Reviews for Intertwine
Blue Aidelle chapter 1 . 2/7/2014
RavenAira chapter 1 . 6/28/2012
absolutally love it...
punkiemonkie chapter 1 . 11/6/2009
You really have a way with capturing the relationship between Cloud and Tifa, and conveying both of their emotions without making the “romance” part out of character or even the least bit cheesy, which makes it really enjoyable to read. I like that you represented Cloud carrying his guilt in a physical way, with him searching for the blood that he believes must be on his hands, because I think it makes more of an impact having it written that way than it does with simply talking about his thoughts. Tifa being able to understand what he was doing and showing him, again in a physical way by holding his hands in hers, that she was going to take away his guilt made the whole symbolic image feel complete too. I think this is probably the best approach to the issue of their guilt that I’ve ever read. It was perfect, and the ending made me smile. :3
mom calling chapter 1 . 7/30/2009
Dear Ellumina, How is that I've not sent you thanks for this story, because I love it. Probably because I have been growing as a reader. When I got the ff7 bug last spring, I was very inexperienced with the whole fan fiction thing-all I knew was that I loved Cloud and Tifa from AC and was desperate for a way to continue the story. I've lost the ability to day dream over the years; I am so glad people like you can shape the story for me. You are one of a group of people that write so well that I needed some "training" to understand-there are pearls hidden in each story and it takes me some time and familiarity to find them. Not just character development-tho that is rewarding enough and is the basic reason for reading the story at all-but sometimes just the sound of the words as they have been strung together is so pleasing. "Stick Figure" confused me at first because I was looking for it to be something it wasn't. I just read it, and fell in love with it. "Intertwine" is similarly rich. I know more now about how much blood they have had to wade thru and what a huge thing it is for them each to move beyond it. I understand the cost better than when I first read this. I just love your stuff, and hope you will grace us with something soon. mc
kitsune13 chapter 1 . 12/8/2008
I always enjoy the 'Tifa proves to be Cloud's salvation' writs and you did an amazing job at this. Cloud searching his hands for blood and Tifa both understanding and saying she had a share in it - that was just perfect and shows how in harmony the two of them are. And its always nice to see Cloud make the first move after Tifa's done something deeply insightful that gets inside him. The inner thoughts were perfectly articulated. Great job.
raspberry soap chapter 1 . 4/30/2008
In one word, beautiful. It captures everything that appeals to me about the relationship between Cloud and Tifa. Well done. I'm adding this to my favorites.
regenerate chapter 1 . 4/29/2008
'Tifa was always watching him, somehow, with her eyes sometimes and with her heart all the time and Cloud didn’t really think he wanted to be anywhere else. It wasn’t merely comfort he felt when she was nearby. It was belonging and belonging was breathtaking.'

Goodness, this was GORGEOUS! Woman, you have lyke, um, hardcore talent. Seriously. I loved the, 'watching with her heart' totally summed up Tifa and how hard she loves people. That's my favorite thing about her. She's just sweet.

Okay, next part:

Taking it away,” she answered easily and his hands closed over hers in a sudden, startled grip when the weight of her words fired the dread already brewing in his blood. She winced but didn’t pull away and buried her face in his back again mumbling against him, “It’s mine too.”

I loved this. It was so beautiful and just stunning. You have a way with words and it clearly shows in this. It had a theme of general sweetness, and um, props because you mentioned Aerith, lyke duh. Gosh. You have amazing talent.

I'm so favoriting it. :)

Kattzia chapter 1 . 4/13/2008
Aw wow Im all warm and fuzzy inside. All the emotions there... And nicely written. Only one grammtic nag; "Everyone had his limits" right at the beginning. You go onto talk about Tifa, so to include both Cloud and Tifa in that statement I think it should be "Everyone has their limits" its unisex and alludes to both of them. Otherwise, love it!
NicolettexMarie chapter 1 . 3/19/2008
Ah I loved it! Oh, my, it was so sweet!
glynchan chapter 1 . 3/16/2008
There's no way that a kiss like that is a kiss of gratitude! Haha.. I love it.. This is quite expected since I simply adored your other fic, I decided to read your other works.. Truly spectacular.. Wonderfully written.. and another heart tug.. so romantic.. I'll repeat this again, okay? You really have a way with words.. must be a gift.. _
miss greenpeace chapter 1 . 1/8/2008
aww sweet, sweet cloud. i like how you portrait that Cloud has overcome his feelings for Aerith, and instead open his heart to Tifa. Not to mention he made the first move as well. Ehehe. it's simply entertaining. :)
LovingChaos chapter 1 . 11/5/2007
*sniff* touching! excellent! X3
Civic SI chapter 1 . 9/29/2007
Amazing story, one of the best CloTis I've ever read. Hats off to you, you are an amazing writer.
Rose Crowess chapter 1 . 8/9/2007
ChristalSteele chapter 1 . 8/9/2007
Truly excellent story and a very sweet story. Great work.
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