Reviews for Just a Show
yuichichan17 chapter 9 . 10/5/2013
It has been years since I read any Gravitation fanfic and I know it has been years too since your last update. I just want to say that this fanfic is amazing and I truly loved it. It's kind of sad that you didn't finish writing this story.
Loveless19 chapter 9 . 6/9/2009
I can't wait for the next chapter 3
Kazuhiko Hikari chapter 9 . 4/8/2009
well i like to see that you didnt forget the fanfic

but the idea of the new chapter i dont like it

its seems unreal, eiri to have a ex

a ex that was "important" to him

it doesnt seems to fit

its obvious that he will x with her

and show it to shuichi

that he loves her, still loves her...etc blah blah

and with shuichi, it will be moreconvenient that he shows a lil more of admiration towards ryuuichi, like the manga, when ryuichi is near him shu act all fanboy, blushes, with star in his eyes etc

hope the new character doesnt appear, i just hate that oc, bimbo, marys
setsuko teshiba chapter 9 . 3/28/2009
plz updta soon!
secret25 chapter 9 . 1/9/2009
wah Ryuichi just had to ruin it. I can't believe it! wat about the next chappie? is it the dinner? how will they ast to the article? is yuki's ex(not one-night-stand) going to show up? how are things going to unfold?
Not Yet Knowing chapter 9 . 1/1/2009
I can't really say if I love this story, yet.

It has points I mull over and want to skip, and it has parts I want to reread over and over. The Suguru and Hiro pairing is an unexpected change I haven't really read about so far, but I think you may actually present it greatly. Continue. The little Ryuichi-shuichi-Yuki triangle is intrigueing me, my heart is starting to race just thinking about it.

Your doing a great job, keep it up.

chochowilliams chapter 9 . 11/4/2008
why tohma feels the need to butt in on something that is none of his business i will never know. some people just don't understand when they are not wanted.
XxTypoMasterxX chapter 9 . 11/3/2008
oh drama with Ryuichi getting in the picture!
Julian chapter 9 . 11/2/2008
Plz continue! Quick! It's like a soap opera, only this doesn't suck!
Mz.Yaoi Fan Girl chapter 9 . 11/2/2008
OMGosh that was so hiro and .Ryuichi why did you do that?Im sorry but tohma need to yuki's has another chapter I hope you up-date soon.
whiterose03 chapter 8 . 10/29/2008
Love it! Can't wait for the family dinner date
Stoic-Genius chapter 8 . 5/26/2008
Loved this chapter, it seems like everybody is 'screwing with' everybody in the sense that they have their own plans and/or are just pawns. Now even the Shindo's are getting into the game, its really funny. Enjoyed this chapter a lot, looking forward to the next one.
PaladinDragon chapter 8 . 5/14/2008
Ooh, this next chapter should be interesting! (Not that this one wasn't xD) I look forward to it! xD
Captara chapter 8 . 5/14/2008
It's okay I'm not good at those things either...

I feel weird when I

krugern chapter 8 . 5/12/2008
Liked how Maiko is trying to set up Hiro and Suguru. Shuichi was so cute. Laughed at how Yuki just wanted sex. Loved how Yuki wanted Shuichi to prove his love with sex and was willing to be nice to Shuichi's mom to get more. Can't wait to see Ryuichi making Yuki jealous. Love how sneeky Mika is. Update soon.
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