Reviews for Titanic sin
RimK10 chapter 8 . 11/8/2016
Oho, interesting
Guest chapter 3 . 3/20/2016
Nightcrawler247(not logged in sorry): since English is not your first language you should get a beta reader who's first language is English. I think it will really help improve your story.
ravenclawoutcast13 chapter 21 . 7/11/2014
I saw a lot of hints a Raven/Ed! You should write more about those hints! Other than that...I LOVED IT!
dmc fanboy chapter 16 . 9/1/2013
you just had to kill him why is it all people hate wrath I mean c'mon get's way more crap than he should I really wanted to kill Edward that episode not to mention we've seen all the homunculi have emotions so why is it that wrath couldn't be her son he aged he did everything a normal human child does beyond the evil envy made him do so I really don't get it anyway this is where I stop reading because you just killed the number one reason 2003 anime was better and selim sucks no offence I like the story but why is it wrath doesn't ever get happy ending where he dances on eds corps lol but really great job on this story and I loved it anyway see ya
Thorfaxdragonkin chapter 1 . 7/27/2011
Well i can say this looks promising. very promising.
onakasuita chapter 2 . 2/13/2011
haha... nice!


kasuki-dono-ojou-sama (call me queen!)
onakasuita chapter 1 . 2/13/2011
holy... envy! don't you dare do anything to them you idiot! heheh... jk i don't care, as long as i can read this!


kasuki-dono-ojou-sama (call me king!)
sama-chan chapter 21 . 4/15/2010
it's very good :)
archsage328 chapter 21 . 2/22/2010
and thus it comes to an end. the ending worked out very well. id actually like to see a sequel where the titans pay the elrics a visit. oh the hilarity that would ensue!
truephan chapter 21 . 2/21/2010
AW, all over? But I'm glad you completed it! I liked it from the beginning and was worried that you wouldn't finish it. But, of course, you did-and thanks! And it was a GREAT story! I thoroughly enjoyed it!

truephan chapter 20 . 2/21/2010
Wow! And a riveting chapter it was! And it's over except for the epilogue? I can't believe it! It was great during this whole ride, so I guess I'm not really complaining! In any case, I see you already have the epilogue up, so I'm just going to go to that right now! Great job! t.
DemonRaily chapter 21 . 2/21/2010
Actually to tell the truth I did not like the ending, in my opinion the whole story went down after Dante came...
archsage328 chapter 20 . 2/19/2010
so we are approaching the end, huh? i really liked this chapter, guess because of all the fighting. i see u also decided to leave in hohenheim's death from the movie. keep up the great work!
truephan chapter 19 . 2/17/2010
AA: This is turning very evil! Wickedly so, that is! I don't trust Dante or Envy, of course, so to have them so easily manipulate the three Brotherhood teens is chilling. I hope they don't succeed.

That scene with Hoenheim and Izumi shocked the heck out of me! I certainly didn't expect any of that!

As for the TT, I hope they prevail and they are able to foil everything.

Great job! truephan
truephan chapter 18 . 2/8/2010
AA: Glad you updated! Great chapter and it's getting more and more interesting. I really don't like that Dante person. She's mega-evil. And Envy's pretty putrid himself. I sure hope the TT can defeat them without messing up themselves or having to go against their principles. But, I'm in it for the ride, so I will wait for an update! Great job! t.
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