Reviews for The Emperor Works in Weird Ways
1 love m4gic chapter 3 . 4/1
WHAT ABOUT THE NECRON SHIP?! Fuck the Imperials and their overly xenophobic idiotism! They are displaced by a weapon and they do not even try to understand it, or anything... I know already, that some goauld will find the necron remains and decipher it to some degree... STUPID imperials...
Chaosredshift chapter 12 . 1/2/2019
Considering the vast differences of morals and ethics between sgc and imperium, I almost expected the iris to stay closed, and the religious crusade to be nipped in the bud, 1 non-materialized entity at a time. There wouldn't have even have been a interruption of a signal. A silent, sudden, final, assassination til asgard could be called in to give fire support. Biggest problem with maintaining the imperial doctrine, is it fits in nowhere else. They are as much the villain in their home setting as what they fight. They are the ultimate product of PTSD from betrayal and seige of a uncomprehendable for. They are used to Attrition. Anywhere else, it would be instantly told to "Go fellate a loaded shotgun" or agreed to long enough to get them off the world. I could only get to chapter 12 before this story devolved too much into terrible understanding that more than one side would interact. You could swap out the stargate side with another setting and back, every other chapter, and no one would truly notice because it's not intuitive into the setting. I thought you might be studying the setting when you discussed how their bombers were more effective, but then it was dropped. None were used for air support vs the ground assault. A marine is far from immortal, tau plasma can attest to that. And I hate playing that card, but writers need to remember that ork jury-rigged low-tech throwable bombs can lay a dreadnought low. The biggest thing behind a imperial is religious fanaticism, brainwashing, and knowing no other workable system. The first guarantees hated, the 2nd can be degraded, the third can be broken. In that, a mix can be found. Otherwise, logistics kills the largest war engine. Atm, story is 2/10, Twilight of warhammer.
Commodore Krevin chapter 25 . 5/10/2018
The fact this is the "remastered" version is sad.

If being made the alleged proxy for the God-Emperor hasn't bothered you yet Alt-O'Neil then you shouldn't start now. Besides, don't worry. Last chapter already spelled out that the OP Necrons can't win. The entire Necron war is just dragging things out while the OP Marines get Ancient tech to add to their OP power.

Of course Carter's admiring the chapter keep. Why we had two whole sentences of none OP Marine's contributing and we have to remind everyone how awesome OP Marines are before they forget. And basically the entire thing is useless because its only good against Ha'taks and other things which don't matter.

Doesn't detonating a railshot before it hits completely defeating the purpose? The whole point is you are accelerating a high speed for a big bang when it hits. An explosive charge would just divert and negate the momentum. Not to mention hollowing out the space for explsovies would be lessening the weapon's mass making it overall less effective. God, Alt-Thor has got to stop drinking on the job. Its affecting his performance.

And did I miss the part where the supreme Asgard commander became a glorified weapon's developer?

Okay its official. Alt-Thor has become completely insane like everyone else who appears in this fic.

And again why do we get this massive info dumps? There's a, supposedly, massive war for the fate of the galaxy happening and what do we focus on time after time? Briefings talking about how "Awesome" your wank characters/ships are. I mean have the Pariah Necrons done anything plot relevant since Smith? Why did you devote oodles of chapter time slowly going through every feature and detail of the Pariah Necrons?

This is the last chapter of the first "book". You should be building tension to end on a cliff hanger or a daring, exciting conclusion that pays off for my investment but leaves the story open ended enough to continue. Sort of like a season finale. It is not the time to be dumping exposition on nova cannons.

Why would Alt-O'Neill have to walk to the "Asgard transportation room"? They have site to site beaming. And uh considering Imperium teleporters send you through the warp and are relatively rare and limited in their use I don't see why anyone would choose to use them if they had remotely a choice.

Joy. A battle scene full of never before seen, poorly described people. All of whom exist only to try and give these wet noddle of a fic some tension. But it doesn't matter. We've established the OP Marines can't suffer any serious setback. At all. To the point you'll pull out a deus ex machina at the first implication they might be in trouble. So this battle, like everything else, doesn't matter.

And I see the ships now have full on Imperium style names. Because lord knows across the entire Galaxy there are no other cultures, ideas or thoughts. Everyone and everything are empty shells merely waiting for the OP Marines to swoop down and give their lives meaning.

Angelus-destroyer of servitors. There's something oddly fitting about that. And you know, even the OP Marines seem to have the same basic stoner personality you give the humans when you get right down to it. Sure they don't piss themselves at a drop of a hat but they all have the same immature highschooler personality. The same forced levity.

Lord. Even the characters are getting bored with this fic and bugging out to a new one.

The transformation of Davidenko into a mary sue continues apace. You are now reaching OP Marine, Davidenko. Congrats!

Really the whole proxy job's pretty easy. You sit and pretend to listen to boring briefings, occasionally mention paperwork and basically agree with whatever an OP Marine says.

More with Davidenko. Well out of all your characters she's starting to grow on me. A badass, hot babe is a badass hot babe in any universe.

So her powers have an actual penalty to use? If handled properly this actually could be an interesting idea. It's not going to be handled properly is it?

And now we're back with the loser highschoolers. What next? Is Anderson going to give Mitchel a noogie until he forks over his lunch money or something?

