Reviews for Atobe's Opinion of Mary Sues
andysanime chapter 1 . 10/10/2012
*Bangs head on table* really Atobe? Ahh, you're right there can only be one person like you Atobe... one of you is enough XD.
geecee chapter 1 . 3/18/2011
Lulz. Believable. I loved it, very much! XD
Jinsei no Akki chapter 1 . 12/22/2010
This is funny!

I can imagine Atobe saying this and flicking his hair!


I find Mary Sue's annoying and haven't yet come across a Gary Stu before...

We all love Atobe sama _

Jinsei no Akki chapter 1 . 12/22/2010
This is funny!

I can imagine Atobe saying this and flicking his hair!


I find Mary Sue's annoying and haven't yet come across a Gary Stu before...

We all love Atobe sama _

violetkisses chapter 1 . 11/16/2010
hahaha, funny atobe.
Zennelia chapter 1 . 6/18/2009
Come on, Atobe. Where's your 'ore-sama no big i ni yoi na'?

However, damn it, you're so right, Atobe.

But I doubt Echizen will agree about your - er.. prowess or whatever. *smirks*
Terry-May chapter 1 . 4/1/2009
No, Atobe! You can't be a Mary Sue. [ He's more suited to be a Gar Stu. x3

You have proven a good point here. Perhaps we should vanquish the Mary Sues with this gun loaded with the Mary Sue Litmus Test. ]
builtonfandom chapter 1 . 2/20/2009
"There can only be one person so incredible, and that person is I, Atobe Keigo."

Atobe you have awed me by your amazing prowess!

awin-chan love this. I could actually hear Atobe say this! Atobe' s right. There can only be one so incredible! So all of you Mary Sues out there can die. I'm actually a fan of OC but the Mary Sues really should be burned!
loove it chapter 1 . 2/15/2009
so...basically Atobe thinks of himself as a Mary Sue? xD
Firey Chronicles chapter 1 . 6/16/2008
Narcissism 10% XD
kitoyisme chapter 1 . 6/8/2008
Ok... that was purely hilarious... not the kind of funny fics where it becomes super corny... it's geniunely funny! :D hehehe... :D

What made the fic so good is that we expected Atobe to be like the way you wrote it... but you made it into something different, something we didn't expect... :D hehehe... :D


-kitoyisme :D
Nasty Evil Dead Dog chapter 1 . 5/26/2008
Come to think of it, Atobe's somewhat of a Mary Sue... But still, Atobe's awesome XD
o.oooo.oooooo.oooo.oo.o chapter 1 . 4/22/2008
/But so many people feel the need to become like me, talented in almost every aspect, handsome, shockingly good-looking, the idol and often love interest of everyone around me.

So all they can do is create a character that is on par with me, someone who is talented, beautiful, and great - A Mary Sue./

/There can only be one person so incredible, and that person is I, Atobe Keigo./

You killed me with your awesomeness *ish ded*

Se-No NewS chapter 1 . 4/1/2008
You wrote one for Ore-sama too? I love you
reckless-rage chapter 1 . 3/29/2008're killing me with your fantastic stories. I'm serious. If these could be published, I bet it'll be snapped up in not time. With me among them, trying to get hold of one copy. XDD Atobe is...ROFL. He's awesome. :)
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