Reviews for Celestial
Noitamina chapter 8 . 10/8/2012
That was so Awesome! I loved it so much I can't even describe it! I will always remember the story of the dragons.
Furionknight chapter 8 . 1/15/2012
I think it would be cool for Matsumoto and Hitsugaya to meet each other in childhood, awesome story by the way :)
Writing bunny chapter 1 . 7/26/2011
Good chapter. I like your writing style.
Corisanna chapter 5 . 9/21/2010
This is a really fascinating read. I like how it jumps around on related issues instead of going perfectly chronologically. It also gives me food for thought. I hope you write more someday.
CrAyZEeGood chapter 8 . 9/13/2009
WOw. That is a really creative ending. you have yourself a really good story line there. I would really enjoy a story where Hitsu and Matsu grow up as childhood friends
kRyStAlt3aRz chapter 8 . 8/18/2009
This was so great! I loved how you talked about his days in the academy! Chapter 8 made me teary eyed!
alchino chapter 7 . 8/7/2009
I like the conversation from the oposite other side _

Some part in chapter 7 are a bit confusing

Thanks for updating so quickly!
Galimaufry chapter 7 . 8/7/2009
You should be happy with this, I do think that this was an exteremaly pivitol moment in the story, and was very well done. You have a certain way with words that's amazing. And the whole conversation with the part from the oposite other side was gives you alot to think about. Thanks for updating so quickly!
Legerdemain chapter 7 . 8/6/2009
Honestly? I find your fic interesting.

"[G]host in a world of ghosts" huh? Nice description and good job with Hitsugaya's motivations. An interesting take on the events from DDR too and the graduation party chapter was amusing. I like how you portray Hitsugaya as ostracized (because let's face it, he would be), but I don't know about him getting bullied. It's not really that OOC; it's just not how I think of him unless that air of command, defiance, and grumpy aggression were acquired after time in the Gotei or after Kusaka died. Or he was more afraid of him hurting them than them hurting him; that would work.

Regarding your most recent chapter, I'm glad that we find out what defeating Aizen was like after your last chapter. I also like some of the details: Aizen as a mutated mix of shinigami and Hollow, Yamamoto on the lookout for the guardian (I guess he was/is one too since he also has the strongest zanpakuto of an element?), and Hitsugaya's reasons for fighting. Spelling could use a bit of work ("Houinmaru" Hyorinmaru, "Orohime" Orihime)but is overall good, along with grammar.

Just um... Your latest chapter's kind of confusing. Maybe some of it's my lack of sleep, but I'm having trouble following what's happening. I'm not quite sure how time is passing or how the events fit into each other/are related to each other. It sort of feels like you wrote three versions of confronting Aizen and then posted them all as the same chapter. Some of your previous chapters were a bit squiffy with the passage of time as well, but it was easy enough to follow the connections. Here I'm kind of lost even after rereading it a few times to try and work out the chronology. Also, I don't think it fits with what you wrote in chapter three apart from the bright light thing, although that's just me nit-picking.

Your writing's not bad; in fact, it's good. Just your last chapter's confusing, so please clarify the happenings if they all in fact happened and I just can't figure out where they connect, or if they're different scenarios add headings to say "Alternate Ending" or even post as separate chapters.

Thanks for the read after so long :)
Galimaufry chapter 6 . 8/6/2009
AH! You posted this and continued! *sque!* I'm sorry that I took so long to reply...I was out of town for several days...but this was a lovely thing to come back to! Thanks again for the updates, and I must say, the story has gotten even better from where you left off. This is a very intersesting twist...and personally, I'm hoping that it is Hitsu that gets to finish Aizen...he's the one with the real grudge against him...
DragonWolfStar chapter 6 . 8/5/2009
This was an interesting chapter. Really good, but I am soo confused. Can I expect an explanation any time soon?

Great chapter, though! XD
spedclass chapter 4 . 8/5/2009
Awesome chapter keep up the good work and update soon!
spedclass chapter 3 . 8/5/2009
Awesome chapter keep up the good work and update soon!
001Kamikakushi chapter 4 . 8/4/2009
it feels like this fics came back to life :P

this is good.

oh, i think you made the grandmother died in the first chap :P check it up.

hope to see an update soon.
Galimaufry chapter 2 . 7/27/2009
*blinks* All of your stories cut off at the best parts...that's a rather bad habit -.-

I enjoyed this, but I think that it has been abandond, along with all the rest...*sighs*
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