Reviews for To Trammel Some Wild Thing
parrillasquinn chapter 15 . 6/3
One of the things that I love the most about fics of this type is the study of characters, complex characters such as the count who in a basic catalog are classified as villains and these are the ones that generally attract me the most tend to have an background as interesting as sad And deep then one gets to empathize even with someone who has done terrible things like Dracula and I find it worthy to highlight this from the authors of fanfiction because it is not easy, even having other sources of inspiration requires a lot of time and real interest in what is taking shape.

In terms of history, each chapter is better than the other and I can't help but describe/compare my feelings with the ones Anna has every time she listens to the count (fascination at all times)... I always thought that this was the type of backgroud that Dracula had, to get to the point of hating humanity or being so resentful to the point of wanting to make them suffer always gave me the thought that he had all the indications of a tragic story behind according to the profession that he had then; Something that I did not say before is that it makes perfect sense that he never calls his brides "wifes" or wishes that they were (given the story you used here, very successful and tragic btw) and so that reaction to Anna that apparently she is someone he wants her to be more than one of his brides.
Something that keeps me curious (outside this pair) are the stories of the brides, where are they from? How did he know them? What stories do they have? of course! They don't intrigue me more than the count but the nail of curiosity is still there, so do you have any thoughts about them?.

I really wish that someday you continue this masterful
parrillasquinn chapter 12 . 6/3
I came across this story very recently and was so anxious the first few moments that I didn't comment earlier, I just couldn't stop reading. I do not even know where to start this story is so exquisite and with such a beautiful and poetic level at the height of the Count himself, I was fascinated by each paragraph and how you maintain the essence of the characters and their interactions with each other because I have read other stories and I simply have not been able to finish them,the ideas are really interesting but the ways of writing them are too cartoonish and not having the proper process of emotional transition makes it somewhat ridiculous.. you know suddenly he wants her more than anything, suddenly she loves him and betrays his family, and it doesn't work like this, these characters are not meaningless teenagers, they have conviction and motives and to make it credible that Someone as loyal to her family as Anna betrays them is hard to believe but there are ways to create logical twists in the plot to benefit the match, thank God that here is practically perfect, especially the last few chapters have been wonderful).
I ADORE each step of this chapter without a doubt this will mark Anna in one way or another and will no longer act in the same way and the moment between him and Anna, the songs is something as melancholic as precious. I hope you have come to finish the fic because I have seen that you have not updated for a long time and my heart bleeds at the abandonment of something as wonderful as this story. xox
Lyadra chapter 15 . 11/5/2019
I read in your profile that you're planning to rewrite this
story. Are you still working in it or did you quit?

One of the best I've ever read, btw
cony2007 chapter 15 . 8/2/2019
hiiii, what happen with your story?
its one of the best i ever read
please update
Cbear chapter 1 . 7/25/2019
I first found this story in 2013 and since then have read it half a dozen times. I’m so bummed out that it hasn’t been updated because it is so well written and really feels like you are in the world of Van Helsing.
Iveyanna chapter 15 . 10/8/2018
Holy crap, I wound up addicted to this story, reading it whenever I had the chance, and I was so bummed to find it stopped here on Ch. 15, the last update 4 years ago, almost to the day.

Please come back! This was a really thoughtfully laid out story. I usually can't stand first-person, but this was so well done that it had me hooked. The descriptions were detailed without getting verbose, and the characters were three-dimensional and complex. The story and history are both so interesting, and I would love to see where you were going to take the story as a whole.

I am now following your story, so if you ever do come back to update it (please!), I'll be here! :)
Asgardianwolf1205 chapter 15 . 4/22/2018
Esta historia me encanta y tu forma de escribir también espero que vuelvas a escribir en algún momento.
MGrace chapter 15 . 5/3/2017
It's been three years since you've updated and the way you just left it... SO RUDE! I usually don't go for the Anna/Dracula ship (although there's something divinely forbidden about the two of them together) but this story is so amazing, I literally don't care that they're distantly related. I mean, aren't we all, technically? ;) PLEASE WRITE MORE FOR THIS STORY!
MGrace chapter 14 . 5/3/2017
It's so good it hurts! I can't believe I only have one more chapter to read... :(
MGrace chapter 13 . 5/3/2017
MGrace chapter 12 . 5/3/2017
"You fight so hard for your kind, my little warrior, but you haven't even the slightest idea of what it really is to be human." - BEST LINE. Love your writing so much!
MGrace chapter 11 . 5/3/2017
The part at the end with Dracula actually heeding Anna's wishes... loved it.
MGrace chapter 10 . 5/3/2017
MGrace chapter 9 . 5/3/2017
That conversation between Dracula and Van Helsing, though...
MGrace chapter 8 . 5/3/2017
I really love all of this!
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