Reviews for Dreams of a Wounded Heart
Madcapy chapter 34 . 10/25/2018
why does she keep doing this ? after last time any fool would have said no. or let me talk to eric first. this is a bad way to create drama . Brenda should have never asked her to do this!any true friend wouldn't! she introduced them! her job is done! now she running away. AGAIN! this is soo frustrating, and what can eric do after he saves her dumb ass AGAIN! forbid her to see brenda? she'll rebel...AGAIN! this behaviour makes it hard to love and empathize with character. its like she doest love eric at all she comes across as egotistical and selfish (basically worse than christine) eric doesnt deserve this and would not realistically put up with it. now dont get me wrong i love this story. but the character by the nature of the plot and her past would have been so much more careful about what she did. she even puts susan( who she tried sooo hard to save...that is a logical a result of further in danger with her totally irrational, pathological need to rebel, only for the sake of rebellion. she reminds me of the worst parts of the character sakura haruno a character that was created only to die, by the author own admittance. she is behaving like a twelve year old child. the sory should have ended before she got her wedding moved up. it seemed to draw natually to a close. im sorry im harsh but eric could lose so much more than she can. its sad. i like your writing but please find another way to create drama or plot. this way make me wish to throttle your main and support female characters.
Child of Dreams chapter 24 . 9/26/2016
Belfast, not Bellast.
Child of Dreams chapter 1 . 9/26/2016
Expose him for what?
Guest chapter 41 . 6/29/2015
Wow...I finished the book...great job! It was nicely written and entertaining! Loved it!
Guest chapter 37 . 6/29/2015
I'm so sorry! Hope you feel better! Even tho it's 7 years later, but still!
Horseland123 chapter 25 . 6/23/2015
Okay usally, I get bored of stoeys after the OC fell in love with Erik and then I would stop reading and move on...this...I can't stop reading! I need to know what happens! This could be a show!
Horseland123 chapter 17 . 6/22/2015
I'm so confused
Horseland123 chapter 12 . 6/22/2015
Ya go Maddy!
NightRain2DaySnow chapter 1 . 7/25/2013
Wow I just love this story!
MademoiselleLovely chapter 7 . 11/12/2012
There is absolutely NO way that The Opera Ghost and your Erik are the same man. Erik is WAY too nice, but ya know what? I don't even care! I adore this story and YOUR Erik so much that I don't mind one bit if he's very OOC, he's great! :3 Oh, and Madeleine is wonderful, I definitely like her! :)
Fell4 chapter 41 . 11/20/2011
I really loved your story! It is really well writen and has so many wonderful plot twists! You really have an amazing way with words! I can't wait to read Within Temptation (I'm about to read it right now) and I'm sure I'll love it just as much as this rad story-if not more! :)

Keep Writing,

lapislazuliie chapter 41 . 11/1/2011
This was a very amazing and well written story. Keep on writing! :D
Areus Bookworm chapter 41 . 10/19/2010
It's over? Wow. it was so good it just flew by. I loved the ending, although I would have personally liked them to have more kids.
Areus Bookworm chapter 37 . 10/19/2010
By lost, do you mean had a fight and hate eachother, or died? Either way, I send my condolences. I know it sounds formal and cold, especially coming from a complete stranger, but I suck with wording things right.

I adore the story so far, so much so I'm staying up to the wee hours of the night to find out what happens next! Keep up the great work!

Hope this review brightens your day...except for the first part...
Areus Bookworm chapter 3 . 10/17/2010
All I've got to say is that I like it sso far. And I know what Madeleine is going through...well, I'm not in an arranged marriage, but my family does expect me to be 'a proper lady' and obedient and such.
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