Reviews for Honor Bound
DgirlLuna chapter 18 . 1/12/2019
Absolutely amazing! So in character & true to the essence of Stargate Atlantis. I loved it! & I am so glad that Sheppard got to finish off the bad guy in the end!
Really, amazing job with this fic!
Iuvsbruce chapter 18 . 1/5/2019
Your writing is AMAZING!Thank you so much!
brandywine737 chapter 16 . 9/30/2018
Oh and the fight scenes at the end are great too! Gotta love our guys severely injured and still fighting till the death. Love it!
brandywine737 chapter 18 . 9/30/2018
Oh, so I see I never left a review for this story. I think I figured it was such an older story, so I didn't leave one. Anywho, I absolutely love the story! I've read a few of your SGA fics, but this one is probably my favorite. I love the scene in chapters 3 and 4. Great attack scene! It just really sticks out in my mind as great Shepwhump. Thanks for the great whump read. This is definitely in my read again list.
SuperMom1 chapter 18 . 6/1/2018
An Excellent Story,plenty of Shep/whump. I loved the way it tied in with the episodes "The storm" and 'The eye" . Its makes sense that someone would want revenge for the soldiers that died when Sheppard raised the shield (other than Koyla that is)
Lasciella chapter 18 . 8/27/2017
Brilliant story, very much enjoyed. Faithful interactions and stubbornness, my favourites.
Great job:)
Whumplove chapter 18 . 7/27/2017
Great story! I loved it all thanks so much for writing it.
mkoepp63026 chapter 7 . 2/20/2015
Still reading it but so far this is a great story!
Shadowcat85 chapter 1 . 1/2/2015
I read this last summer and not only did I forget to review I forgot to favorite it!

It has taken me ages of searching but I am really glad to have found it again. It is one of my favorite Stargate Atlantis stories. For as with all exceptionally good stories I can actually see and hear the characters and the action of everything that is happening as though I am a quiet observer following along.

I love stories like that and I don't find them often enough.
water4willows chapter 18 . 10/27/2014
i really enjoyed this. Well done.
scifi-karis chapter 17 . 10/18/2012
I absolutely LOVE this story, so I'm posting another review! It was well paced, descriptive, and believable. You did your research with the military tactics and medical bits, and I think that the fights between Sheppard and Voulsh were my most favorite fight scenes of all time. So descriptive, I could totally believe everything that was happening! You wrapped it up so nicely, too, managing to resolve everything believably enough for this to be a televised episode. It's rare to find a story like this that I could believe in all senses. This was a really wonderful, amazing story!
Questfan chapter 18 . 10/30/2011
I know you wrote this ages ago but I still want to leave you a review and hope you get it. This story was altogether brilliant! You had all the elements of a great whmp but also had so much more. Intrigue, moving back and forth from one perspective to another, smatterings of humour in just the right places and did I mention, giving John grief? You had all the characters spot on and it was just an awesome read from start to finish. Thankyou!
sheppardlover928 chapter 18 . 4/12/2011
Excellent story! I am fairly new to fanfiction and only interested in SGA stories- since its been cancelled. These stories keep the series alive for me! This story would have been a fantastic two-parter for the TV series! You got the characters just right, very believable. I just love John and all he stands for and you certainly made him the self-sacrificing whumped hero I've come to know and love!Also love the team devotion and loyalty and Beckett-gotta love Beckett! This story now in my faves and I will be checking out more of your stories!
ladygris chapter 18 . 3/21/2011
Once again, another fantastic story. There's just too much that happened for me to adequately put it all into one review.

Great writing.
ladygris chapter 3 . 3/18/2011
I know this story was published several years ago, but I just found it! Wonderful chapter. I am totally hooked, and it's not just because of the ending with this cliffhanger.

The comment about Caldwell's "warp drive powered sleigh" was just great! And your description of apple cobbler here has me wanting to go make some!

Great writing. Looking forward to the rest of this particular story! ;-)
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