Reviews for Bound
Guest chapter 1 . 12/24/2018
great job!
Guest chapter 1 . 12/24/2018
i’ve read this fanfic at least 12 times and even though i know how it ends—i always leave with such visceral feelings. i’ve never felt this way abt a fanfic. like i’ve lied awake in the wee hours of the morning thinking abt this fic. i feel so much despair and pain for hermione even on an intellectual level there could be no possible way that what she feels for sociopath!draco is love.

and then i think back to all the boys i loved who took almost gleeful pleasure in hurting and taking from hermione experienced is a very teenage girl thing. to feel for what is actively destructive and irredeemable (like there is not a single thing likeable abt this draco and i absolutely love how malevolent he is to the bitter end of this story).

i find myself wanting you to continue this story but with an adult hermione who is secure in herself and her sexuality (and is finding sexual satisfaction contrary to what draco told her) facing off against an adult woman-eating—incubus!draco and truly coming out the victor. i might have to write the fic my damn self.

anyway, long story short. you are a terrific writer and i know this is an abandoned account but i truly do hope you are out there still writing because you are talented!
Koi chapter 6 . 1/8/2016
I need more! lol ;)
mshccs chapter 6 . 7/10/2014
Please, please, please continue the sequel... Anyway, just wanna know if both parties being in love is a requirement of undoing their bond... Cause that would mean that Draco has feelings for Mione too, right? But if only one individual is needed to fall in love then would Draco fall for Hermione during the next installment?...
please chapter 1 . 12/1/2013
Hi, you said you would hopefully continue this and I really hope you do even though it is now 2013. It has so much potential and a really great plot line and I would very much like to have a full-on ending.
OuiSexSi chapter 6 . 6/1/2013
Ahhh you said you would probably continue this but you haven't since 07, so I'm not sure if you will, but I REALLY hope you do. I've very recently, literally in the last two or so weeks, acquired a taste for darker fics, and this one completely hit the spot! Although I do still like happy endings, and this one was bittersweet, but anyway, I really loved it. If you do decide to ever write another installment of this fic, I will absolutely be sure to read it!
OneLongHour chapter 6 . 6/12/2012
This is an great story and is well worth continuing! I hope to read more of it :)
reader204 chapter 6 . 12/18/2011
These were pretty good.

I hope you can continue them into another sequel were draco falls in love with hermione...
Ms Shinra chapter 6 . 8/28/2010
i actually liked this.. Usually I don't like this pairing since well people do it wrong. They do it by making one or both characters out of character which makes it odd and just wrong.

You kept them in character and did it well. I applaud your work wishing i was motivated to do even half of what you can. Continue writing and i'll read :)

bleebloop chapter 5 . 7/15/2010
"I'm sure this isn't finished yet, because I don't feel like it is."


I really wish you'd take a brake from your final fantasy kick and indulge all your harry potter fans with some more dark fanfiction.

Nothing gets the blood boiling like a devious yet innocent Hermione and evily pratish Draco.

I like the gruesome story line and combination clash of personalities.

I don't know if you've ever read any veela fics, but i've come to the conclusion that i like the whole idea, but authors' go about writing it with too Fuffy goo. So much fluff that after i get sucked into the story line with high hopes, i begin to gag at the spewing lovey dovey crap that comes from draco's mouth. Draco turns into a mush and Hermione acts like a bitch then immediately wants to suck his balls while he proclaims his undying love. "Oh cara!" What the hell's up with this cara crap.

There isn't enough grit there for me.

Ya see, if Draco and Hermione were to get together with some magical bond, i believe your beg fics cover the initial reactions.

I think there'd be a little more pain and punishment than the author's usually write. Draco's mother and father wouldn't all of a sudden say "ah, since your now unavoidably bound to this girl that we previously thought was a nasty piece of frizzy crap, we love mudbloods now and want to fight for Dumbleshorts!"


There'd be something darker to it.

Draco would be more reluctant.

And i know he's supposed to have an unconditional love or somethingornothing cuz of the whole veela thing, but whose to say it can't have a darker tinge. Or a really really really darker tinge

And Draco would most definitely still be a possessively evil prat; just one that now owns a mudblood. And with his superpretty charm manipulation, he could use her knowledge of the Order for the greater good of the dark side.

There ya go.

Sure there can be love. But what about dark love?

Iz The BEssstt

So all in all, i like the whole Incubus thing. It was like a tweeker/crack addict to the veela bonding shit.

Right up my ally.

So, if you find it in the goodness (or randyness) of your heart, you think you could make a round two to their fuged up little game?

I wanna see Ronald weezly nearly choke on his dinner from a scandalously unbelievable scene between the two unlikely lovers and all her nasty secrets be revealed to the rest of the golden trio.


much love to your badness

Betzacosta chapter 6 . 6/17/2010
great story

is this the end?


i wan that he realise that she say i love you :D :D
casspia neko chapter 1 . 1/17/2010

JunkAlchemy chapter 6 . 3/5/2009
I feel so terrible that I have not given you feedback in every one of your stories, YES I read every one today, but I just want to say that Hermione and Draco together in such a way is utterly wonderful. I think I am addicted to your writing. I love the way it flows! I thank you for those decadent moments between that so many writers I have read before seem to forget. I started with FF and when I was done with them all I scrolled down to see the Potter fics. I don't even LIKE HP fanfiction and you have me begging for more. Thank you so very much for sharing these!
cdotfu chapter 6 . 3/2/2009
i don't think i've ever read a fanfic so richly written. it's so depraved, i love it! such a good read, i kind of like the story ending here, though i'd love if you wrote more hp. damn i loved this series.
Alexxis T. Swan chapter 6 . 1/1/2009
I can understand how Draco feels. 'It's good to be in power.'
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