Now that you mention it, certain Davidenko be having I don't know anxiety over, from her perspective, waking up in a completely new body? Or does she think everyone shrunk a couple of feet?

Do we really need a recap dump here? Couldn't this have been off-screen? I've read the previous 24 chapters. It makes no freaking sense but I read them.

So the entire story takes place over a year time frame. At least at this moment. Two paragraphs from now it could be less. Or a trillion years.

And after that our "heroes", and I use that word with derision, board their ships and set sail for the Pegasus galaxy. And that's it. No real conclusion, even temporary, the story just kind of stumbles to a close. Seriously why wasn't this chapter and the previous not folded together? At least then there would have been some kind of turning point. Mankinds fights an a pivotal battle against the OP Necrons while we send an expedition to Pegasus. I mean we won that battle effortlessly and without any actual cost which undermines any importance it could have but it would have been something.

Instead we end on a "defeat" of some meaningless ships crewed by nobodies and just endless talking. So that's it for the first book.

My review is thus: This is poorly written. It a heavily one-sided. Unless you like Space Marines just being "awesome" I can't understand how anyone could possibly enjoy this fic. This is the "Twilight" of Warhammer fanfiction.
Commodore Krevin chapter 24 . 5/10/2018
Hey Alt-SG-1's here. Are they going to contribute anything useful? Nope. I mean Samantha's *only* the resident tech expert and smart guy. Don't know why I thought she might be able to do something, sill me. She isn't an OP Marine.

You know what would be a good excuse to include the Asgard, as more than just a way to make OP Marines more OP,? Include them in on studying Davidenko/Pariah Smith. They do have some experience with Replicators, are super advanced and intelligent. Maybe include Samantha Carter too? Maybe. No? Actually being useful is reserved for OP Marines? Wouldn't want anyone to steal the spotlight from them, no would we?

Seriously why even bother to tell alt-O'Neill? He's never done anything but rubber stamp whatever OP Marines/ Angelus say anyway. And even if he did have a stray independent thought by accident what is he going to do? As established the Marines will do whatever the fuck they want and will resort to violence at the first opportunity to do so. And absolutely nothing can stand against OP Marines. Any fight would be crushed in a paragraph and comically so.

Technobabble jargon is slightly better this time around. So hey that's progress at least. Through it still feels rather restrained compared to Carter's usual monologues.

And Alt-O'Neill is an idiot who we are lucky if he can remember to think and blink at the same time. I'm starting to understand why he couldn't see the threat the OP Marines represented.

Joy. A chance for Carter to stand around and be impressed by OP Marines.

You know it would be so easy to actually prove me wrong. All you had to do was have Major Carter do something. But no. She's just standing there. Also what happened with that Asgard plot line? Are did that get abandoned for yet another chance for the OP Marines to show off?

A supreme god like being who apparently can only say "Pitiful human". Sheeh factory fresh T-800's have a wider vocabulary.

And give it up Harbinger. OP Necrons are no match for OP Marines. Witness the power this fully armed and operational plot shield!

And look. He got his butt kicked. Oh yes. The Harbinger totally sounded threatening at the end and not like a pouting child who didn't get his way.

Joy. So Davidenko gets to be a cyborg mutant. In what may be the only plot point you've actually tried to set up. Except we're twenty-four chapters in a twenty-five chapter story involving a character who might have been in a tenth of that total. And again I can't help but shake the feeling this was done more to show off the OP Marines than actual story telling.

Hey Alt-Thor! What useless thing are going to not-do to make the barest pretense of justifying you taking up space in this fic? I mean the odds of you actually contributing meaningfully are almost nonexistent. Only OP Marines matter.

Sigh. In every universe must the Ancients be incompetent dicks? Granted everyone in this fic is a thumb-sucking moron with severe personality deficiencies. So its justified at least.

And this may be a new low. Being killed by a freaking recording.

Actually until we sent a team to Atlantis and discovered evidence of their research no, no we didn't know the Ancients studied how to ascend. Hell we didn't even know the Ancients and the ascended were one and the same until the end of season 6. A little more than a year or so in this fic chronology. I suppose Alt-Weir could have discovered all this off-screen and reported it but I don't see that worth the trouble. Nothing matters in this fic. No cause and effect. Things just happen. I am truly in the eyes of madness.

Thor do you really think an Asgard ship is going to be of any good? Its just there to get its ass kicked by the OP Necrons so the OP Marines can save the day.

Its good to see the Asgard have the same retro-engineering ability that would put X-Com to shame as everyone else in this story.

Sure is lucky for Davidenko those Replicons cells decided she needed to be good at "distraction" as opposed to say terrifying and killing things. Otherwise she might have ended up looking like Pariah Smith.

And Mitchell gets humiliated because of course why not. And people talk about how great OP Marines are. Because I think its been five minutes since the last time someone did.

Ah is Tivo made of Plasticine or something? Davidenko is only "twice" as strong as she was before. I wouldn't think that would be enough to need medical attention from a hug unless Davidenko deliberately meant to hurt him. Which considering everyone in this fic is a violent moron isn't far removed.

No. No one "seemed to fun" in this fic. Anderson was a barely function shell of a character like everyone else in this.

Well it would be a waste of all this build up if Davidenko didn't go out on a mission now wouldn't it?

