounter such a thing... so I commend you for both writing and sharing it! I enjoyed reading it. Thank you~ 8D
2980 chapter 1 . 5/13/2007
So pretty!

You described things nicely and kept them in character... Jade is not always an evil snarky bitch, and I like that you portrayed his softer side.
