Reviews for Slip
Guest chapter 1 . 7/15/2016
LOL! So perfectly in character, such a delight to read. Thanks for sharing!
Have chapter 1 . 10/6/2015
I love it when I find a fic that prioritizes manga-canon over anime-canon~
TrisakAminawn chapter 1 . 3/13/2014
Heheh, yup, that's Kurama and Yuusuke alright.
alexanndria chapter 1 . 10/22/2011
I liked this story it was great
Death101- Fox Version chapter 1 . 9/15/2011
Nicely done. I never really considered how Kurama came to know but this worked nicely. Awesome job!

BeyondMyReach chapter 1 . 4/21/2011
This is amusing to read.

Write more of this fandom please.
Fuzzy Eared chapter 1 . 11/21/2008
lol very cute
kittyluv chapter 1 . 5/21/2008
Cute story. Very humerous at points (I'd add 'em in here, but I think everyone else pretty much covered that. Lol.)

And just so that I can get it off of my chest... Kurama was there doing Yukina's rescue; it was at the very end after Yukina leaves Hiei to check on Kuwabara and Yusuke. He talks to Hiei for a bit (afraid I can't recall what they talk about). So my guess is that he learns everything there.

Not dissin' your story by any means, I really do like it, I just wanted to have that said.
Estrella85 chapter 1 . 3/12/2008
So great _
Tatsumaki-sama chapter 1 . 10/24/2007
Yay for friendship moments between Yusuke and Kurama!

/“Hurry, Kurama, strip off your shirt so I can look useful!”/

Hahahahaha! That line cracked me up so much. Great job.
Hieiko chapter 1 . 8/20/2007
Haha, so *that's* why Kurama loves to torment Hiei about telling Yukina the truth... :)
Anna Jaganshi chapter 1 . 8/6/2007
Very soon, Kurama. Very soon. XD Kurama is so evil, but that just makes it that much more fun... and funny... and such. ' Anyway, another very good piece of work!
LeFoxy chapter 1 . 7/19/2007
Awesome! I super love it! I enjoy reading it! I just love fic like this.

Adi88 chapter 1 . 7/18/2007
Ooh… where was Kurama for Yukina then? Bugger all, can’t wait to get to that. Ahem. Fic!

THERE is Kurama at his finest. Taking little seeds out of one’s own arm? A thing to be done in millimeters, with precision and a clear head. No prob.

“Heads up!”

- Ah, and Yuusuke at HIS finest.

“Hurry, Kurama, strip off your shirt so I can look useful!”

- Oh sure that’s why. I’m sorry, I got such a giggle out that, reading dirty things in… and then, just settling back and enjoying the non-dirty bits. Because he’s so YUUSUKE. Throwing things and changing his mind at the last second about the washcloth, forsaking it for the box, all clumsy and eager to help in a selfish, distracted kind of way.

“You’re just jealous because no one came for you and you’re the odd one out.”

- Ooh, Yuusuke burned him good.

“… a pity their hotel had stocked white towels during a martial arts tournament.”

- I dunno. Little details. Nice of him to think of it in passing.

“Yuusuke took great pleasure in treating Kurama every bit as roughly as Keiko had treated him, though the other boy didn’t protest in agony to his satisfaction.”

- What goes around comes around! All hail. Damn, I wish I could nail what about this little trade-off of tough love is so very appealing to me. As Keiko goes, so goes her Yuusuke. Haha. But Kurama’s no fun… too stoic…

“Grabbing Kurama’s chin so he could check his work, Yuusuke absently licked his thumb and wiped at the smear of blood at the corner of the other boy’s mouth.”

- That is the single cutest moment ever. Oh my god, I’m framing it. Any way you take it, as mothering or repressed-sexual or just, well, Yuusuke because that was the easiest source of dampness available and that’s how he rolls… it’s just so touching and casual and CUTE.

“First of all, Yuusuke, I’d like you to know just how disturbing it is to see you displaying any sort of maternal tendencies. Second, I’d prefer it if you didn’t try to give me a second-hand kiss, especially with Keiko in the next room.”

- Oh love. Just love.

“And that attitude is exactly why you don’t have a mother or sister or girlfriend out here cheering you on.”

- Yuusuke: 2. Kurama: 1.

“Let him be the odd one out, then. He wouldn’t complain.”

- The phrasing. It reminds me of something and I don’t know what, but it makes it comforting and I like it.

“Strange, though, that Yuusuke had included Hiei as one of the people being cheered on.”

- Ooh, do a little dance. He’s on to you, man.

“He had very rarely experienced the feeling of being out of the loop, and it irked and disappointed him greatly.”

- Because somehow this is such perfect poetic justice for what they keep doing to Kuwabara. Kurama, the most ‘I shall collect everyone’s motivations and histories and know how to needle them mua-hahaha’ person ever, was out of the loop on Hiei, of all people - and now Yuusuke shall feel the Guilt, and Hiei shall feel the Wrath.

“Oh yeah! I completely forgot that you weren’t there for that one…”

- Oh, Yuusuke…

“He grabbed the antiseptic again, ready to look useful at a moment’s notice.”

- Love.

“Shame on him, he neglected to mention that as well.”

- And you fell right into my trap MUA-HAHAHAA. Burn, baby, burn.

“He grabbed what was left of Kurama’s collar to try and impress the seriousness of the situation on him.”

- Sn. Sn. Sn. One makes do with what one has. And if one is Yuusuke, physical assault is a key part of your argument.

“You’re evil.”

“You threw a washcloth in my face.”

- *sigh* Oh, that part - even before the rest of the conversation. Its own little thing. Yes. That is logic.

“This time.” Sn. Sn. Sn.

“I hope Hiei fills your death wish.”

- Because it’s such a very charming pseudo-threat.

Oh yes, all in all, LOVE. Kurama fun, Yuusuke fun, Kurama and Yuusuke in the same room fun, and Hiei-reference fun. You’ll be the death of me.
Liliana chapter 1 . 7/18/2007
lol. A nice behind the scenes. _ Good job.

Ja ne.

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