Okay does Alt-O'Neill mean something besides slaughtering her team when he asks if she'll become "like Smith" or did he literally ask the same exact question twice?

So uh does Levi have a psychology degree or something? Considering just how altered Marines are on the psychological level, exercising "fear" as we'd understand the word for starters, he would seem to be one of the last people to understand us puny mortals. But I forgot. OP Marines must always solve every problem.

The "Ancient gene" is a genetic marker not radically different from the markers Jolinar left in Major Carter after she died. It to my knowledge has no direct connection to the Ancients abilities or any pesuodo-Pysker abilities. Who, pre-ascension, were fairly subdued in ESP type shenanigans. Again Nirrti's efforts were closer to Pyskers.

Must you mangle everything to shoehorn in 40K?

Also considering the one Necron command that fully carried over into Replicon is a hatred of the Warp wouldn't Davidenko developing Warp powers be bad?

Fission warheads? So WWII-era Atomic bombs? Those used Fission. Admittedly modern Thermonuclear bombs also use Fission to initiate the Fusion process but you typically don't refer to them as fission bombs. So how are these people more advanced again?

Well that was a very long excerpt for what I guess was a shout out to something. I don't know Kage. I think the writer's just trying to pad out these chapters to be honest.

And will any of this matter? Of course not. Nothing matters!

Seriously were are all these Terran Defenders coming from? Does the Second Imperium have villain dark matter or something? How are they crewing them? Earth ships typically were crew intensive and Imperium ships are monsterous affairs with technology being operated by serfs. I'd doubt if there's more than ten billion or so human souls in the entire galaxy so just finding people to crew these bastards would be a herculean challenge. Let alone marshaling all the necessary resources to physically build all these phallic size compensators.

Well to your credit at least this isn't an after-action report. But not to the credit it read just like one. All right. Let's see if the OP Necrons can give the OP Marines a bloody nose. Nope. It took a freaking Necron god to kill fifteen nameless ships.

And of course we had to know the Imperial fleet destroyed no less then fifty Replicon ships. Because otherwise we might think the OP Marines had failed and we can't ever be allowed to think that. Even for a minute.

And again you tell instead of show. A massive furball of space fighters and warships could be very entertaining but simply being told its happening isn't. Oh well. I'm nearly done with this "Book". Only one and a half more to go.

Heh. The I-301's superiority had proved they were superior. But only just. With overwhelming numbers the OP Necrons were almost maybe a threat. Which admittedly is better than anyone previously. So yeah?

Why does Kage like "this place"? Its a generic city with scarcely more depth put into than that. I literally can't remember if we've been here before or not and frankly it wouldn't make a difference other than a recycled name.

And the cherry on top of this sundae has to be you holding everyone's hand and slow-walking them over how absolutely, positively the OP Necrons can't possibly pose a threat. Tension, drama, Suspense? Bah! We don't need those. We have OP Marines. And we have to be assured at every step of the way of their total victory.

Wait. You say next chapter the Atlantis expedition "is launched" but Thor claimed we already have people in the Pegasus galaxy and in Atlantis. Nothing make sense. Words are just strung together without any thought or concern on how they relate to each other. Christ I joked time moves differently in these chapters but here's proof that the end of a chapter takes place before the middle of the chapter. That time is unstuck and we are just bumbling through without frame of reference.
Commodore Krevin chapter 23 . 5/9/2018
I've noticed there seems to only be two or three personalities for human characters. Pissing themselves in fright/gushing with praise for OP Marines and Necrons. And these somewhat stoned teenager types who kind of treat everything around them like a joke.

And a OP Marine humiliates people in what I think is supposed to levity. Sigh. The obviously irony that you would be the ones being made fun of in this fic rather than the "awesome" OP Marine seems lost on you.

Eighty Terran Defenders? Why not. Nothing matters in this fic. The idea any of this needs to be set up or explained obviously eludes you.

And SG-1 officially dissolved. Sure why not. Nothing matters.

Don't feel glum Alt-O'Neill. The writer won't ever allow his OP Marines to fail. No matter how much I may wish for the OP Necrons to eviscerate every last man, woman and child of this miserable fic it ain't going to happen.

Space Marines are many things. But they are not defenders of humanity. They will happily kill all humans who do not meet their rigid ideals and subjugation beneath the God-Emperor.

And Samantha Carter basically exists to hear how smart the OP Marines are. Seriously her only contribution was to suggest Daniel attempt to translate something which likely won't matter anyway.

Also I don't think computer code works like that. So Daniel is an odd choice to "dump" it on.

Is there a reason so much of these chapters seems to be pointless filler? You've established Pariah Smith is all kinds of OP. You've had the OP Marines gush over it and say how its the Necron version of the Space Marine. You don't really need to devote so much time detail trivial details like it has a DNA scanner in its tongue.

If that's important you could actual work that into the story by having one sample DNA with its tongue scanner.

Only OP Marines can resist infection. And write fiat apparently. But I love how adamant he is on something he, clearly, has no idea on. I'd say you were poking tongue-in-cheek fun at the OP Marines but I don't think your that self-aware.

God this scene goes on forever. I mean some of these features sound kind of cool. But that's the problem. I'm being told them instead of *shown*. This isn't a codex entry.

