Reviews for For Bitter or for Worse
ninn chapter 1 . 3/14/2019
Ellae chapter 39 . 10/16/2017
After I review once, I usually drop back in to leave lines on other chapters.

I like that you explained the thought process behind George accepting naming his child after Fred because honestly I have never understood repurposing names, it seems lazy and a bit like stealing something from the original while attributing/assuming something to the new.
Also, I'd feel weirded out calling two people by the same name. (Yes, I've tried coming up with a name that I like that's not attached to someone I know and it's a bit difficult. My kids may have the unfortunate fate of sharing the name of old, out-of-date royals or inanimate objects)
But the way you put it, I can see how giving the name of someone you love is a way to honor them every time you say the name. Just still a little odd to me personally haha I would've preferred a variation of either name.

Frederick as a boy was a nice twist.

Alicia's nightmare was innovative. You convey the (to us muggles) alien horror of an elf called a parent, while incorporating the relatable concerns of a Weasley wife who doesn't see her husband much while popping out countless boys (truly, a horror). Also, unlike the dream sequences usually written, I have very vivid, fully plot-designed dreams, so this was more familiar to me.

And, I enjoyed the reference to Labyrinth a while back (but not The Tight Leather Pants?).

Ellae chapter 40 . 10/16/2017
I'm sorry I didn't review before, because this was a truly magnificent story. I've never been interested in this pairing, or honestly any pairing without Hermione (pairings that are, by nature, often tumultuous) but this story of steady love, and recovery was beautiful.
In particular the dialogue was excellent, subtle and entertaining at turns; and the humor, especially Alicia's understated but consistently complementary partner-in-crime to George's newly darker humor, was truly a pleasure to read.

Although, I'm surprised Hermione isn't in this story more considering the beautifully developed rendering of Caper shows a novel approach to the unique house elf (other than Dobby; a disconcertingly humorous house elf is to me infinitely better than disconcertingly brave one-or an alcoholic one).

Blaise Zabini startled me to being so suave at 18. (I had a flashback to the boys I knew in high school... certainly not the types to rent a hotel honeymoon suite. Sigh, breeding is everything, I suppose. His delicately painted personality was a delight, as was the (unrelated) moment Ron treated Hermione like his mother and she calmly requested he bring HER cake. (I've never liked that pairing but with just two lines you've let their historic JKR characterization develop a little in a realistic way, along with Ron's determination to be depended on in the store.) Again I enjoyed this with Percy's personal journey (George's reluctance to see and forgive was well written, as was George's self-reflection that as a solo comedian he performs less and observes more) and Fleur's hilarious portrayal as well. Sometimes I disagree with George, Molly, or Alicia's actions but they are true to character. You've developed these main actors skillfully.

Some of your ethnic characterizations sound very British, just slightly veering into caricature (the cab driver called "Dreadlocks". It's not a serious issue, but I teach diversity training to teenage camp counselers and ask that you think about the difference between describing Ms Zabini as "a black woman" versus just "a woman". Enough description of her heritage is given that it's unnecessary.

I very much enjoy the thoughtful detail put into orbs (literally never considered), the joke items-a big part of why I enjoy Weasley Twins stories-and the hexes used in the fight with Bill haha.

I also heartily approve of the mischievous sexiness of this story throughout: the banter, the novel ideas, and the clear physical attraction between these young hormonal is a cherry on top.

Thanks for sharing.

Emcnary chapter 40 . 8/18/2016
Awwww, loved it! Love how you developed the relationship between Fleur and Alica, marrying into a large family like that would require a friend:). The only criticism I have is that while Percy and George seemed resolved by the end, I didn't feel like I knew exactly what was going on between Percy and Penelope. Great story, can't wait to read more!
Emcnary chapter 29 . 8/18/2016
Oh I just Love George:). And what a good big brother Bill is, you've done a nice job setting up that relationship from the get-go. I'll have you know that I'm ignoring laundry and clothes sorting to read, and I have 5 kids...that's a lot of laundry to ignore;).
Also, I love how you set up the "naughty" moments, well done. Makes me wish there were a few M rated scenes just for fun...
Emcnary chapter 28 . 8/18/2016
Uh oh, protectivness going to get George in trouble?
Emcnary chapter 25 . 8/18/2016
I think it's telling of George's state of mind that he's so protective over Alicia. Hopefully it doesn't get him in trouble;). I like George's comment to Percy "as long as it takes"...good advice. It seems like he's telling Percy not to give up, hope George continues with his own advice.
Emcnary chapter 24 . 8/18/2016
I love the tension and conflict w Percy and George. So true to character and story. I like how they are inching toward figuring it out, but there are still things left unsaid. And the snowmen ornaments of Fred's are perfect and priceless:). will Alicia take this present?
Emcnary chapter 19 . 8/17/2016
I love Molly's reaction in this chapter.
Emcnary chapter 11 . 8/17/2016
Oh no! How will georgie react? I'm hooked on this story now!
Emcnary chapter 7 . 8/17/2016
Love this story so far! I feel like you've done a great job keeping the characters in character. I think the tension between Percy and George is spot on.
NyssaFire chapter 40 . 7/15/2015
Beautiful story! I love Fluer in this, and Caper is awesome haha it's so cute that he's Fred's godfather and his friendship with George is great.
Arcoiris chapter 40 . 5/24/2015
I basically did nothing but read this story for the last three days. It's soooo good. I've never read a George story before but I really liked your Scorose stories so I thought I would take a peek. I cried and laughed and realized I hadn't really thought about how George adapted in life without friend. Even though I know JK writes George to end up with Angelina, I think your wife selection makes more sense. Sigh, it was so sweet!
Guest chapter 40 . 11/18/2014
I read through this story in one sitting, and I've not cried so much in one sitting either. I enjoyed that it was good mix of bittersweet moments, of new beginnings and continuations. I look forward to reading more of your stories. Thanks for the good time )
timefreak chapter 40 . 7/13/2014
I never read mushy stuff like this.

But this is incredibly tender.

Brilliant work.
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