Reviews for I Was Right All Along
thepkrmgc chapter 2 . 4/8/2018
props to ryoga for finding a way to win by living well, he proved himself to be the more mature of the two
thepkrmgc chapter 1 . 4/8/2018
this is a disturbingly plausible interpretation of ranma's actions
Qriiz chapter 2 . 3/13/2018
Ranma don't have to do anything extreme, just put on his smile and ask "Hey Ryouga, is Akari busy?"
Guest chapter 2 . 1/28/2018
This isn't humor...
Guest chapter 2 . 3/11/2017
And then Akari turns up brutally murdered and fed to the pigs.
A bit morbit
But probably true
Raj8 chapter 2 . 8/20/2015
Huh, I'm half surprised Ranma didn't just destroy the Farm or attack Ryoga, after all Ryoga cannot bring himself to stop training and getting stronger.

But it looks like Ranma is still a good person in his own way, he just loves martial arts beyond all else.
Guest chapter 2 . 4/19/2015
Or he could just destroy the farm and kill Akari. That would be a pretty effective motivator.
xThomas2 chapter 1 . 12/17/2014
You had fun writing this. It's not bad
Jfmam chapter 2 . 5/6/2014
An interesting story.
I don't agree with this characterisation for Ranma, particularly his reaction to the fight with Saffron, but then I think you said this isn't meant to be his canon character. That said, I reckon that Ranma would probably act something like he did this chapter, faced with such a situation. In that way, I think I preferred this second chapter to the first.
Tristram Shandy chapter 2 . 3/16/2014
I love the story, despite the glaring plot hole. Why would Ranma, a master of the status quo, actually tell Ryouga about all this? It's pretty much guaranteed to blow up in his face.

My theory is someone, most likely Kasumi, got sick of Ryouga blasting through walls and set this up.
Richard Ryley chapter 2 . 12/11/2012
I like this ending. And Ryoga really HAS beaten Ranma, because unlike what other reviewers have suggested, I don't think Ranma CAN harm Ryoga or Akari in any way. If he does, then he will expose the secret of his true self, and more and more of his "friends" will make the same choice as Ryoga. And since Ryoga is not there to push him any more, he won't continue to become freakishly strong, and will only be just strong enough to deal with the challenges his own machinations brings his way.

I do like Archaon's idea, that Akane learns the truth and admits she feels exactly the same way about it Ranma does. This could be the only chance for Ranma to continue to develop, if Akane takes Ryoga's place as the one that pushes him. And this will satisfy her desire as well, to develop herself. Ranma will have to overcome his need to be better than Akane, but if he can do that, they might still be able to support each other in a slow development. Hopefully slow enough that neither falls prey to "absolute power corrupts absolutely". Heck, it might even be good for them.
The Unicorn chapter 2 . 9/18/2012
Very nice. I really enjoyed seeing a story which showes Ranma enjoying the chaos and fights. I didn't really like Ranma's attitude in the first part - seemed a bid to much "evil-overlord-monologuing" there but I really liked Ryuoga's attitude here.
Guest chapter 2 . 7/10/2012
Living well is thye best revenge... literally.
Rose1948 chapter 2 . 11/5/2010
Wow. This is awesome! I like! Short, well-written, and ending with a psychological twist. Dayum!
iamnuff chapter 2 . 9/17/2010
if your ranma is as batshit as he seems he might just wreck what ryouga has, to get him on a revenge spree
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