Fuck. We're talking about Necrodermis now? Seriously why do the bulk of these chapters consist of either OP Marines winning effortlessly, hearing about OP Marines winning effortlessly, debriefing exposition dump scenes or bland attempt at humor?

Didn't we already establish three or four shots to disable the Necrodermis then a plasma shot or similar yield weapon? Why is the story stopping itself to regurgitate this yet again?

Oh good reports. Because hearing about a space battle is way cooler than actually seeing one, am I right? Not that it matters because nothing matters in this fic. The mountainous exposition dumps, the nonsensical and frequently paper-thin characters, the faux-drama of the Replicon threat...its just stretching out the OP Marines saving the day. Honestly the last three chapters could have been condensed into one if you parred down all the useless padding, repetition and needless details.

Please. We know the Replicons can't win. No one can beat the OP Marines. So don't pretend like there's any actual stakes. Also, you know what would be cool? If I learned Maroth had a cache of Necrodermis in the actual story not as part of a info dump!
Commodore Krevin chapter 22 . 5/9/2018
Smith's a Replicon. And apparently SGC is completely incapable of detecting one even when their being medically examined. But why should that surprise me. Anyone who isn't an OP Marine is absolutely useless in this fic barely able to breath and exist solely to make OP Marines look OP.

So Smith was discharged from medical but was so extensively injured he was giving leave. I realize logic isn't something that exists in this verse but if he was so badly hurt shouldn't he still be there then? Or at the very least arouse more suspicion that a, presumably brainwashed, doctor allowed him to leave in that condition?

Also if he's on leave why is he still on base three days later? Did he come back early? Has he not left yet? Or, like everything else in this fic, do things and events happen independently of each other?

Ah. I see Smith is doing an "awesome" job of blinding in. All humans mutter about "pitiful humans" under their breath, right? And its not like the SGC knows about human form Replicons or has experience with humanoid robots or even replaced team members.

I suppose the Marine with the bionic eye is foreshadowing for Davidenko. Whatever she's useless. Nameless marine is less useless but still not as good as a true OP Marine.

Stopping the story to say "X is just like Predator's blades" is bad writing. Either describe something in sufficient detail to convey the emotions you want or don't waste the oxygen.

And of course the human guards piss themselves in a comical fashion. Because literally no one but OP Marines can do anything.

Oh boy. Anderson sure is heroic. I'm so glad he's in this story.

Heh. This may be the first out and out defeat an OP Marine has suffered in this fic. Pariah Smith managed to eke out a slim victory here. I'd congratulate you on defying my expectations if I didn't suspect this is more OP Necron than you fumbling to understand how to create a somewhat entertaining narrative.

Why even have the human guard show up? Literally they can do nothing. Like everyone who isn't an OP Marine.

And now its Levi's turn. A meaningless combat with the death of nameless people who don't matter and who exist only to make Levi look better when he defeats Pariah Smith. Sigh. And here I was hoping that maybe, just maybe the OP Marine weren't OP. We are 22 chapters into this mess and the contender for one of the biggest defeats they'd suffered so far is Vanem only barely losing to Pariah Smith and not even fatally.

I agree Davidenko a "human empire" is an insane idea. A pity no one else seems too. Where is Thor? I need a drink.

So a scene dedicated to a character I could care less about being enticed to become a cyborg mutant for some Necron God thingie I also couldn't care about. Gee either you are wasting everyone times with a pointless shaggy dog story or she's going to reject his offer and become a cyborg mutant for good. Hence that foreshadowing earlier.

And even if I could, somehow, be moved to actually care about Davidenko the entire affair comes across like a child throwing a tantrum as much as anything.

Oh. Alt-SG-1? Here, in this fic? Now are they actually going to anything or just stand around and sing the praises of the fascist bastards they've surrendered Earth too? Which I will never forgive them for and hope they all rot in hell.

Actually Alt-O'Neill that was pretty straight forward. Her brain is infected with an alien virus. You are just an idiot. On par with Homer Simpson.

Damn. OP Necrons are OP. Not that it matters. Nothing can beat OP Marines. Nothing. No matter how much I my wish otherwise.

And nope. SG-1 are just here to struggle to understand the simplest concepts and talk about how awesome OP Marines are. Nothing matters.

They are in this fic. No, God Damn it, the Asgard are not happy.

Ah yes. A race of beings able to fly beween galaxies in minutes, mastered matter-energy replication, beam style transporters, cloning and planetary scale time dilation technology are going to impressed by the IOM's crude weapons. Like the plasma gun that has a nasty tendency to blow up in your face.

But I forgot. OP Marines are OP. That is the first and only commandment.

God this fic is a travesty. A mean-spirited excuse of a wank filled with a shallow, largely interchangeable characters and a plot which exists only so the protagonist can win all the time.

At this point I have to ask why is this even here? I mean I know why this fic is here. This is a wank for your mary-sue "Second Imperium" but I mean the Replicons. This is only tangentially connected to the bulk of the previous chapters. Considering you had already well decided to write sequel "books" at this point I don't see why this shouldn't have been its own story. Instead of shoehorning it in the last few chapters.
Commodore Krevin chapter 21 . 5/9/2018
Hey Anderson's back! Don't know why really. He has nothing to do with SG-1 the ostensible crossover. And I presume the writer wouldn't do something so hackney as have Agent Smith be a Replicon, right?

