Reviews for Masters in Every Time
CCLP4lyphe chapter 17 . 8/17/2017
Wow amazing story. I swear when I was reading this chapter I thought it was Brooke's wedding but then I continue and found out it was Leyton's. Like omg- Lucas and Peyton got married and had a baby wow. I loved it. Oh my gawd - Belle saying "mommy and daddy was wrestling naked"- I was rolling lol. She's so darn adorable. I swear Lucas and Peyton are like energizer bunnies they just keep going and going and going lol - no wonder Peyton's pregnant again. I love them though. I'm so happy for Rathan and their baby, oh and Browen too. Love all the couples and glad everyone is happy and enjoying life. This was a wonderful story, you are a very good writer great job.
CCLP4lyphe chapter 16 . 8/17/2017
Okay, finally Leyton is back together and is now stronger than ever. I'm happy they got back together plus make up sex isn't at all a bad thing lol. I'm sure Lucas and Peyton are getting it on every chance they can get. Omg - Brooke is such a pervert lol I can't believe she's like literally standing there watching Leyton having sex smh even though I thought Rachel would be the one to do that lol. That scene was hella funny thou. My Leyton heart is soaring:). Oh Peyton greetings that random at the door was brillz. Fantastic update. I loved it.
CCLP4lyphe chapter 15 . 8/17/2017
Okay, this was a good chapter. I love that Peyton is trying her best to get back Luke but like Peyton he is as stubborn as a mule. Omg- hot uncle Cooper is in this fic - uh I love it. And making Lucas jealous is too funny. I mean I love a jealous Luke so hopefully this plan works for Peyton. Let's see if Peyton will get any reaction from Luke after all he did say he just want to be friends lol. But who are we Kidding?- Leyton can never just be friends js. I'm so looking forward to to the drama to begin with this lil scheme. Great update. Can't believe Brooke is getting married oh my gawd. Can't wait to see what happens next...
CCLP4lyphe chapter 14 . 8/17/2017
Thank goodness Peyton put her foot down when it came to her slimeball professor. I still can't believe she let him kiss her eewww. I'm happy that she is gonna fight to get Lucas back because I think they belong together. I know Nate is worried but I mean Luke is like a ghost walking around in NYC. I know Peyton is gonna have her work cut out for her- but is it too late?.. I'm looking forward to see how P. Sawyer is gonna get back her lifeline:). I'm so excited yay..
CCLP4lyphe chapter 13 . 8/16/2017
Wow. So P. Sawyer actually left with that douchebag professor to Paris, like really?. I can't believe how Luke is acting like a mitch lol and sleeping with randoms seriously? Wth. I'm scared that professor might wanna try to get with Peyton but I hope nothing happens her. I hope Luke stop his foolery and maybe fly Paris to get back his girlfriend **wishful thinking** I guess lol. I wish Peyton would listen to her friends sometimes smh. I want Leyton back together like yesterday. Can't wait to see what happens next ...
CCLP4lyphe chapter 12 . 8/16/2017
Well this chapter was sad asf. I knew Peyton was gonna break up with Lucas. She's prolly gonna think that Ada's death was her fault. I love how you wrote Peyton's emotions throughout the story, you captured it very well. Poor Lucas, it's gonna get better- this is just a bump in the road- P. Sawyer will come back to you. Haley wtf?- why would you come at Peyton like that thou - you don't even know her. I love Rathan date, omg the opera really?. Oh well at least they both enjoyed themselves glad they finally kissed. I'm hoping Leyton can find their way back to each other. I hate that their apart. Lol I kinda like how Lucas gave her back the snobby attitude she gave him - that was funny. Nice update...
CCLP4lyphe chapter 11 . 8/16/2017
Okay- first R.I.P. Larry. Now I know Peyton is gonna push Lucas away but I would love to see her grieve for heavens sake. I'm glad that Peyton met Brooke's new boo. That Rathan scene was so adorable. I'm glad Rachel decided to go out with Nate. I hope Peyton can heal soon and do anything rash. The music Peyton was listening to in her father' house was nice and her comments even thou a bit dark and depressing was also quite funny. Poor Lucas hang in there buddy she'll come around soon. Idk Peyton might want to break up with Lucas but I hope she reconsider. Omg - wth Haley is back. And more importantly, why is she here?.. oh this should be interesting...
CCLP4lyphe chapter 10 . 8/16/2017
I hate that Larry is dying and I know Peyton is gonna shut down for a while but I want her to let Lucas in and also help heal her. I love the Rathan cute fluff can't wait til they get together. I can bet chu Haley is gonna come back around now that Nathan is moving on. Well, it looks like Georgia is has take a liking to Mr. Lucas Scott- Idk she may cause some drama for Leyton who knows?. Omg- that disgusting scumbag professor, I hope Peyton don't fall for his BS. She better not go to Paris with him either or go back and link up with Ada. The Lucas/ Larry convo was so sad:(. But I'm glad Larry knows that his daughter is in good hands when he's gone. Oh my gawd- the Brachel scene was fucking hilarious I was cracking up.
