Reviews for The Rules of the Game
LavernaG chapter 1 . 1/14/2018
I really liked this story of yours. You've analyzed Jasper's character very well. And I especially liked the way you portrayed Cruella, bringing out all her creepy habits. This was really wonderful, thank you. :) And I completely understand the obsession part. I am not exactly a Hugh Laurie fan, but Glenn Close has the same effect on me. :D
Fearofthemoon chapter 1 . 7/27/2014
Honestly I can't believe i even looked up 101 dalmations fanfiction, but i did it for the same reason you wrote it. My Hugh Laurie obsession has absolutely spiraled out of control. Lovely piece, though. Made him somewhat sympathetic in that movie (and is it just me, or was he not extremely attractive in that film?).
KatieMarie999 chapter 1 . 8/29/2013
We discussed this the other day but I felt I had to comment on this story anyway. You keep telling me not to read your early stuff. WHY? It's GOOD! And this is good. It's kind of odd. Your Hugh Laurie phase must not have lasted very long as there don't appear to be any more stories based on his characters. Because you are famous here, somehow I feel kind of awesome for being able to say I know you so I find myself alluding to that in my reviews. I'm lucky. But this is about the story. STAY ON TOPIC, KATIE!

ANYWAY, the story is definitely a good musing from the head of Jasper. I always liked the character growing up so reading about him in this almost intellectual way was a different way of thinking about him. It makes me feel almost bad for laughing at him now. I think you kind of capture what he must have been thinking very well. The grammar and word selection is good. This is definitely better than the stuff I wrote when I was the age you were when you wrote this. Not that that's much of a compliment but it's so very true.
LadyLizaElliott chapter 1 . 9/15/2012
Very well done, the live action 101/102 movies are deserving of SO much more fanfiction and these little one shots are always gems to come across! Thank you!
Galimatias chapter 1 . 12/18/2011
Jasper was always my favorite in both versions. You portrayed him perfectly!
breather89 chapter 1 . 12/17/2011
I've got the same problem since I saw Blackadder. I think it was the uniform. ;)

Anyway, I liked this fic. first saw the movie when I was a child and recently for well...
Fanhouse07 chapter 1 . 12/11/2011
You know why I checked this fandom?

Because I'm that obsessed by Hugh Laurie, and I don't want to be cured. Creepy isn't it?

Anyway, even though I'm not a big fan of the dalmatians (just Jasper ) I enjoyed it, because character studies are often interesting.

Now that I'm a grown up, I don't see Horace and Jasper as stupid big bad guys anymore. So to look at there background is interesting for me (well... Jasper's, because I'm obsessed...)
Fuzzybuni chapter 1 . 4/2/2009
A friend of mine sent me this and said she thought of me, lol. I think it's because I am obsessed with Hugh Laurie as you are! Anyway, great oneshot! I liked it a lot. :)
Quazie89 chapter 1 . 6/12/2008
Cool story! I really like Hugh Laurie, too! You are not alone!
Commander chapter 1 . 6/13/2007
I haven't been to the Disney section for awhile, but I was randomly browsing and saw your story, and thought I'd take a looksie. XD Very wonderful characterization on Jasper's part. One does wonder why he'd take such a ridiculous assignment, but you've made it make sense! You've also made me want to dig out my copy of the movie and watch it again.

(And while I'm not as obsessed with Hugh Laurie as you seem to be, I must admit that he is pretty damn cool. Jeeves and Wooster is one of the best TV shows made in the history of EVER.) :D

Great job!