Heh. Alt-Mitchell. I mean I never really warmed up to his character but at this point he's an actual canon character! Don't see a lot of those in this fic.

Of course Mitchel should probably still be in the hospital from Antarctica but nothing else has made sense in this fic why start now?

I feel your pain Thor. I feel your pain. I guess its a good thing you are a drunkard now because the sweet release of alcohol is the best you can hope for in this fic.

Oh good. OP Marines get more OP. And with that the Asgards most important contributions to this story are at an end. By the way, anyone remember with Angelus hated Xeno tech and swore bloody vengeance on humans who used it? Apparently not the writer that's for sure.

And now I feel I'm in a bad Starship Trooper's fanfic instead of a bad stargate fanfic. With all this "bug hunt" talk.

No Alt-O'Neill you are not the real O'Neill. You don't make jokes or are a relatable, fun character. You are just there so Angelus has someone to talk too.

I hate Fifth. And the rest of the human Replicons. With a surprising amount of vitriol for an imaginary character. My fondest wish is if they and Second Imperium could kill each other.

Useless filler scene for characters with wafer-thin development.

Silly Asgard. You're useless. Like everyone else not an OP Marine. Nothing you do matters. Nothing anyone does matters. Except OP Marines.

Scene of guys I don't care about getting briefed. I guess they're main characters now? They've been in like two whole chapters at this point.

More Fifth.

Hey. Alt-Mitchell's back. I mean he's a fascist collaborator but hey, at least he's still a canon character and someone I actually know and, somewhat, care about.

These are some of the most Xeno tech loving Marines I've ever come across. Figures. Can't have any weakness. OP Marines must be OP after all. Looks like they figured out about the Necrons.

What is with Stuart and mutilation? Seriously is there anyone sane in this universe? And are we going to get to the "bug hunt" this chapter? I mean this is an awful lot of padding for a needlessly long chapter.

And now we get a repeat concerning the whole Necron connection. This seems to be knowledge we the audiance already have either been spoon fed, observed or can easily guess.

Yes. Because changing the "Replicators" name was really important.

Beyla there was nothing "noble" about your ships sacrifice. They were slaughtered to appease one man's wank material.

So Replicons are practically invulnerable. Have to hit repeatedly with the specifically anti-replicator weapon and then need a Marine plasma pistol to actually finishe the job because Stargate has to be worse at everything in this fic.

Our we finally getting to the bug hunt? We're more than two-thirds through the chapter.

Have I mentioned I hate Fifth? Well I do. He's one canon character I wish wasn't here.

Silly humans. You're useless. Like everyone else not an OP Marine. Nothing you do matters. Nothing anyone does matters. Except OP Marines.

I guess its Baltus's chance to outshine all the non-OP Marines. Heh, bit of a slouch wasn't he? He just barely was able to dominate that fight. He kind of, almost was in actual trouble there for a moment.

Of course Titov. Everyone is screwed without an OP Marine. They are the only ones who can do anything in this fic.

Yeah. A human was, almost, useful! He kind of inconvenienced a Replicon. Just took self-destructing a plasma pistol to do it.

Baltus can fix it. Because we know the humans sure as hell can't. I mean Mckay? Samantha Carter. Dr. Zelenka. Why would you send any of those clowns on a mission involving technology. They aren't OP Marines.

Ah congrats. They've managed to capture one of the weaker variants of Replicon in a very anti-climatic way. I guess they're not completely useless. And Agent Smith is a machine. No one could see that coming.

All in all this chapter could have been a *lot* shorter. Baltus fight didn't really seem to add much. The briefing scenes could have been combined ect. You ate up two-thirds of the chapter setting up the bug hunt and the humans don't really do much but run away in it. And why the hell was Mitchell even there? He didn't seem contribute anything meaningful to the story.
Commodore Krevin chapter 20 . 5/9/2018
I see the Alt-Asgard as equally as corrupted as everything else in this miserable universe. No help there. Sigh. Yeah. Maybe should have mentioned the whole allies of Xeno thing before signing a treaty with the Catholic space-Nazis.

So Thor's useless. Fifth is...well Fifth. He was useless in canon.

Ah poor Asgard. Don't you know, only the authors preferred factions can succeed. Everyone else can only suck vacuum and die?

Let me guess. A shorter chapter would be "Asgard die", right? I mean they're not OP Marines so they can't possibly accomplish anything else.

I hate "crazy" characters. It takes a lot of work and effort to come across as genuinely crazy and not a stupid "Oh I'm so random, tee hee". Very few writers are up to that challenge. So already Fifth has managed to overshoot Angelus in my list of people I dislike. Quite an accomplishment.

Not that the other Replicons aren't helping in that regard.

Thor being locked in a cupboard. I don't think I could come up with a better analogy for this fic if I tried.

So now Angelus is a comical grumpy Marine who sputters and threatens as opposed to you know actually shooting a Xeno. This story has a weird tone I'm really starting to notice. Some sections people are being blown apart in gruesome detail and in others...drunken Asgardians.

Ah. I see you've captured the noble dignity of such an august race.

