Reviews for Without Walls
Guest chapter 20 . 6/18/2015
You like Percy too? OMG I love you. :D
Guest chapter 11 . 6/17/2015
Oh, Bairstow Eves; that name sounds so posh. I was confused the first time I saw the sign as it seemed like one long word. Also, I just realised that Floella Mrs Jordan. Sorry, my memory is just so horrible, especially when there are too many (new) characters.
abcd-hp chapter 1 . 3/5/2014
Awesome sequel! I really liked the initial chapters. They started with ron trying to recover his stammering and traumatic problems but then in later chapters switched to his erectile dysfunction, so that was kind of disappointing.

Harry and the Finnigans were all awesome and funny. Hermoine had a typical lover/wife role. Her actions and dialogues just kept repeating. I liked the drama in the pool playing and three broomsticks chapters.
Vanessa chapter 18 . 1/14/2013
This chapter made me think of a fic idea: Weasley Fight Club.
livebyinsanity chapter 20 . 8/15/2012
Just as brilliant!
passed chapter 20 . 5/12/2012
You've no idea how loudly I screamed when I received a reply from you! Gah, it's so embarrassing when a near 21 year old does that. My Mum thought I'd gone crazy. Oops. :/

Anyway, this story, like it's prequel, was brilliant, I loved how the emotions were handled and how realistically it was written for characters based in and on a fantasy world. I, especially, liked how you portrayed Ron and him dealing with his trauma, mostly the molestation as that's the most difficult bit, what with people handling it differently; some of them face it head on and some of us just go into full out deny-and-ignore mode. I hope you write more in future, including Ron/Harry. Ignore the fools who don't like your stories/pairings or the fact that the stories aren't up to their standards.

Also, I can't remember if I've said this before, but I really hope your scripts get accepted by the BBC (I think it WAS you who said something about it in an A/N). And please excuse the overuse of commas. :)
passed chapter 16 . 5/12/2012
Daniel Radcliffe is delusional as well then. He said there was "lust between Harry and Hermione" in DH when Ron had left them. He said that they were both lonely and there were certain qualities between the two that "attracted them to each other". Kloves/Yates really did brainwash them. The fuckers.
passed chapter 4 . 5/11/2012
Hermione...kind of annoyed me here. Mostly because she came across as know-it-all/arrogant/self-centred.
forgetmenotjimmy chapter 20 . 4/3/2011
Another masterpiece! Very moving and realistic


DerangedxandxSarcastic chapter 20 . 10/6/2010
A wonderful story! I'm very happy with the way you finished this off for everyone, brilliant job, you're really talented at writing their recovery.
DerangedxandxSarcastic chapter 15 . 10/4/2010
Yay Ron! You recover and get your girlfriend loving mojo back ;)
gngrlvr1 chapter 20 . 6/14/2010
another beautifully written story. You really capture the emotions so well. Well i'm off to read more of your wonderful writing. TTFN.
wonderwall05 chapter 18 . 7/16/2009
The end of this chapter literally made me laugh out loud. My username used to be wonderwall05 and this is the second...third? time I've read this story. You're an amazing writer and if you ever publish a book please, please tell me about it so i can buy and read it immediately!
David Fishwick chapter 20 . 7/6/2009
Brilliant and thanks for writing.
girlfan1979 chapter 20 . 6/25/2009
/All at once?


*pours you a glass of wine*



Read this one in one sitting too, started right after I finished "Within These Walls". Absolutely fantatic - wanted to know how it all turned out /and/ for it to never finish, you know?

Really smart story, and so well written.
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