Reviews for Harry Potter and the Sword of Sethrael
Tantio chapter 5 . 8/2
I would probably be both scared and angry with my parents if they did this at that age, now I would raise en eyebrow en just walk away.
missgsmith51 chapter 20 . 7/30
"... [Harry] was pretty sure something was wrong. He watched his father look down at the child, and when he saw tears fill his eyes, he was sure it. They had gotten a dud." OMG! I about died laughing!

Ron: "Congratulations, Harry. Not to put a damper on your happiness or anything, but I've got a baby sister, too, and they're not all that great." He! He! He!
missgsmith51 chapter 18 . 7/29
Since Dumbledore knew Voldemort was trying to come back, I believe he was negligent in agreeing to be part of the Tournament. He was also foolish in not removing the penalty taking participants' lives and/or magic if they forfeit. I have always believed Dumbledore, in canon, wanted Harry to meet Voldy and die, in order to render Voldemort "killable."

Sirius grinned at him. "I've still got it, Remus."
"Yes, well, let's hope it's not contagious." ROTFLOL! I think Rita was just hustled!
Hufflepuff girl28 chapter 31 . 7/16
One of the best stories I have ever read
ThirdCabinBoy chapter 8 . 7/2
If the realm of the elves is top secret for the elves, why do you let Harry to just spit that secret out to someone that he just met? It baffles me because in the previous scene, you literary just reminded the readers that Remus and Sirius can't tell anyone about any of that stuff...
Rosetta chapter 1 . 6/1
I'm already into this story.
Fallwalker chapter 31 . 5/26
I wish there was an epilogue.
Dcgtlr chapter 1 . 5/7
This was like a child’s retarded rambling. Awful. No redeeming quality
tricorvus chapter 10 . 5/5
I LOVE IT. I was seeing Elf when I first saw Lucius in the movie. VERY Legolas.
This is a great story
rock on
tricorvus chapter 7 . 5/5
What is this a crossover with? It seems familiar, but I can't place it.
this is great, though
rock on
tricorvus chapter 2 . 5/5
oh my god I love it
rock on
WeisseHex chapter 2 . 3/27
I love this story already!
dnieft03 chapter 31 . 2/17
ending was definitely disappointing was there anything left what happened to the house elves. there's so many unanswered questions
rgjflood chapter 1 . 1/13
Whoa. I actually understood more of that then I thought I would. Good premise to get me interested. I always like a sense of things beyond the wizardly ordinary
AerynS chapter 31 . 1/11
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