And it looks like the entire race could have fallen into a black hole for all the impact or importance they'll have on the plot.
Commodore Krevin chapter 19 . 5/8/2018
I'm honestly surprised you tried to justify "Replicons". As we've established nothing matters. There is no cause and effect. Things just occur when and if they are plot convenient. Why the Necrons should be any different is beyond me.
Commodore Krevin chapter 18 . 5/8/2018
Bored, Angelus? Well can't say you have my sympathies.

Okay. Why does the start of this chapter feel like an introductory one?I know what the Emperor's Light is. I've been following the story for 18 chapters. If I hadn't figured it out yet I sure as hell ain't going to start now.

Really why argue over costs to the Emperor's Light? The SGC apparently pulled three cruisers plus dozens of brand spanking new fighters out of a leprechaun's butt I don't see why the Emperor's light should be any different.

Besides you are the annexed property of the Imperium. You don't get rights. You just slave for your God-Emperor now. And I dare say you deserve every misfortune that brings about.

Alt-O'Neill's an a-hole but we already knew that. And of course we have to establish that OP Marines are the awesome. Its been like three whole paragraphs since I was reminded of that fact.

Anyone else notice how Alt-Daniel and Alt-Sam and Alt-Teal'c have all just kind of faded from the story? I know I've already said this isn't a crossover anymore but could you at least pretend it is?

Why do I hear the odd couple theme song? Oh well this, like literally everything else, won't matter. The only thing that matters is OP Marines proving how OP they are.

You know what would be more spectacular and surprising news to report? If the Gate legion had lost and had been completely repulsed.

I do hate to beat a dead horse but this collection of words strung together in the pretense of a story only has one gear. Every chapter has been like the one before with no attempt to improve or even be coherent.

There's no character progression or consequences. Or semblance of any effort. Even the battle scenes are flat, one-sided curbstomps denying me even that.

So Earth gets another ship. Sure. Why not? Makes as much sense as anything else happening.

Oh, hey! The Tokra still exist. I don't think we've heard about them since like chapter 6. So uh, are they also cool with genocidal catholic space-Nazi's running the galaxy? Has Earth even told them they've been conquered? No time for those pressing questions. We need to be remined how OP the OP Marines are.

Honestly I still like my dream theory. It would explain the continuity issues, the non-canon personalities, the complete lack of resistance from everyone in the Galaxy against the Imperium. Just how overpowered, and inconsistent, the OP Marines are.

Silly Kage. It doesn't matter if the army stops. Or disarms to play a game of arm wrestling. The Goa'uld will fail because that's the only thing they can do. Nothing matters. Nothing Kage.

See? Did anyone actually develop how to run silently in hyperspace? No. It just exists because the writer thought it would give the Marines more of an advantage. Without any effort needed on the part of the OP Marines. So there was no reason to zap those guys Kage. You're were just being a jerk.

And the unstoppable OP Marines begin yet another daring battle where the outcome is never, ever in doubt. Even the tiniest little bit. They can't even have a Pyrrhic victory. Because that would mean the Goa'uld actually accomplished something.

I know I shouldn't be surprised but I see Earth has changed it naming scheme for space ships. For some reason. Oh who am I kidding. There's no reason. It just happened. Like everything else. Completely disconnected from any cause or effect.

I see the Goa'uld's super-duper never explained new weapon has managed to destroy...a random Earth ship of absolutely no consequence. And neither it nor the weapon have any purpose to exist except to make the Emperor's Light look better. That is the only thing that matters. The only thing that *Can* matter.

See Varas? You have torpedoes still. You think the writer would allow you to suffer any permanent loss however slight? And boom. Lame super weapon serves no meaningful purpose but to be a punching bag.

I mean the story literally could have ended at chapter 4 and it would have made no difference in terms of plot or character development. And at least it would have been, relatively, coherent. As opposed to this surreal mess.

Cool. This has been a Matrix cross over this entire time. A very glitchy matrix. Oh who am I kidding. That would actually be a cool, inventive idea. Far too much of one for this story.

And did any of Mr. Anderson and Agent Smith have any relevance? Not that I can see. Their random people I've never met before fighting cardboard Jaffa. This seems an unnecessary means to stretch out a chapter that could easily have been simply "Jaffa failed at life."

Yeah. They destroyed the power core. So now the Jaffa are even less of a threat than they were before. Also a bunch of meaningless redshirts who didn't exist a chapter ago are dead. And who won't be brought up again in the next one. Because they, ultimately, don't matter. Like this chapter.

Oh Good. Angelus who wasn't in any danger is now is in even less danger. I'm still praying a hellblade ends up his posterior. Guy deserves it.

Ah and Ammit, like every Goa'uld in this story, just sits on their ass like a vegetable and simply waits impassively for his fate. No attempts to escape to the stargate, despite most System Lords including escape plans in their fortresses, no petty vindictive detonating the naqadaih mines to try and destroy the whole planet in a pique of god complex. Nothing. Because they don't matter.

Oh good. Necrons. Why is this story in the crossover section again? This is just a lopsided 40K fanfic. Everything remotely Stargate has been devoured and remorselessly disposed off.
Commodore Krevin chapter 17 . 5/8/2018
Is this really necessary? The Jaffa die. They can't fight. They can't adapt. They can't do anything but die to prove how awesome OP Marines are. In terms of impact or point the entire liberation isn't worth the little oxygen molecules you squished typing this.

