Reviews for The Affair
I want to be a Bookcat chapter 1 . 7/17
Review for chapter 27:

So my string of thoughts continued so I’m writing another review.

In my last review I was like it’s good that Ginny left him while thinking about her well being. No one deserves to be treated like he treated her. How he behaved was unforgivable but also so well written because I think it reflected a lot what his father did to him and how he was harmed. That’s not an excuse for his actions at all but makes him really multidimensional and believable as a character.

But what came to my mind next was, it’s also good for Draco not to be with Ginny. I think there were several times when she was really self absorbed and cruel to him which is really unacceptable too. Also something I have to give Draco and Harry credit for is how they where so much more sure what they wanted (I know draco was bad at keeping her and treating her right, but there was a point where he was truly committed and at least in some twisted way more reliable and supportive than Ginny. )

I think the time when Ginny finally found her backbone and spoke up for her self against Draco was the time where she became so stable with her self that she could really be there for someone else.

And about the last sentences:
I wonder if I only interpreted it or it was meant to be an open ending. Could it be that she just cnat help herself and do it all again?
That she was so drawn in by draco dominating her because of Tom speakers volumes about how fucked up she is too.
So she might have found her self and is more down to earth and grown up but she is not a nice person. Another comment said she’s really manipulative and I think so too. She felt so alive doing something so twisted...

I don’t know, Maybe I’m imagining things
I want to be a Bookcat chapter 27 . 7/17
This story was so impressive.
I loved how you wrote about them growing up and learning and the imperfections of love.
I loved how important their meeting was even if it wasn’t meant to be forever. That things and memories can be important and touch someone so deeply even if it’s not meant for ever... it’s so real.
I loved that little theme through out the story that Fate brought her to him to show him love. How that worked out within all that chaos.
And I loved that she didn’t stay with him. Their relationship was as unhealthy and problematic as it was adventurous and like some sort of strange dream. What they had will forever stay with them... ist so wonderfully dramatic and real too, because no one leaves life unharmed. In some strange what it’s the beauty of life how we grow and learn an become through happiness and pain.

The only thing I didn’t like is that she went back to Harry for two reasons. First: it never felt right for me how she went to marry him so young and naive. It felt like she had no time to become herself before she wanted to become someone’s wife... which probably is why the whole affair happend
My second reason is that Ginny became such a strong woman. I thought it was sad she always had to be tied to some man. No matter it being Harry who really respected her, or draco who made her feel so much... in my happy ending they both were there to make her figure her self out but not meant to stay.

But overall I really want to tell you how well you wrote the whole story and that I think it’s incredible that you made the story so much more than simple romantic love story. That you dared to write characters that weren’t perfect and that you decided on a happy ending that was believable and really especially touching because it was bittersweet instead of just happily ever after.

On a side note: there is this character thing for stories that every character has a WANT that motivates him/her to experience what ends up being the story. But the character also has a NEED that he doesn’t know about. A happy ending is achieved when the characters need is fullfilled. Because of this your story truly has a happy ending :) and it’s probably why I can’t regret how everything went down
Guest chapter 25 . 10/17/2017
I am sorry has this story has disgusted me to no end. Yuck!
Guest chapter 23 . 10/17/2017
This story features incredibly pathetic Harry
Guest chapter 27 . 4/7/2017
I don't really know what to think about this ending! My OTP, since I finished reading Harry Potter, was Ginny and Draco, so the usual thing for me to say would be that I hated the ending, but I kinda don't. I personally don't like how you did Ginny, she's really manipulative and self absorbed. One second she's like "Draco and I are going to be toghetaa forevaa" and then she goes to her family and be "He doesn't deserve me, I'm never coming back to him" but when she sees him "oh my Draco, my love!" GIVE ME A BREAK. The thing I really love about this story is development of Draco. You did that wonderfully. I like that Ginny and Harry ended up together because I believe Ginny would somehow (with her poor possibilities to make good decisions) ruin her relationship with Draco. And Harry has more of a patience to deal with this kind of Ginny. Don't get me wrong I'm not defending Dracos actions of violence (those are unforgivable) but I believe that Ginny is at fault at many situations where Draco lost his temper. They simply weren't for each other (only in this fanfic! I believe they are soulmates in general! Lol). Oh and I love how Draco and Ginny are friends after all that has happened.
WeasleyIsMyKing540 chapter 27 . 1/20/2017
While I HATE that Ginny and Harry got back together, at least her and Draco can be friends.

Great story!
WeasleyIsMyKing540 chapter 9 . 1/19/2017
Second time reading it over and I love it soooooooo much!
kristinegene chapter 27 . 11/22/2016
This story was good! It has the right angst and drama. I like the ending though i prefer ginny not being with harry nor draco hahahaha
Guest chapter 1 . 7/14/2016
So I finished and the story and absolutely loved it. You provided the perfect ending for a very dramatic story that will be absolutely ridiculous if you ended it with a happy one. You combined it with such reality that you can see in evereyday life. I loved how the characters' personalities reflect us in a lot of of ways. Ginny and Draco are very complex characters that you can't help but feel sorry for them. Yes, Ginny made stupid decisions and also Draco, but weren't we all? The most important is that we learn from our mistakes. I initially thought this story was like those cliche rated m stories but you proved me wrong. Keep up the good writing1
1umosmaxima chapter 25 . 3/21/2016
Goose chapter 1 . 10/5/2014
Good job making Ginny an indecisive slut.
dyk3adellic chapter 1 . 7/9/2013
This was recced on tumblr, and I decided to take a chance. The title sounds familiar, so I am wondering if I read this before. It's old, so most likely I have. The beginning caught my attention, and I am looking forward to the other chapters.
JaneA0202 chapter 27 . 8/30/2012
I'm so very dissapointed :((( ...I have been reading this story for hours and what an horrible ending! There should be warning that there's no DG ending...If I wanted Harry/Ginny story, I wouldn't choose to read DG story...this story had really great potential, but those last chapters killed it. :(((((((
mugglehugger chapter 27 . 3/1/2012
This was a really wonderful story. I was sad they didn't get together in the end, and I know you've gotten some not-so-happy reviewers about that - but I did feel like the experience of the affair changed both of them for the better. I mean, Ginny got on the Harpies because of him. And he learned how to love and all that and settled things with his father. So in the end they made each other better people, and I think you did a really great job with that. You're very talented, and I can't wait to see what else you've written.
mugglehugger chapter 24 . 3/1/2012
I've been reading this all morning and now I have to stop to head off to class (ARGH), but I'll def finish it when I get back. I just wanted to tell you that it's really amazing so far :) Great job!
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