Reviews for End Of the Line
Bradley chapter 8 . 7/13
I've read all these chapters and they're all touching in their own ways. This is meant to be a funny fic and in some ways it is but mostly it's heart warming and I love it.
Lord Pegel chapter 8 . 6/28
Damn you, I cried. You made me sympathize with Peter Pettigrew of all people! Good gods you're good!
SilverShroud33 chapter 2 . 6/7
Okay you made me cry. Genuinely a first. Now I am gonna keep reading and cry more. Thank you - really this is beautiful.
haust22 chapter 8 . 6/4
You, sir or ma'am or eldritch being from beyond the abyss, deserve a gold star. And a cookie. I haven't cried this much since I watched the last episode of Your Lie in April, so many kudos to you. Honestly some of these characters I never thought I'd cry for, or feel any kind of sympathy for(looking at you Pettigrew) but you've shown quite clearly that even reviled and despicable characters have more to them than that. Some of it is catharsis, of letting go of monumental burdens that weigh us down. Some of it is redemption, the idea that no one is too far gone to save. But the overwhelming majority of it is nostalgia and coming *home*, one that you've been away from for far too long. The idea that no matter how long and perilous your journey, how terrified and alone you feel, there will always be someone waiting for you at the end of it to welcome you definitely resonates with me, and I dare say it resonates with a lot of people who read this. Though I definitely would have loved to read Albus Dumbledores' arrival and reunion with Ariana, and Harry's eventual reunion with his parents, this story is already simply wonderful(and tearjerking) as it is. Thank you for the journey
SandyDunes chapter 4 . 5/20
i can't read anymore. my heart hurts and it feels like its being ripped and healed at the same time. im crying so hard that i can't breathe properly.
this makes me so happy. they really deserve their happy endings. im so happy. thank you. it feels sort of like closure for their deaths even though i haven't finished reading your story.
i honestly have come to love them as their own persons.
thank you, just, thank you.
LastScorpion chapter 8 . 4/25
This is lovely!
ladyvaderDC chapter 8 . 4/17
This fic got me so emotional! I don't know anything about the discworld-world, but the characters were weaved into the HP world very well. A wonderful expansion to the Kings cross scene in DH, that touches on the core themes of the whole HP series- Unconditional and lasting love, redemption, forgiveness. I really enjoyed how each chapter also sign-posted to a future chapter. The glimpse of a Weasly in chapter 1, "mischieve managed" in chapter 2 linking to the maruaders, Tonks and Ted waiting for Adromeda, who features in chapter 4 and 5, the mauraders speaking of Peter, and the 4 founders bringing the whole series together. Thank you for this amazing piece of writing!
riverrat1 chapter 8 . 4/12
A very well written story, and so very different to anything I have read here.
Great job!
the-fabulous-Jai chapter 8 . 4/3
this made me ugly cry, thank you
Motherofthehorde chapter 8 . 3/16
Ooof..That was ...a hard read..
To easy to see self and family ..waiting..
Well written, funny too.
Thank you for writing.
Guest chapter 8 . 1/9
I thought this would result in tears of laughter but my tears were of another kind entirely :)
Caten chapter 8 . 1/1
This story was amazing. I started to tear up several times. I was not expecting this to be very interesting. I am very happy to have been proven wrong. It really feels like you captured the essence of both the HP characters and the Diskworld characters. Thank you for writing this.
Burned Cookie chapter 8 . 8/14/2019
This story made my eyes sweat, and anybody that claims otherwise should mind theor own buisness!
Scarlet Dewdrops chapter 8 . 8/9/2019
This was really good. I'm not ashamed to admit I cried. A couple times. :)
Guest chapter 8 . 7/30/2019
I read this expecting to finish the story then get on with my day. I made it to peter’s chapter and the moment I read peter’s Mothers reply I burst into tears. And I didn’t stop crying until the end. I hope that one day when I pass away there are people who love me enough and who I love enough to take a train with. I think there’s something beautiful in the knowledge that it doesn’t matter what happened when you lived and that only you can be accountable to yourself. That you have to be open to being loved and to love. Thank you for this story.
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