-snip long, unevenful Jaffa torture porn-

See? Didn't I tell you a chapter ago? No lasting weakness. Ever. Earth can no build plasteel, and in sufficient quantities, because why not. No. It couldn't be tritanium or anything Earth might conceivably have on hand. Because that might imply the OP Marines are weak. And that can never be.

Oh joy. Alt-Weir is now ready to spread Fascism to another galaxy. Poor Wraith. What did they ever do to you? And I would say this is setting up the Second Empire to be bitten in the ass but...yeah we all know that's not going to happen. Wraith are going to die. Just like the Goa'uld.

Honestly why do we need the Ammit subplot? It isn't going to matter. The Goa'uld just pulled the best plan their raisin sized brains could possibly come up with and they got smacked down by plot. Ammit could have an Ancient time machine and it still wouldn't make a difference.

And yeah. Alt-O'Neill is in charge of the SGC. Not that it matters. Like Alt-Weir he exists just to sing the OP Marines' praises. They are literally the only thing that matters or have any agency in this...well story isn't the right word. Series of words strung together.

And two more ships somehow. Did I miss where they declassified the project or absorbed the entire US military's budget. Is that a thing? Is there is causality to what occurs or do things and people just spontaneously appear and disappear at random?
Commodore Krevin chapter 16 . 5/8/2018
I know it's not going to happen. But I rooting for the Goa'uld. They are the only good guys left in this verse. Well maybe the Asgard. Through I expect them to start doing roman salutes any minute now.

And no alt-System Lords, that wasn't Ba'al who died. That was Khertu the oft-failure. And most likely you are also all Khertu the oft-failure. Since that's about only Goa'uld character this story has.

Of course if this the alt-System Lords what is Alt-Osiris doing here? He, canonically at least, was a representative for Anubis who, during the 7th season would be opposed to the actual System Lords and at war with them. I mean due to the present threat they might have decided to bring Alt-Anubis back into the fold as it were but if they did why wouldn't they just invite him instead of Alt-Osiris who should not be a System Lord in any shape or form.

Are these even system lords? I don't see any names I recognize. no Yu. No Morrigan. No Bastet.

Why does everything Stargate related not make any sense in this fic? The incredibly sparse descriptions of this ominous council of vagueness aren't helping.

Not to mention Ammit's "plan" consists of nothing but an unfounded hope the Marine ship is in Earth's system. Rocket scientists they're not. I'm not even sure they'd qualify as cauliflower at this point.

Wait. Anubis's fleet was destroyed. That means they powered the ancient weapon which required O'Neill to using the ancient memory device. Which means he should be frozen somewhere in Antarctica. So that explains it. This is all just a horrible dream O'Neill is having while in cryogenic stasis.

Wasn't Sekhmet banished by Ra into a canopic jar and left on Earth until the NID found it leading to a human-Goa'uld hybrid experiment? How is she here? Through that really would hammer home this is a dream angle.

Yeah. Khertu the oft-failure had Ba'al's Kull warriors,advanced ships and weapons and still failed to even be remotely a threat. I mean strictly speaking, Anum's not wrong. Its one ship. The Alt-System lords could throw tens of dozens of Ha'taks, even more alkeshes and all sort of nasty Naqadiah bombs and just overwhelm them. But this is a curbstomp fic so literally anything you try to do can't work nor will you be able to realize this. You'll just die like lemmings.

Its quite depressing the galaxy's only hope rests with these clowns.

Ah, is Ammit going to do something drastically stupid which will give the OP Marines even more advantage and remove even the tiniest shred of threat the Goa'uld posses?

Ah upgrading Alt-Earth's ship technology. Leaving aside the fact the Imperium doesn't really understand how it tech works and its debatable if they could recreate it from scratch like this, aren't the OP Marines overpowered enough? The Alt-System Lords already weren't a threat. Do they have to be even that much more less of a threat? And all this in a month from start to finish. Or at least I think it was a month. Time does seem to move differently in different parts of a chapter and between chapters. I half expect Ra to show up in one of them telling everyone about this pleasant cruise to Abydoss he's planning.

Not to mention we shouldn't even have a ship ready. Daedalus was the next one finished, the first 304, which Mckay was surprised to find out it was finished at the end of season 1 of Atlantis or Season 8 of SG1. This is, kind of, supposed to be Season 7. I think.

You could have modified a 303, the one and only Prometheus, but the complex reconstruction talked about would require a lot more than just a couple of tech marines and some scientists.

Like I said nothing Stargate related makes sense. At all. To the point it seems the only connection is a random assortment of nouns and proper names.

Yeah. Ugly, bastard fighters because the Marines needed to be yet more overpowered. Wouldn't want anyone to think those Goa'ulds had a chance now would we?

My hopes and prayers go with the Goa'uld here. They truly need it.

Heh. Remember when we said the figure was unknown for the battlebarge? Yeah that was only for a paragraph. Its twenty-five right now.

Wow. Khertu the oft-failure pretending to be Ba'al had twelve ships and got his ass kicked. Some of which had upgraded tech and shields. And the Alt-System Lords super-uber plan has...seventeen. Is there a single person in this universe with an IQ you couldn't count with one hand?

And of course a curbstomp, one-sided battle. Gee I wonder who's going to win. Predictable the fleet got raped before the second half could be sprung allowing the Marines to fight them piecemeal and nullify any numerical advantage they had.