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CCLP4lyphe chapter 9 . 8/16/2017
Okay, great chapter. Now - I'm happy that Breyton mended their relationship. I'm was cracking up with Leyton and Larry with the whole awkward sex talk lol. That ish was too funny. Larry calling Lucas 'boy' is hilarious. I'm elated Brooke finds herself a man I mean he's much older but hey at least she's okay with that. I love Rathan scene on the ice it was so cute. I'm tired of seeing Naley cuz to me they were meh on OTH lol. But I like that she saw Rathan together because she has to remember that she left him and she shouldn't be jealous js. Okay, Peyton's professor kinda sorta give me the creeps idk y but he seems sketchy. Love the story can't wait to see what lies ahead for Leyton. I hope whatever drama it is they will get through it and stay together.
CCLP4lyphe chapter 8 . 8/16/2017
Oh wow. Well I love my Leyton fluff and all. But goddamn they are horny as hell lol. Is Haley seeing a new guy?-umm.. I kinda felt like the more time Nate and Rach spent together one of them was gonna fall for the other eeekkk:). Oh my god- I can't believe Larry came in and caught Lucas and Peyton in bed. That's kinda embarrassing lol. I can't believe Larry is dying omg no. Peyton is gonna be crushed. I'm so looking forward to see how this will all pan out. I hope Peyton and Brooke would mend their relationship soon.
CCLP4lyphe chapter 7 . 8/16/2017
Okay, not gonna lie but Peyton slapping both Nikki and Jake was epic. Thank god she dumb his ass. Now, I'm loving Rachel and Nathan lil banter it's cute. Plus the NR couch scene was freaking hilarious:). Yay!- I'm so happy that Leyton is finally going to be a couple. I glad that Peyton told Lucas what her fears are. But I'm elated that they are willing to try. Idk what's Haley issue but if she loves Nate she better stop her foolery before Rachel swoops in and take over hahahaha lol. Can't wait to see what's next... awesome chapter...
CCLP4lyphe chapter 6 . 8/16/2017
Woah- now this is drama filled chapter. I loved it. Oh snap, what is Peyton gonna do it say to Nikki- even thou I kinda feel that Nikki is pregnant for Jake idk I might be reading too much into it. This gon be hella good. I like that Rachel told Lucas that she's been talking to P. Sawyer a least he knows she's okay. I wish she wish Peyton would just break up with Jake like Luke did with Brooke. Damn Lucas can you kinda tone down your harshness towards Peyton wth?. I wonder what's going on with Naley- uhm. I Leyton to be together but I also want them to talk about certain things first. I really like RP friendship.
CCLP4lyphe chapter 5 . 8/16/2017
Omg- I love Leyton late nights rendezvous. I mean I know it's bad because their both other people but wth it's Leyton idc I love 'em:). Lol I knew Rachel was gonna catch their asses. I didn't think Brooke would thou. I swear I want to feel bad for her but she's such a twat, I can't with her. I knew Peyton should've told Lucas because now he feels like he'd been ambushed with the fact she was a former junkie. Idk why Jake is upset because he's been cheating on Peyton for a while now like wtf?. Well I'm not too surprised that P. Sawyer left with Jake. But I hate that she feels like she can't leave his ass and move on to someone who she really loves and not just be content with. This story is awesome btw- I like that Haley caught Leyton playing tonsil hockey lol.
CCLP4lyphe chapter 4 . 8/16/2017
Oh wow. Well this chapter was something. First idk how Jake and Lucas are fighting 30 meters above ground like tf is wrong with these two knuckleheads smdh. Now, omg I feel so bad for Nate - uh the poor guy prolly almost peed his pants lol. I like how Peyton was trying to soothe him and Lucas. I can't believe damn Leyton-y'all are bold as hell lol. Now I'm loving the Peyton/Rachel friendship seeing that they are like besties irl. We never get to see them as friends OTH thou so I like that you put them together in this story. Love their convo too. Well I be damn- Leyton y'all are such horn dogs my word. lol I knew Lucas was the only one who knew the answer to Peyton's charade. Brooke is such a bitch, I had knew she was gonna pull some shit like that. I think Peyton should tell Lucas about her past. Great update. Looking forward to reading more...
CCLP4lyphe chapter 3 . 8/15/2017
Okay omg I love love love this story it's so much fun. Thank you for giving us this Jake because the Jake on OTH was z's to me js. At least this Jake has some spunk lol. Omg him and Lucas fighting for Peyton is so brillz - may the best man win. Game on bitches lol. I'm so loving this story. Oh wow- did Haley and Rachel just agree on something oh my well ain't that interesting. Brooke hahaha you called Jake for Peyton, so that your boyfriend would stop pin over her but looks like shit ain't going according to plan huh. Lucas and Jake about to kill each other over Peyton and you deary is gonna be left in the dust lol. Brooke it must suck to know that Lucas is more into her than you. I can't wait to see what happens next...
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