Reviews for She Will Be Loved
Guest chapter 20 . 8/31/2016
Guest chapter 20 . 5/30/2016
violetkpop2332 chapter 20 . 1/30/2016
HP SUCKS chapter 20 . 1/17/2016
You're not very nice Rejected Spork And Twilight is wwwwwwaaaaaaaaayyyyyy better than Harry Potter. At least not every character you fall in love with dies in Twilight. Harry Potter disappointed me with all the death that happened. Now you disappoint me, you suck
Jojo657 chapter 1 . 6/25/2012
i read dis story before and it's soo good
booksxforxlife chapter 20 . 9/30/2011
Dear 'The Rejected Spork',

I thought that this was a really good story. I was enjoying reading it very much. I was disappointed to read that you were discontinuing it. What upset me even more was your last comment. Twilight should not go and die, and Harry Potter is not better. If you think this, you should just stop writing and saying these things because it doesn't gain you any fans, just haters. I am now the latter. It made you seem like a rude, whiny, and very annoying fifth grader. I hope you enjoy your writing, but I will not be reading what you write anymore.


A True Hater
githarington chapter 20 . 11/11/2010
Vohnson chapter 20 . 8/5/2010
OMG! u cant stop now. i was getting really gooooooood. that is like punching 524 people at the time and saying"go to hell you little shit" really! please, continue. not just for me, but for the starving children of Africa! i want you to keep going and that is saying something.
Zany Bee chapter 20 . 3/16/2010
Oh HOW DARE YOU! Just when this story was getting good, you have to go and DISCONTINUE IT! You could've at least just continued the story to the end. SERIOUSLY! Good work on dissapointing a lot of people. not.
DuchessofSomar chapter 20 . 10/7/2009
OH MY GOD NO! YOU HAVE TO CONTINUE! i think im gonna cry! why?
Angels-Black-Roses chapter 20 . 7/9/2009
WHAT NO! U CAN'T LEAVE US HANGING! and in my opinion i think twilight is so much better...but dont get me wrong i like harry potter but i stopped reading it 2 years ago sometimes i read the stories just to catch up but i was never really that interested!
1twilighter4ever chapter 20 . 4/30/2009
lovely music chapter 20 . 4/14/2009
well if yah didn't like twilight in the first place why in hell's name did yah write this story. Don't say stupid bull like harry potter's better when twilight fan's are reading the story. If you just wanted it to die then why didn't you just take it down. why the hell didn't you just delete other than writing a twenty page story and letting people read it and be like I'm not writing this any more. twilight sucks. harry potter's better and being like fuck you people at the end. you could've put on the summary it had been discontinued. you should learn from what people say in reviews and maybe there will be less pissed off readers
freemanrage chapter 20 . 4/5/2009
just me 33333 chapter 20 . 3/22/2009
WELL THATS just GREAT. I loved ur ff. it was i have to say is why. why?
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