Reviews for Diamond Fists
jordanlink7856 chapter 70 . 9/27/2016
Don't sell yourself short man! This was pretty funny, you were just putting WAY too much crap on it all at once in my opinion. You could actually make something amazing if you went at it the right way from how I had a blast reading this, so don't sell yourself short!
jordanlink7856 chapter 62 . 9/27/2016
You offended like a quarter of your readers named Joe you know!
jordanlink7856 chapter 30 . 9/26/2016
This is fucking hilarious but I'm so lost.
Guest chapter 47 . 11/27/2012
Motherfuckin' badass!

Char submission: Joe, 16, tall skinny, habit for chain-smoking, randomly cursing and shooting people (stole a Glok from a WW2 museum or something, has a satchel full of EVERYTHING, fave pokemon, his overweight sceptile and anger management-needing empoleon
OppaiSamurai chapter 44 . 7/6/2012
lol. lets go make a difference in the world XD
Guest chapter 70 . 4/17/2011
Why is this not a M rate?
sarah chapter 57 . 2/6/2011
with a fork
mamoswineFTW chapter 70 . 1/21/2011
Tell you what amte, this is pretty much the epitome of crack!fics. And i mean that in a good way - some of the stuff in here, whilst a bit crude at times, is just downright hilarious. pearl must have the shortest attention span in the world, and Diamond just loves to philosophize about all these great issues in the midst of whatever crap is going on. And those last few chapters were actually some pretty good writing.
PokeFan120 chapter 70 . 11/28/2010
Well this story has come to an end and I think that this was awesome! The serious and dramatic bits were really well done and I had a lot of laughs so thank you RTJ
VyseLegend chapter 70 . 10/1/2010
I know you probably don't give a damn about this review and will disagree with me, but I honestly did enjoy the stories you posted here. You might call them terrible, but they were honestly some the most entertaining fanfics I've read on this site. I really did enjoy watching as your writing skills increased throughout the years, culminating in Chap 69, which was some damn good writing in my eyes.

You'll probably never read this but I will say it anyway: You are a DAMN good writer to me. If I was one of the ones that pushed you away from fanfiction, then I honestly apologize, but I still think you have some skill in this area. I know how you feel, being in college myself, but I love coming onto this site and reading whatever is on my mind at the moment.

There's all I have to say. Good luck in life, stay true to what you believe in. I will drop in your page every so often, just in case you change your mind, but I won't quit reading your stories.

Best Wishes,

littlmiget123 chapter 2 . 9/19/2010
Chapter two. And so, Pearl's journey begins. Lol, the nicknames are so funny. Punchy and Humpy XD. I really do like this story; it's entertaining and awesome. Below are the errors of the chapter.

' "Nope. Its still here…" I grumbled.' I think you mean it's.

' "What you call coincidence, I call plot device…" ' Gasp! The fourth wall has been broken! (Had too )

'Pearl got a little upset from being called a nobody.' Replace Pearl with Dawn here.

Anyways, this was good, and the ending made me laugh. I feel sorry for Dawn, though. Poor girl. But why didn't you name her Platinum? If you use Diamond and Pearl instead of Lucas and Barry. Good chapter, and I'll start reading the next one ASAP. Until then, cya!
littlmiget123 chapter 1 . 9/19/2010
I recently just found this story. Someone told me it was hilarious, and so far, they're right. This story so far is very funny, and very well written for being a humor story. Before I start to go into detail, I noticed an error in your story.

'(who I'm gonna pointy mustache man for now)' I think you forgot the word call.

Anyways, this story seems very good. Usually I tend to stay away from these kinds of stories, because they're small and have tons of spelling errors, but this story is 1). Huge! 2). Complete, and 3). Written amazingly! I really look forward to reading future chapters!
Creation of Pokerus chapter 12 . 9/12/2010
You need to make a fic about that story Diamond told. It would be awesome! :D
Zillion chapter 70 . 9/10/2010
I'm sad to see you go, and I hope to see you come back eventually.

Sure, everything you said about the stories are true and if anyone told you different they'd be lying. They really do cater to the lowest people, but that's what made them fun to read. They allowed you to get as far away from normal life as possible and just sit back and let your inner self laugh at the immature jokes without feeling bad. I like to think of myself as well read and I couldn't stop reading them whenever I needed a laugh to lighten my day.

No matter how bad the stories seem to be, once someone starts reading them they won't be putting them down, or at least I didn't because they're just great reads.

I'm sorry that a few people got so fanatical about your stories and ruined them for you, I know just a few people messing something up can make you never want to look at it again, but I sincerely hope you come back and do another story.
Pyrocrastinator chapter 70 . 9/9/2010
Well, that's too bad. Thanks for the many laughs, RTJ.
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