Reviews for What One Must do For Love
Jeruselum chapter 7 . 1/25/2011
OK well i know you havent updated in forever, but its really unfair to leave us hanging like this...i am so curious how the turners will defeat Calypso!
jm chapter 7 . 9/1/2008
oh God the suspense is just killing me! i'm loving the angst,...but i must see an update to assure me of a happy ending, waiting!
RaithsEnvyMe chapter 6 . 7/16/2008
Okay, I'm only reviewing on one chapter because of some funky business going on with my computer. But I've read all of the chapters.

I've never read the story you wrote before this one, but I plan on it. This story is absolutely amazing. Great job! I plan on waiting by my computer until the next update comes along! _
WillsElizabeth23 chapter 7 . 6/27/2008
Hey, awesome story so far! I'd read through chapter six awhile ago and figured you'd abandoned the story, so I don't think I bothered to leave a review before this one. Glad to know you've returned to it, though! I don't know why you keep apologizing for this chapter. I thought it was really good. I liked the idea of making little Johnny Pirate King, or Pirate Prince, as others in the Brethren seem to insist he be called. His mother was a Pirate Lord, and if they're playing it off like she's dead, then it seems natural that her role would pass on to her child if she hadn't named an heir. Makes sense to me. After all, Jack did read that section in the Code... I think the idea of a ten-year old Pirate King (Prince, whatever) is rather funny.

I've loved all the WillAngst that's been going on throughout this story. Big-time fan of WillAngst! I'm dying to know exactly what his and Elizabeth's plans for defeating Calypso are. I must say that, back in chapter 5, when Will suddenly came out looking all googly-eyed at Calypso and dissing his wife, that he was totally playing her. Especially since he never actually did say those three magic words to Calypso, or deny that he loved Elizabeth. I liked reading Elizabeth's reaction to the whole thing in chapter six, how she informed Jack that she and Will had planned the whole thing out, but how she was still pretty freaked out by everything as well. And poor Will, having to fight off that awful, ugly sea goddess!

This review is starting to get kind of rambly, so I'd better wrap it up here. I can't wait to see what you have planned next!
sugararmor chapter 7 . 6/26/2008
Awesome! I'm waiting for the climax, now. This should be interesting to read. I want to see how they get out of this one. I like that Johnny's the Pirate King. Power to the kids!
asdfgjlksdfjasdf chapter 7 . 6/25/2008
yay for updates! i lovedd it! i hate calypso so much. looking forward to more!
LadyTurner32 chapter 7 . 6/19/2008
"I like it rough."

Haha! As much as I hate the situation that everyone's in right now, I must say that that line made me laugh. )
Siriusly-LOLing chapter 7 . 6/18/2008
OMG! cant wait for more!
Aquamarine07 chapter 7 . 6/18/2008
Yay for updates! I was hoping you would continue this story :) What I say to Johnny being Pirate King is "ROCK ON!" ;) That little kid has potential. But I feel really bad about what he's going to have to do to bind Calypso, just from the description of "It's going to hurt-you know it, I know it... my parents' probably know it..." Poor Johnny! I hope he's okay!

I still haven't quite figured out this whole plan that Will/Elizabeth had set up to save their whole family. I think Elizabeth is sailing for the end of the world, and then somehow in the end she ends up with a sinking ship...? And obviously Will is trying NOT to sleep with Calypso... Is the plan something to do with Elizabeth pretending to be dead and Will getting back on the Dutchman so Johnny could become Pirate King and convince everyone to bind Calypso? Maybe? Not at all? LOL. Unless we're not supposed to know the plan yet, in which case I'm just predicting.

"I like it rough." EW! Evil Calypso. She is SO EVIL! I liked the line at the end a lot "Or, to be more precise, his thoughts went out to the lone woman hurrying to keep her ship afloat." Aw poor Elizabeth! Poor Will! Poor Johnny! Poor everybody! LOL.

Great update! I'm glad you'll be trying to update more frequently!
Willizabeth chapter 4 . 6/5/2008
I just read this, and I love it!

you must update this!

Causd I really want to know what happens

Your new faithful reader,

Amanda Beicker chapter 6 . 4/24/2008
It's been so long since I didn't come to fanfiction, and I still had to read the last two chapters of the story!

It's been so good! Johnny's still lovely, and I love the way you write Will. I wonder how's hegoing to avoid Calypso, I can't think of what's gonna happen... and I'm curious too about the plan, because, as long as we can see, is not working yet!

Great work, as usual! Waiting for the new update;)
TheMarshmaloWizardGhostCookie chapter 6 . 3/15/2008
gah! please update as soon as you can!
buffycorvin chapter 5 . 3/13/2008
dont let it end like that NO i hate cliffes lmao im sorry about ur frien i just lost my mom last mounth
MaddyK chapter 6 . 3/6/2008
i dont understand...where is Elizabeth going?
PirateRN chapter 6 . 3/2/2008
Great story! I am very curious over Will/Elizabeth's plan... please update soon : )
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