Wow...nearly twenty to one odds and they nearly dented the Emperor's Light by a third. Wow gripping. They almost were kind of maybe about to be a threat there. Glad that's over. Now we need to establish Marines are totally awesome! and can't be defeated.

Don't worry Varas. Of course the Terrans can somehow magically make more. At the very worst you might have to wait for a plot convenient moment before they can. But the story won't possibly run the danger of you somehow suffering a real, permanent setback.

To destroy a small moon, as in say Phobos, would require something along the order of a thousand kilograms of anti-matter. So this "tiny amount of anti-matter" doesn't sound so tiny.

Oh how I wish those magnetic containment would fail. Through let's be honest. Anti-matter is no match against wank power.

And as I said the Goa'uld can't win. Even when they have every right to, they just get shafted by a deus ex machina. The last hope of the Galaxy destroyed by a crummy cliche.

Heh. Am I the only one who notices the obvious phallic implications of a really big torpedo and a giant explosion being how the Marines win the day?

But it will be a day long remembered. When the great and noble Gods of Man rose up and fought valiantly against the coming, tyrannical darkness which consumed the galaxy.
Commodore Krevin chapter 15 . 5/8/2018
Credit where credit is do, the demon vs Marine fight is actually kind of fun. With the Marines not winning 110% of the time during. A pity it didn't really last and largely just existed to make Angelus look better. But it was fun while it lasted.

And of course no one but a Marine can be competent, useful or brave. I was so busy actually enjoy the story for a second I forgot that. I mean Alt-O'Neill's only special ops trained and Alt-Teal'c a former first-prime. No reason they should be able to do anything but sit on a truck trailer or stare at a wall eyeball.

Yeah. The Warp's more trouble than its worth to be honest. As are Librarians.

A pity. I really was praying Angelus would get a hellblade up the back end. Can not even the forces of Khorne save us from the Imperium?

And Alt-Weir just hands over people to be murdered by the Catholic space-nazi's. Because apparently there's nothing morally questionable about that. And Alt-O'Neill is rather lacking either the charm or fortitude of his real-self. But on the bright side this is chapter 15. Just ten more to go. Then two more "books"...

And they signed a treaty to enslave the galaxy. As I said this is a bleak fic with the most sympathetic and non-insane person so far being a goa'uld. Oh Khertu the oft-failure.
Commodore Krevin chapter 14 . 5/8/2018
Oh good. Random people we care nothing about who's entire purpose of existence is to make the Space Marine look better when he kills the Khornate demons. And by "leaning towards" you of course meant a verbatim copy of Bloodletters.

I just pray to Khorne that just maybe, maybe Angelus gets a hellblade shoved up his ass. That would honestly make this whole worth while for me. Ah, a man can dream. XD

And again. Everyone's pretty chill about Earth being forcefully conquered by a threat that actually make the Goa'uld seem sympathetic. I mean they may be tacky dressers but at least it beats the skull motif. By the way has it occured to Alt-Weir what's going to happen when the Marines find out Earth worships many Gods and not one of them is Emperor?

Hell, a daemonic incursion sounds slightly better than life under Imperial rule. At least under Slaanesh we'd have sex, drugs and rock and roll. Yeah S/he doesn't exist because no Eldar but that just means we have to ante up our hedonism. XD

Yeah, Alt-Teal'c. This is no time for you to be slightly in-character. Non-canon characterizations only!

Okay. I think the police lieutenant is either tripping balls or even he's bored to get out of this story.
Commodore Krevin chapter 13 . 5/8/2018
So alt-SGC just's cool with being conquered by the Imperium huh? Lacking any and all of the valor and bravery of their real-selves?

Continuity: Actually I don't see why it would require NID to check the marines for containment. That seems actually quite prudent.

Continuity: And come to think of it Weir was surprised that the Marines were coming back with SG-1. So the NID learned of the Marines arrival and planned all this out including using well placed senators to give the Marines a physical all in the few hours Weir was talking? Or am I once again putting in way more effort than you did writing this?

Narration: So the NID's super secret plan is to drug a marine and kidnap him from the SGC. From a people who, best case scenario, blame the SGC and nuke Earth. Gee can't see how this could possibly go wrong.

Narration: Once again reminding everyone, nope no can stand against Space Marines! Because I guess the Marines didn't seem quite awesome enough after that escapade with Cerberus.

Technology: Considering that by season 7 the NID should be well aware of the Asguard's genetic manipulation, Nirrti's dedicated effort to create an "advanced human" etc I find it really hard to believe they'd be overly impressed with what amounts to a shaved ape or the crude genetic/chemical/surgical augmentation needed to bring it about. For a point of comparison the Goa'uld have the capability to alter your DNA while you wait. They could literally "turn off" a Marines augmented DNA. Granted they'd might not survive the process but it is so far beyond what the Imperium, or likely even the Emperor, could have done...

And gee what a surprise. NID's efforts completely failed. I never would have saw that coming.

Continuity: Of course since the Warp is calmer here with fewer and less powerful demons you'd imagine this would either be a non-entity or Cerberus would merely fry brain out since there shouldn't be enough warp energy to create/sustain a warp rift. But after all nothing in Stargate can oppose a Space Marine! So its only natural you had to bring in demons.
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