Reviews for GREED: The Owner's Guide and Maintenance Manual
deideiblueeyez chapter 1 . 4/7/2014
This. Is. Genius. And hilarious without it being stupid (trust me). Awesome, lots of tongue-in-cheek and general poke-funnery of the character without being embarrassing to Greed or the reader. I love it xD Sexy bastard indeed.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/8/2013
Great Job! I love how much thought and work you put into this.
Mage of Hope chapter 1 . 2/8/2012
Hey, can u make a story about Greedling ,except it's similar to this story? You know, GREEDLING Owner guide nanual story thing? Please?
Silver Eternity chapter 1 . 8/24/2011
Um, this may seem like a very odd request and I do apologize in advance if I offend you, but would you mind terribly if I did a short story, probably a one-shot, based off this manual? Just- to be very, VERY clear, I mean 'based off of' to mean 'directly following'. As in, I would put a copy of this in the prologue chapter, probably in chunks with reactions thrown in during the character's reading of the manual, then continue on to the story. All that credit for the manual would come to you, of course, right at the beginning of the chapter in bold and italics in my author's note, but I read a XIGBAR manual that was followed with a story, the manual itself being read by the new owner of the unit and now that I've read your GREED and KISAME manuals the idea to do the same is itching at me. In fact, I'd rather like to do both, if you approve. However, since YOU wrote the manuals and all, I'd like your permission...and if you don't give it, I'll drop the idea, I promise. And please don't be offended- I don't want to steal your ideas, you see, you just inspired me greatly and I can't see a way to put the idea into action without taking your manual ideas directly. I mean, I had my own manual in the works...before my flash drive sh*t...but anyway, you got me interested again so-

May I use this manual and KISAME's manual to write a couple small stories/one-shots?
alldumbamericanrejects27 chapter 1 . 2/23/2011
oh yeah
MangaPirate chapter 1 . 2/20/2011
XD I need to get my own GREED!

Meh, I'm willing for GREED to turn my house into a Devil's Nest. Those chimeras are pretty damn cool.
Jefo chapter 1 . 12/28/2010
lol such a pain to take of, o well,i dont care, i want one! XD
Veran Shade chapter 1 . 7/16/2010
Nice! XD I really enjoyed that, hehe~ Great job! It beats any infomercial/general advertisement for sure, it makes me want to buy a GREED myself :D

Well done!
WanderLust NTechysky chapter 1 . 5/23/2010
Awww! I want a GREED! Hahaha, this is hilarious I especially like the Frequently Asked Questions, how did you write this? Hmmm...I don't care, all I want is my GREED!
Ceri Moriarty chapter 1 . 5/18/2010
Very amusing, as are all of these character guides! Make more? They're funny!
MazokuTenshi chapter 1 . 12/7/2008
ooh. I want one! LOL, this is awesome! XD (is there a Scar unit?) XP
Okami-Raen chapter 1 . 10/23/2008
loved it.


It was very entertaining!
BlueRyuu chapter 1 . 9/26/2008
i love The Owner's Guide and Maintenance Manuals XD oh so funny! normally i wouldnt review, but i just gotta put you on my favorite authors list o-o
Belenkof chapter 1 . 8/21/2008
This is great, and now...I want to buy one.

I love how you fit humour into this, in subtle, yet hilarious bits and pieces.
BAFFDWTWFMAfan chapter 1 . 9/15/2007
This is hilarious. I laughed and snickered the whole way through - now my cheeks are sore from my silly grin. Off to see what else you've written.
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