Reviews for Clip my Wings
le random chapter 1 . 9/4/2016
I love Hanabi and Neji's relationship...XD
Sheepra chapter 27 . 12/20/2015
Soooo you gonna continue this story?
ConfusedGuava chapter 17 . 7/14/2015
I didn't like this lemon...mostly because it made me cringe from its cheesiness plus it was corny *cringes then shivers in disgust* urghhh...(-_-') well maybe its not the worst but...I can't *turns around and walks away from this fanfic*
Neji's Girl chapter 27 . 8/15/2014
Oh God, it's been seven years since you updated. That's two years more than the time Hinata had left to become 18! How could you abandon this story? Just when it's almost at the end? Did you stop because [!SPOILER(unless you people have the sense to keep updated with Naruto)!] Neji died in the show?
Well, can you just write one more chapter and end it? Just to give us(these readers you heartlessly led on and then suddenly ditched) some closure? I mean Kishimoto, the maker and owner of Naruto, doesn't seem like he has the hots for the NejiHina ship. So we're counting on you and the other fan-fic writers out there to fuel our fantasies. And, if you can't finish it, then can you AT LEAST do us the honor of telling us why you stopped? I mean, we have a right to know! Please update your profile or something with a reason why you stopped. Looks like the NejiHina pairing is losing fans and fan-fic writers.
P.S.: Loved reading the story. Don't give up on it - we've already lost [!SPOILER AGAIN!] Neji; we can't bear to lose NejiHina too :'''''(
Guest chapter 1 . 5/6/2014
I like the word battle between Hanabi and Neji at the end of the chapter. I wonder how she'll pay for calling him "Branch house"
Guest chapter 8 . 1/3/2014
is it me or hinata realy look phatetic in this story and neji being OOC he look stupjd when he scold hinata gey mad at her then offer her a piggy back ride then hinata getting angry in neji but when he offer her a piggy back ride she accept like nothing happend ?
WTF ?! gomen but it really is confusing on how neji and hinata act in this story
sasukesassthetic chapter 1 . 6/23/2013
AHHHH, where are the other chapters? :( I absolutely love this fic, and I'm sad to see it end. But I don't really expect another chapter after like 6 years. x) But I won't complain, because you might be dead and that would make all of this really awkward...
DanBrownfan chapter 13 . 6/9/2013
*Wild review*
Waaaa I read and It gets better!
-I'll continue-
Zerrrrrobi chapter 27 . 6/9/2013
I enjoyed this story a lot, although I have some complaints. I would have loved if the story simply remained a childhood/early adolescence, light romance, without anything serious like sex/pregnancy/wedding, especially since Neji and Hinata are only 14 and 13 in this story (alright I could have agreed with the smut though).

After they had sex, everything became too dramatic and somewhat out of place and especially Hiashi was somewhat out of character. Hiashi is a restrained man and he would never barge like that and yell in public, so that everyone would hear that his daughter is pregnant. He wouldn't make a scene like that, he would just call Hinata (and Neji) in private and ask them about it.

The parts after the sex were almost like a soap opera, but I still loved how the bond between Neji and Hinata was portrayed.

I think my favorite parts of the story would have to be the scene where Neji teaches Hinata how to stand on the surface of the lake and the scene where she dances in the rain, before he kisses her.

Those were nostalgic and almost dreamlike, so simple and pure and the same time.

I would have loved if the entire story remained just a repressed, sort of sad, forbidden romance between two people who've went through so much pain and hate together, who eventually slowly fell in love, but were too restrained to go further. That would have been typical for both Neji and Hinata.

Still, I enjoyed the story nonetheless. And I truly hope you will find your time to update this, although I highly doubt it, given that there are 6 years since this story was updated.
aurora0914 chapter 27 . 6/3/2013
NOOO! They should do it, but make it so no one finds out! Plz update, this is a great fanfic. But 6 years have passed! Where are you? This is a very loved fanfic, and you've abandoned it! Shame on you!
aurora0914 chapter 17 . 6/3/2013
how old are they, out of curiosity?
Hitomi uchiha24 chapter 27 . 5/8/2013
great chapter can't wait to read more next time.
Goofy Hubby chapter 10 . 1/22/2013
You flip flopped on this ! You said that they completed the chunnin exams in the beginning. But besides that the story was very well written.
luv-u-alwayz94 chapter 27 . 12/22/2012
Please update its been 5yrs since youve updated this fic :-$
construct. crit chapter 27 . 12/21/2012
When I first started reading 'Clip my Wings', I thought it was off to a very promising start, unlike most of the NejiHina stories that fill the archive. Your descriptions were decent, character analysis was accurate, and the plot itself was believable and engaging. But then...later on it felt like something just slipped. I've noticed that throughout the story, your spelling still remained the same (don't you have spellcheck?), and your author's notes at the top and bottom of each chapter often distracted me. I'm not trying to be rude, but they are rather irrelevant to the story itself.

I don't know if you plan to continue this fic or not, seeing as it's been five years, but hopefully the next time you update (if you do), we'll see better results as a writer from you. Decent story overall though.
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