Reviews for Of The Deepest Blue
Sheherazade's Fable chapter 18 . 11/15/2014
Great fic. You did an amazing job capturing the emotions of the characters.
Adriana Simons chapter 18 . 5/17/2014
Hi :)
I loved this chapter and I must admit your expertise at writing is all enthralling..This chapter was too hot and I enjoyed the way you had recounted the scenes (The way V kisses Evey by the way)..but I don't know why I felt I saw Evey act slightly childish..Was that your intentional purpose or I'm under the impression?
Loboscha chapter 18 . 1/13/2012
Limxuxu09 chapter 18 . 2/16/2011
This is really good! I loved the first chapters (until the 8th chapter) actually and I could imagine them being part of the movie/graphic novel... I enjoyed their non-touch antics which really made me read on with this fice...

But the following chapters were already kind of OOC for both Evey and V... Or maybe it's just because V was depicted as someone too theatrical but he did care about Evey... In the novel, it was more of a tough love way though if that made any sense at all LOL...

You did capture, however, Evey's little childishness (a little too much in this fic I'm afraid) in the graphic novel since she was supposed to be only 16 years old based from Alam Moore's works... Also in the comic, she was THAT dependent to V and he really had to take care of her...

Anyway, nice writing and I enjoyed reading it! You're one of those people who inspired me to write a V for Vendetta fanfic though it's really difficult for me to do so... :D
dirtyfeatherbirds chapter 8 . 11/2/2010
Oh god.

Don't ever stop writing
pineapple soup chapter 18 . 10/3/2010
absolutely wonderful!
Bloodsired chapter 18 . 9/23/2010
I Love this story! A simple yet sweet kiss make this story Amazing.
iri-skywalker chapter 3 . 4/15/2010
Rhetorical-Ducky chapter 18 . 10/1/2009
Interesting. I had completetly forgotten about the nightgown, and so was taken totally by surprise by the mistletoe kiss. Very neatly done :) And the synthetik(sp?) skin was ingenious as well. never thought of that. though it would have been funny if she had been forced to kiss a wool tuque under the mistletoe! obviously less romantic though I guess.
Rhetorical-Ducky chapter 17 . 10/1/2009
Hum, crepes. Have you ever had them? they are truly God's greatest gift to man, especially covered in a sauce made from orange juice. gah! the thought is making my mouth water! Can't wait to find out how V's going to give Evey her gift. Kinda already know what is is due to the title of the fic. My guess is one of those robber tuque thing-a-ma-jigs
Rhetorical-Ducky chapter 14 . 10/1/2009
Wait, he ate with her?
Rhetorical-Ducky chapter 13 . 10/1/2009
I'm pretty sure that Horatio was not refering to a peacefull night's sleep when he uttered that famous qoute over Hamlet's dead body, but I am sure you already knew that. ;)
Rhetorical-Ducky chapter 12 . 10/1/2009
And yet she is covered with it at the end of the movie where she holds his multily (is that even a word?) shot body in her arms. humm, now I wonder what his blood carries, if he was real that is!
Rhetorical-Ducky chapter 6 . 10/1/2009
And so he found that the walls around his heart were not those of the carefully forged metals of the Earth, but the delicate crystalline structures of the frozen Sea of which the heated Sun of her passion made shatter, leaving bare his heart to the raw Winds of emotion.
Rhetorical-Ducky chapter 5 . 10/1/2009
Again, a goldfish would truly help. Maybe even an Ivy plant? That is rather mean of V though, making his point in such a thoughtless way.
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