Reviews for All The Time in the World
Kumaproogey chapter 10 . 9/8/2007
I enjoyed this story. I liked the light ending after a jam-packed story (in a good way). I like your writing story & I liked this interpretation of getting Dean out of the deal. I also liked how you brought back the past characters, I always thought Dean & Haley would make a cute couple.
Arafel979 chapter 10 . 8/29/2007
Hey Sophie! Loved your story! I think I like the HurtDean stories best of all-sick, I know, but what can you do? Loved that Dean never gave up on Sammy, even with his dying breath!-too sad! Glad you brought him back right away. Loved seeing Andrea and Lucas again. Haley and Dean?-well, she did appreciate the Impala, didn't she, and she loved her family like there was no tomorrow! Looking forward to reading more of your writings. Thanks!
Ani-maniac494 chapter 10 . 8/28/2007
"Dean and Sam slowly eased themselves into some chairs. Haley and Andrea could help, but giggle to each other, watching the brothers’ faces as they grimaced."

Lol, that is a great picture.

The scene at the end with Lucas is priceless! I've read it so many times, lol.

"He had always envisioned Sam becoming a father before him and truth be told, he never thought he ever would. He thought of himself as too tainted by what he had seen to be a good father."

This line is so sad, but it fits Dean perfectly. He would never let himself imagine a future, and doesn't seem to think he deserves one.

I also loved how Lucas tells him...not saying it outright, but letting him figure it out for himself. And I can so imagine him limping out to meet Haley, but still as confident as ever.

This is an incredible fic, and I've enjoyed beta-ing it!

AWESOME work! :)

Ani-maniac494 chapter 9 . 8/28/2007
"“DEAN? DEAN! NO!” Sam screamed in torment, his eyes flashing a bright yellow-gold."

I love this moment for so many reasons. *grin* First it's such a wonderful echo of Dean's cry of "No!" in AHBL. And it also reminds me a little of Obi-Wan's cry after Qui-Gon is killing in Episode I, lol.

"He struggled to recall the last thing that had happened to him, but his brain was choosing to be uncooperative. He couldn’t blame it, he supposed, considering how much it hurt."

Lol, poor Sam. I loved this description!

"There was Dean, lying on the bed next to his, quiet, unmoving, and his eyes closed. Suddenly, some of Sam’s memories crashed back in a jumbled rush. The demon, Meg, Dean dying…"

Again, this is a wonderful echo of AHBL, only in this case it's Sam having to face that scene. Thankfully this time things turned out differently, though, lol.

"“I’ll see your sore and raise you worst-pain-I’ve-felt-ever-in-my-life. How’s that?” Dean joked."

*falls over laughing*

Incredible, incredible work! :)

Nana56 chapter 10 . 8/28/2007
Great story! Very good ending. All's well that ends well.

Thanks for sharing with us.
JoyofReading chapter 10 . 8/28/2007
Is there going to be a Dean/Haley sequel? I wouldn't mind if there was.

OK excellent story. Sam kicked ass and it was nice that he could save Dean for once.

I really did enjoy this story, thanks for writing.
RedDragen chapter 10 . 8/27/2007
I love it, I think this coming Season Dean sees a boy that looks like him.
Poaetpainter chapter 9 . 8/27/2007
Oh. Awesome fight.
Poaetpainter chapter 10 . 8/27/2007
LOL... Cute ending with Dean and Lucas.

I loved this fic, thanks for sharing it.

Congrats on it's completion.
ukfan101 chapter 10 . 8/27/2007
great story...thanks for sharing it with us.
Kumaproogey chapter 8 . 8/26/2007
I just want to let you know that I am really enjoying this story. The twist in Chapter 8 took me by surprise, but I like the direction it's headed. The characterization and relationship between Sam & Dean is portrayed very true to the show. Keep it up!
friendly chapter 8 . 8/25/2007
just had a chance to catch up with this story.. good job...
prolixmay chapter 8 . 8/23/2007
wow, am i at a loss of words? This fic is stupendous, I mean wow, the emotions from the get go, the way both the brothers felt about each other, the way Sammy felt for his big brother, or his Dean. He told Dean continuously that he's not worthless that he's worth more to Sammy than anything in the world, anything in the whole universe. How Dean had really wanted to hear that, should have heard that, how making him hear that gave him the strength to fight, fight against the demons both physical and inner.

And in the end how Dean told his heart out, how much Sammy had impacted his life, in ways unimaginable, how Sammy had touched Dean's life.

Amazing Fic so far, hope to see the next chapter!
Supercilious or lack there of chapter 8 . 8/23/2007
Man this is getting good. Can't wait for more, i really like the Sam fighting the darkness in him arce, why can't more people write about that? xP Seriously great story and update soon please.
Elisa chapter 8 . 8/21/2007
Oh my gosh! Yes, I'm enjoying this story! Are you trying to kill me with that cliff-hanger? Please update soon:)
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